
  • Chris424 posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago

    My question of the day.
    Where does pur path begin and where does it end ?
    If everyones on a different path to enlightment how do we know we are going about it the right way and not the wrong way ?

    Glory be

    • These are excellent questions and from my perspective I can only say, you must learn to be honest with yourself. When you are alone with your thoughts only you know the holes in your life, the shadowy corners you have trained yourself to avoid dwelling on. And so you must ask yourself what is it you really want? Are you willing to take the steps to becoming who you want to be? Vague, I know. But that’s where I’m at.

      • I wish to be enlighted and on the right path to it . And i will do whatever the ooa asks of me

        • Well that’s the kind of can do attitude we like to see around here! 😉

          • I just hope that one day soon i will be contacted and i want them to know that im very loyal and trustworty.
            Oh and congrats on getting invited to the event yesterday

      • Im just worryed that i did something wrong or that i am on the wrong path. Since i have not be contacted yet.

        • Do not be discouraged. Things will eventually fall into place for you. Just when you least expect it. The advice @monkeymuffin333 just gave you Is the most important of all as far as I can tell as well.
          Listen to your intuition.
          Listen to yourself and your inner thoughts. Reflection on the thoughts you would usually ignore and dismiss are to become paramount to your _path. Well.. they seem to be for me anyway.
          In Soviet Russia! Game plays you! hahaha.

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