11/3 – Within the walls of the OOA – Overseer is broken?

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA 11/3 – Within the walls of the OOA – Overseer is broken?

This topic contains 35 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of TinNose TinNose 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #21512
    Profile photo of Sadako

    Going on video to get it out. Will transcribe later.

  • #21513
    Profile photo of Taylor

    I’m watching you!

  • #21514

    Hahaha! HYSJ crossover. Well, now we know what Saw Man sounds like.

    • #21515
      Profile photo of Taylor

      That’s so funny that The Saw Man called you, Julie!

  • #21517
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    So by my account, the OOA now has 3 of its 4 oracles…

  • #21518
    Profile photo of Taylor

    Here’s my summary of your video:

    Julie meets Samson and is brought into the compound. She enters a room with Addison and multiple handlers. Addison is in the center wearing the helmet. Julie approaches Addison and removed the helmet from her. Addison begins to talk to Julie and while doing so, resets multiple times. Julie continues to reassure Addison of her strength, but Samson orders the handlers to take Addison to processing. Julie is also removed to processing. As Julie is in the room, Samson grabs her and drags her to the side where the interviewer would go. Addison is seen in the center of the room. Julie and Samson talk, and as they are conversing someone else enters wearing a suit similar to Samson’s. He points at Samson and accuses him–“this is your fault, this is your fault, you did this!” This seems to be in regards to what has happened to Addison. He then approaches Julie and orders her to ask Addison who she is. “Who are you?” Julie asks. Then she looks at Julie and says “hi, I’m Sabrina Kern.” OSDM Man #2 is visibly upset by this answer and repeats “that’s the wrong answer!” As this conversation continued and Julie asks who Addison is, she drifted between Gatekeeper to Addison to Sabrina. This continued to frustrate OSDM Man #2. Then he wants to know at what point Addison broke and continued to ask Samson. He ends by saying that “Julie has been here three times. We processed her emotion and already processed her reactions. This is done.” Samson then gives her to the handlers and she is taken to Professor Applebee’s. The handlers tell her the overseer will be okay. They also tell her a van will pick her up and take her back. She returns to the van and went home.

    If I missed anything, please let me know, Julie!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Taylor Taylor.
    • #21543
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud
    • #21544
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      Had a similar experience tonight but definitely had “Addison” tell me that name twice… imdb’d it and BAM!

    • #21545
      Profile photo of Michelle


      I remember the last time I went through. I was given her first name. Our plant Brit said it but she wasn’t sure if that was her name or not. She didn’t say with confidence and actually said it under her breath and quickly. She was telling us how everyone at the OOA is a whack job and nutters. Even said Darren and Clint (the creators) are too. She had said something like “I think they actually believe this shit now like they’ve created a cult.” But, when speaking about Addison, she said how she took method acting too far. She’s wouldn’t respond to anything but Addison, GK2, or Overseer. She said how she wasn’t sure if even knew her real name. Thought it was Sabrina or something similar. But, she thought she (Sabrina) actually believed she was the Overseer.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Michelle Michelle.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Sean (@TheGilded) Sean (@TheGilded). Reason: Prepended spoiler tag
    • #21563
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      Is this the real life…. is this just fantasy?

      (My inner-self’s Tension theme song)

  • #21519

    And this is the primary reason I could not deny her when she asked me to stand with her.

  • #21521
    Profile photo of Amie

    @kasch when did we have another Ascension aside from the one I was there for last Saturday? I thought I was all caught up but I must have missed something.

    • #21522
      Profile photo of Sadako

      @amieexists @kasch – Still writing this up, but I have heard of no other successful Ascensions other than the one we witnessed. I even asked the group I was leaving the compound with and they said their Ascension failed. Still only 2 Oracles…

    • #21547
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      My bad.

  • #21523
    Profile photo of Sadako

    Also, as I was leaving processing, Samson made Overseer pass out by saying… “Warius Invictus”?

    • #21528

      @sadako: Could it have been:

      morior invictus: I die unvanquished… sometimes also translated as “death before defeat”

      (I looked up common Latin phrases to find this potential match)

    • #21530
      Profile photo of Bryan

      “Morior Invictus” is what I believe I heard, @electrichippo.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Bryan Bryan.
    • #21570
      Profile photo of Sadako

      @electrichippo – Yes. It was definitely “Morior Invictus”. I’ve heard it twice now.

