Real Time Chat between players?

Tension brand Forums OFF TOPIC Real Time Chat between players?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Sean (@TheGilded) Sean (@TheGilded) 8 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #6397
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said

    Hello there, fellow members.

    I’ve already asked this question over at the Tension Experience subreddit( but also wanted to add voices from here as well, considering this is the main congregation of members.

    As the title suggests, I’m curious about the formation of some sort of platform (Discord, Slack, Google Hangouts) that could be used as a way for members to communicate in real time. If one doesn’t exist I wouldn’t mind setting up and maintaining one-I’ve got the time to do so. We could use it to discuss various events and help provide guidance to new members who may also need help on the puzzles.
    Any thoughts on this?

    Glory be.

  • #6398
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl

    I don’t know the purpose of using an outside site unless you are just hoping to chat without the OOA seeing. (They’ll find a way.) You can comment in the forums in “real time” about the same as slack. And Google I personally find impossible. I am not familiar with discord.

  • #6400

    I know that some people are using Slack. Hit up @mkarrett for an invite to that

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