
  • Cody posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    “Is the future certain?

    If so, we would be powerless in the present… mere spectators of life. Yet, only the present actually exists.

    If the future doesn’t exist, how can it be predicted let alone travelled to?

    What makes the future predictable is that we are predictable. If we do not change, why would anything change for us? How you think, feel, and act directly causes your life to be the way it is. This includes the larger world around you.

    The future is also drawn towards you by Your higher idea for yourself and the Great Idea for humanity and all beings everywhere. This idea is of our evolution towards fulfillment through unity. A Grand Universal Orchestra!

    Until we recognize the purpose of our life’s challenges, we resist change with all our might and seek comfort through predictability.

    The critical shift in your existence occurs when you recognize that there is a pattern to your challenges. It causes you to immediately realize that life is intentionally evolving you, that all of life has purpose, and that you are safe. Now, instead of hiding from your struggles, you actively seek to learn from them and grow.

    Eventually, you will get to the point where you no longer need struggle to learn and become so in tune with life’s currents of feeling that you could not possibly create negative circumstances for yourself. Thereafter, you will learn solely in states of inspiration and joy.” ~The Astrology Code.
    This suggested post has been dropping bombs on my FB news feed for a few weeks now. Good content.
    Ever read the Secret language series? Secret language of B-day’s , secret language of relationships etc.. all based on astrological data.

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