  • #21529
    Profile photo of Bryan

    Thanks for the detailed account of your evening @sadako. I also went a 3rd time tonight, but there were a few differences worth adding to this new turn.

    After getting into the van at the top of the evening, I was promptly told to get out – and found Samson in his car behind me in the parking lot (creepy). On the drive to the Institute he sang two songs: “Nature Boy” and “Mona Lisa”. I believe the second one has particular meaning that I’ll explain below.

    The evening went as it has for others: I was brought to Addison, who had been “reset” with the helmet. She was confused; disoriented. Very much what @reaton recounted.

    She whispered into my ear that her real name was Sabrina. When we went to processing things got even more interesting.

    OSDM #2 (I’ll call him The Suit for convenience) asked Addison who I was, and then who she was. She vacillated between Addison, Gatekeeper 2, and Sabrina. The Suit got mad at Samson, and one of them said “We have the data. This thing is over.” It felt like they meant something bigger than my evening; it felt like they meant the show.

    The Suit then explained how Addison had done her job because I cared for her, and she had gotten me to come back 3 times.

    Combined with the “Mona Lisa” lyrics – a song about the alluring and mysterious smile that people have read so much into – I fear we may have been misdirected all along. I fear that “Addison Barrow” as we have known her doesn’t exist at all, and instead is a character created by the ODSM to entice us to join The Tension Experience.

    This potentially explains why the helmet “resets” her. It takes the real woman Sabrina, and puts the Addison personality in her place instead.

    I don’t want to believe this. I want one of you – all of you – to please tell me this doesn’t make sense.

    All I know is I looked into the eyes of a young woman that was being controlled by two monsters so they could control me. As The Suit forced me out of the room, I called out to Addison/Sabrina. I told her that we would come for her and rescue her.

    The last I saw of her was Samson invoking his key phrase (“Morior Invictus”, perhaps) as she fell to the floor.

    I can’t get the image out of my mind.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Bryan Bryan.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Bryan Bryan.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Bryan Bryan.
    • #21540
      Profile photo of Liv

      Woah, that’s uncanny. I was just discussing that exact theory with @darthzannah after going through for the second time tonight. After catching up on the forums and reading this…well I hate to say it, but it makes a whole lot of sense. Explains some of the glitches and confusion as well Tom being both her father and not her father.

    • #21556
      Profile photo of Bryan


      @summoningdark Thinking back over the evening’s events, it seems even more clear that Addison was always just a character. The question is when did things go off the rails, and when did Addison Barrow become a role that Sabrina Kern was playing for a show, and when did the helmet start doing its dirty work?

      It seems very clear from discussions that the various plants have had with people during the second round visits that actors come to this show thinking it’s just a regular gig — and then get subsumed into the larger “cult” of the organization itself. Did DLB and CS find themselves in the same situation? Was this just a job that went horribly awry?

      Judging from the conversation OSDM#2 and Samson had, it seems a primary objective here is the collection of data — of emotional responses — from participants. Who wants this data, and why have they created such an elaborate ruse to get it?

    • #21557


      The inclusion of the Sabrina persona to the growing list that Our Lady In Red already exhibits actually opens up a whole new set of questions. “This is not what we think it is”, we have been told that for 9 months now. What if the explanation is bigger picture than OOA or Anoch? The idea that The Powers That Be, whoever they are, control not only the characters that we’ve seen but also the actors that play them may suggest something more sinister than we’ve been led to believe.

      Consider for a moment that there is no OOA. No Anoch. No Oracles. No OSDM. All of this has been… something. An experiment, perhaps? Something to gauge our reactions, as a sort of test. They put together an event that is dressed up as a cult for our amusement so we go through again and again but the sacrifice, the stripping away of the senses, all of that is either bullshit or meant solely to gauge our reactions. Perhaps the important part to The Powers That Be is our reactions to the White Room questions which seem random. Or our responses to confusing stimuli. Or obedience, or rebelliousness or any number of other things.

      This would explain why Sentinel or attendants die every week in front of different people. Not because the character Sentinel dies but because The Powers That Be want to see multiple peoples’ reactions to these deaths and know that we’ll explain away the repetition with the guise of fiction.

