Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
“I” am the “right hand” of “Overseer.” “She” is/was “Addison Barrow” but is truly Sabrina Kern. “The BOS” along with “Sentinel” are/were “rebels.” I could go on and on. Point being: Quotation marks. I think this sums up a fair portion of the current state of affairs but am prepared for it to change 20 more times before next Thursday. Well played “Darren” and “Clint.” 😉
I wonder if she feels outed or respected now.
@jkomouse: I care for @masterlock (in whatever iteration she presents herself) same as if she were family. I love her like a sister or a daughter. Disrespect is never my intention. I believe that deep down she will always know this.
I really want to “rescue her” but I am not sure if she is evilhttp://thetensionexperience.com/members/masterlock/
You suggest @masterlock might be “evil.” Interesting.
I think so – She is the inflection point of the whole experience. If @mastrlock is evil it explains everything. She is the cult of personality around the OOA