
  • Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago

    Just today I’ve added many, many photos related to my time thus far with #thetensionexperience (instagram: kimberlyehz) Take a peek. I promise it is not BOScentric. (For those I’ve photo spammed, please forgive me!)

    • The irony is, The Tension Experience has forced me to step out of the shadows and become one with social media. Thanks?!

      • I feel like that’s a point we all have noticed since the first hood mirror event where they were like you depend on your phone too much but you should always have your phone on you for this. 😉 I don’t mind. I’m already obsessive with social media. Although to be honest I stopped using Periscope shortly after Tension started because some young whipper snappers at the post office told me that only old people use Periscope. They had some famous youtube show that I never heard of and skinny jeans and long weird hairdos so I figure that they knew what they were talking about and goodness knows I don’t want to be “old people”.

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