      If Tension itself isn’t a story about a cult but rather an experiment on us, we as individuals may be more analyzed, exposed, and vulnerable than any of us thought.

    • #21560
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King


      @thegilded after going through an incredibly similar experience to @sadako last night, I was going to come here to say the same thing. When Samson and the other guy in the suit were talking to me at the end of the experience he mentioned that we did this to her. He also said something along the lines of how it failed. And when the second guy in the suit yelled at Samson, it was as if they sent Addison, Sabrina, Overseer in to infiltrate and gain knowledge but it got too out of hand and she started believing it. It was as if they wiped her memory last night and at one point she introduced herself as Sabrina Kern and immediately went into “is this an audition? What role am I up for?” I feel as if that is where everything started breaking. They offered her this role to infiltrate an organization, help gain followers and expose everyone involved including us and her last actual memory was walking into an audition with the two gentlemen who held her.

      It was an incredibly frightening experience to watch someone that I have known for so long, just break. Someone who has had our best interest in mind just now even know who she was or why she was there. Her eyes wanted me to save her, but I had no idea how to.

      The term that made her fall and collapse has me rethinking everything. I believe in what the OOA preaches but I fear it is all a lie.

    • #21561
      Profile photo of Bryan


      I tend to agree with you, @thegilded.

      OSDM#2 did not have any of the theatricality or panache that people like Simon, Samson, and Overseer have had. I referred to him as “The Suit” because that’s exactly what he seemed like. There was no mystery or aura about him at all. He was closer to an angry accountant or mid-level manager than a cult enforcer, and I have a hard time believing he is a member of any of the organizations (OOA/ODSM/CoA) we’ve come to recognize.

      And the amount of personal information that everyone who’s attended this show has given up (to say nothing of the Indoctrination exchanges I’ve read about) is frightening.

      And we did it willingly.

    • #21562
      Profile photo of Taylor


      I’m curious as to Samson’s role. If “The Suit” is an organizer beyond that of the game itself, then I wonder if Samson (or to be more clear, the actor ‘playing’ Samson) has a similar role. From the accounts of last night, it appears that Samson is clearly a character in the game. But what has my interest is the call that I received from a girl about a week ago. This call told me that Samson is not who he says he is, he is not apart of the OOA. To me, this means that there is more to Samson. I think that he is simply pretending to be the character of Samson but has the same role as The Suit. The argument that it’s his (Samson’s) fault seems to reinforce this. This is further supported by the fact that he knows the words to incapacitate Addison/Sabrina.

    • #21564
      Profile photo of Bryan


      That makes a ton of sense, @taysavestheday. Also worth noting that Samson (or the actor playing Samson) seems to be the only person in the show that is free to leave the walls of the compound at will at this point. Perhaps because he’s not really part of the show.

    • #21565
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch


      Interesting that others have now heard the Latin phrase I did when I was in the Red Room. After she woke up, she addressed me like it was the first time she’d seen me all night.

      I like your theory, @thegilded. And it’s one that seems more and more plausible.
      Remember we both wore “The Helmet of Clarity” and we weren’t affected the way Addison/Sabrina was… Maybe that’s because it’s a charade (like a Scientology e-meter or something) and our Overseer has undergone so much hypnotic suggestion that she believes it’s actually affecting her.

      I wonder if the Oracles who survived Ascension are real too…or if it was all smoke and mirrors.

    • #21571
      Profile photo of Sadako

      @bcbishop – Samson never sang to me nor played any music. I heard his phone go off consistently and he was very alert. I don’t know if that was because of my nervousness, but it made for a rather frighteningly quiet trip…

    • #21581
      Profile photo of Winston Smith
      Winston Smith

      *Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers**Event Spoilers*

      @sadako, was there anything in the back seat of Samson’s car? In our last visit, there was a leather messenger bag. I attempted to gain access to the bag, but was caught with my hand in the cookie jar. I know it had a bottle of pills, and some paperwork inside. It was too dark to read any of it, but I’m almost certain that this bag contained valuable information.

