PuppetGirl posted an update 8 months ago
Jennifer Thomas posted an update 7 years ago
If you want the best and high-quality Assignment Help then visit our online site and read about us and hire our Essay and Paper Writing Services
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Jennifer Thomas posted an update 7 years ago
You must be searching for the best Homework Helper who can guide you to complete your essay then visit our site & hire expert for Statistics Homework Help
Vox Chaotica posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago
I have received my copy of the book, and with it a torn message from someone named “Marie” – I assume that others have the rest of the message as the part in my possession is merely the end of it. Where should I upload a picture of this message, if at all?
On that note, the right corner of my book is bent – intentional, or mishandling on the…[Read more]
This is the thread that you’re looking for.
Lukas L posted an update 7 years, 12 months ago
https://youtu.be/b6AxTDrthl8 – “The Sound Of Silence”
Hello darkness, my old friend
I’ve come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silenceIn restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
‘Neath the h…[
Crystal posted an update 8 years ago
I’ll just leave this here…
Crystal posted an update 8 years ago
It’s up, y’all.
Sean (@TheGilded) posted an update 8 years ago
The WordPress transition probably means some good things, kiddos. The first splash-page was set up in Squarespace, which is great for getting something simple up real quick, but not great for something in depth. This new page is set up in WordPress. So they’re switching engines to something that’ll allow for more power. That’s good. Problem is,…[Read more]
It’s up.
It’s up-ish.
But with all the social media info and email sign up missing, which means it was a hastily applied splash page. So one of 2 things. There’s something brewing and going up very soon, or their web designer dun fuked up and they needed to throw a splash page back up in a hurry. Either way, chaaaaange. Feed us, daddies.…Ah man, I…[Read more]
I don’t think this is a real splash page, this is a WordPress plugin that redirects traffic from “under construction” or “hidden” sites to this one. This feels like something that’s going to be in use for a larger site, one that is going to grow and have things to hide. This feels like what’s going to allow them to upload sites like…[Read more]
@TheGilded You kidding? I’m already f5ing.
@angenoir Sounds gross when you phrase it that way.
“Coming Soon Page and Maintenance Mode by SeedProd. ”
This makes me want to do the humpty dance!
But it’s technically not Feb. 14 yet, right? For the PST time zone at least. I know I’ll be hitting that refresh button when the clock hits midnight 😀
No need, it’s live now.
PuppetGirl posted an update 8 years ago
Any news on Lust?
Lia posted an update 8 years ago
The Lust website is either completely gone or maybe undergoing a major face lift. Any WordPress-savvy friends know what that homepage means?
Bryan posted an update 8 years ago
Looks like the “29” post is no longer of this world. Did anybody catch when it was pulled?
It was last week I believe. @mkarrett and her eagle eye told me about it
Roger that — thanks @mike. And well-spotted, @mkarrett!
I’ll just go back to playing calendar math anyway, because… why not?
Thanks for the cred @mike!
Yes according to my chat log looks like I spotted it last Thursday Feb 2 evening time. Hopefully everything is alright?-
Bah humbug.
7 days?(7 daaaaays)
Well this is being hosted by OSDM who is not exactly well known for their transparency nor being truthful with us.
What do you mean, @mkarrett? They are wonderful and truthful and only have our best interests at heart herepleasegivemeawaivertosignwhatcouldgowrong
@bcbishop yes they’re perfect little angels. XD
Andrew Kasch posted an update 8 years ago
Bryan posted an update 8 years ago
Just a reminder: OSDM helped throw last year’s election. What else do they want to do?
Addison Born posted an update 8 years ago
Bryan posted an update 8 years ago
Chris posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
Looks like we all have a date for Valentine’s Day.
Izryn posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
From the Lust fb page: “29”
Is this January 29th? It 29 more days (like a countdown)? Or something else??
Hazel Cloud posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
Fear Inc just made my jaw drop.
Meghan posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
Happiest of birthdays to our twisted freak of a cult leader. We love you, DLB!
Addison Born posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
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just in case anyone missed this posting here too