      Whatever is going on, Addison ( @masterlock ) is the key to everything. Once we understand why she’s so important to them, we can convert that knowledge into power of our own. I regret getting such a late start in all this. So much of this chaos, and destruction to innocent lives could have been avoided if we’d understood sooner that this wasn’t just some garden variety Hollywood Cult, catering to actors. Every time we peel one layer of this onion, there’s another one underneath. Nobody puts on that many layers of armor if they’re not afraid of something.

      If Addison is just another character played by Sabrina Kern, then Thomas Barrow is a character too. Has he been helmetted as well? What is the *true* purpose behind his desire to get her back? Is there some other organization battling with OSDM for control over Addison/Sabrina/Overseer? Does OSDM have an enemy? I think so.

      To that entity: Hi. What are you waiting for? Let’s do this.

      @samson, I hope you have a bugout bag packed, cuz this house is coming down. Do you think they’re going to protect you? Nah, man, that’s not how this story ends. When the heat starts to make your bosses uncomfortable, you too will be sacrificed for their “greater good”. Is that really all you are, a patsy waiting for a fall to take? Don’t be a tool, be the hand that wields it.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Winston Smith Winston Smith.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Sean (@TheGilded) Sean (@TheGilded). Reason: Prepended spoiler tag
    • #21779
      Profile photo of TinNose

      I was fortunate enough to witness your interaction with “Addison” in the white room. You did everything you could, man.

  • #21534
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    I will be going for my 3rd visit Saturday evening.

  • #21535
    Profile photo of Sadako

    I went down to the OOA for my 3rd processing today. Earlier in the day I’d received a call from the OOA saying “Julie, I don’t know why they’re doing this, but you chose this”. The gist of it is my time was originally 11:00pm and they needed to switch me to 9:00pm because she needed to speak with me.

    I got to the parking lot and all felt “normal”. But before the van got there, I noticed another car drive up. I looked over and was pretty sure I recognized Samson in the car. He drove to the other side of the lot, turned off his lights and waited there. The van arrives and they go through everyone. My name was not on the paperwork, so I was given a blank form. Odd thing is, when the security guy called our names to get in line, he called my name even though he didn’t have it. I got in the van and was hooded. The van starts to move and stops abruptly. I can hear the security guy saying “Are you sure? Copy that.”. He then jumps out, opens the door, grabs me and yells “Julie, get out! Stay here” and then the van drives off.

    For a second I didn’t know what to do, but then the car on the other side of the lot starts flashing it’s lights. I go over and Samson is there. He asks me if I know who he is. I answered yes. He told me to get in the car. At first I said a lot like “I saw your periscope earlier.” “Are you trying to divide us?” “What are you trying to tell us?”. It was obvious he wasn’t going to say anything. He just kept looking over at me. At one point he said “Let’s go back to the experience.” Also, I was probably visibly nervous. It was more of an actor tic than actual nerves. My body over-physicalized what I was thinking I should feel. I know Samson noticed because he asked “What’s wrong?”.

    So we arrive at the OOA and Samson tells me to get out. I comply and he opens the door. I immediately notice people in the reception, waiting room and even Ellis and his assistant in the changing room start facing the wall as Samson takes me through. We went through quite a bit until finally he stops and looks in a corner and tells me “You cam to see her, didn’t you? There she is.” At that point I saw who he was talking about. Addison had the red helmet on and was surrounded by at least 6 handler girls. I walk up to her and I could tell Addison was suffering, but I didn’t want to cross a line, so I looked at one of the handler girls and asked if I could take the hood off. She nodded yes, so I did. Addison looks at me and says “Hi, my name is Addison” and then starts breaking down in tears. She went to hug me and I embraced her knowing she was in pain and needed my consolation. I told her I still believed in her and had faith in her. I told her she was more powerful than he (Samson) is. And then finally I had to say “I don’t know if this helps, but… Carlos”. She pulled back and said “Hi, I’m Addison”. Finally, I heard Samson say “Take here to processing” twice. Once referring to Addison and once referring to me… I couldn’t tell when he left, but when the Handler girls grabbed me to go to processing, Samson was gone.

    I was taken to the Processing room and for a second I thought I was about to go through again as Simon came up to me and said “Oh, you’re back are you?” But then before I could say anything, he yells “All of you face the wall!”. That’s when I noticed Samson was in the room. He grabs me and takes me to the other side of the Processing room and I now see Addison is sitting in the “Interviewee” chair. Samson sits me in the “Interviewer” chair opposite Addison. I tried to smile at her… Make her feel at ease… Tell her I believed in her and had faith in her… but then…

    Someone else enters the room. I can only describe him as OSDM #2. He was dressed similar to Samson. At first from across the room I thought he might be Tom Barrow, but he was much younger. He looks at Samson and says “This is your fault!”. Then comes over to me and tells me to ask Addison who she is. I did and she responds “Hi, I’m Sabrina Kern.” Then he asks Addison how she knows me. She says something like “I’m here for an audition, right?”. Then I could tell OSDM #2 was angry. He banged his hand against the desk and grabbed Addison by the jaw. Then asked her again who she was. She said “Addison”. When she was asked how she knows me, she said “Didn’t I meet you at one of Mark’s parties?”. Fist slam from OSDM #2 again and another semblance of who are you, but this time the response was “Well, I just became a Gatekeeper a few days ago”. Slam again. “I am Overseer”. How does she know me. “Didn’t I meet you on set. You were crew or extra or something.”

    He then says to Samson something like “She’s been here 3 times (referring to me). We’ve measured her reactions. We’ve measured her emotions. She is done.” Then OSDM #2 comes up to my face, points in my face and says “This is your fault! You did this!”. He then says the same right back to Samson. He then points at Addison angrily and tells Samson “Find out when she broke”.

    I’m then grabbed by Samson who takes me to the other side of the room. I yell at Addison again “I still believe in you. We still have faith. We remain united!”. As he gives me to two Handler girls he looks back at Addison and says “Moriur Invictus”. Addison falls to the floor and I’m led out. The Handler girls take me to Professor Applebee’s classroom and sit me down. They look at me and say “The Overseer is fine. She’ll be ok.” I look between them and said things like “I believe in her. Please take care of her.”

    Finally one of them says “A van will be with you shortly”. Another Handler girl comes in, grabs me and takes me out to the van area where I’m sent back with the (I think 7:00pm) group. I was visibly shaken. I think some of the people in the van thought I was an actor. I did ask them if their Ascension was successful and they said the candidate died.

    That’s about it. From there I was taken back to the parking lot and returned home…

    • #21536
      Profile photo of Liv


      Ah, so that WAS you. I was in the front of the van and saw you get in, but wasn’t sure.

      Our Ascension did not work. I went through with @darthzannah for the second time and we were asked to choose the one most likely to Ascend. The problem was, we knew it wouldn’t work. We asked our question and the answers were…not good. We ended up asking everyone in the room and finally had to make a choice, but knew that he wasn’t going to Ascend. Making him say goodbye to his family and friends was difficult. If I had thought there was a chance he might become an Oracle, it would have been okay, but instead I knew I was sending him to his death. I understand why The Overseer can’t choose anymore, but I still am not clear on why the choice must be made at all. We asked about the new Oracle and she lit up and said that it was indeed a success, but we were not allowed to see her. We asked why Ascension was still going if an Oracle had been found and she said she must continue until they tell her to stop. That they must find more. We had to continue on at that point so I wasn’t able to ask how many more or who the “they” was in that scenario.

  • #21558
    Profile photo of Mouse

    Data collection of emotional responses seems kind of interesting.

    The whole Tension experience seems like a mini Stanford prison experiment. I know as an initiate attending the show I was amazed how quickly my behavior mirrored a submissive prisoner. My guess is that over time some of the actors actually get to enjoy their authoritarian roles and may even over time get to enjoy harassing the initiates and watching their reactions. For the producers, it might be actually kind of fun changing the roles of the actors like Addison giving and removing power to see their emotional response.

  • #21559
    Profile photo of Amie

    This would bring around the theory that Tom Barrow isn’t actually Addison’s father because they are both characters. I never thought I would type that. Makes me think back to them saying that we are the lie too.

    • #21572
      Profile photo of Lukas L
      Lukas L

      @amieexists That is exactly what I was just thinking. Tom kept calling her Addison, if he were her real father wouldnt he have called her Sabrina? Or at least said something about them changing her name? But that also brings up another question. If Tom is not her dad, why did the stuffed kitty make her snap? Could this item be kinda like a key word that was once used in monarch mind control? IE instead of having a word or phrase that would bring people into a trance, could the kitty have been a substitution???

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