A message from @Gatekeeper2… a warning ON 8/26/16

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA A message from @Gatekeeper2… a warning ON 8/26/16

This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Rusty Rusty 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #19015
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @gatekeeper2 has called me. There is a message for the community.

    This was a very short intense call… here is the best I can do to give you details…
    I answered my phone at 9:40 am… Gatekeeper2 started with a simple question. “Did you read my diary?”

    “Yes, of course,” I said.
    She responded by telling me that “this is all a diversion.”

    “Your diary? Your diary is just a diversion?” I asked.

    “All of it. It’s all just a fucking diversion. Don’t buy into this, you need to TELL EVERYONE do NOT buy into it.”

    “Okay, I will help spread the word,” I think, is what I replied.

    She responded again… “It’s just a diversion – Check the diary. Page 59 or or maybe it was 60. Don’t buy into it. Don’t buy into it.”

    And then she hung up.

    Looking at the diary, page 59-60 does contain the following.

    “As for the Haunt podcast, they use that as a gauge of public perception – how much the public knows about the OOA. Seems they understand nothing.
    A6 herself was put on the research team, assisting the Attendants who are “hunting” (strange word to use, I thought) for people in Hollywood to “take the fall” when it came time to “expose the creators.” Before A6 left me, she told me this, “The creators are not the creators, sister Attendant One.”
    So! It seems the OOA wants other to put their “Hollywood” cause to something in order that the actual “creators” may remain unknown?? Like pawns?? Fronts??”

    We were warned about the LA Times article long before it appeared. In all due respect to Mr. Bousman, we should all proceed with caution. The peak behind the curtain seems reassuring… almost like an invitation to a very cool party. I, for one, am looking forward to attending the festivities, still.
    But, we have been warned there is more to this article than we can see right now.

    Oh, dear Community of Friends… let us remain alert. Heed the words of our Gatekeeper2…

    Don’t buy into the diversion.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of Sean (@TheGilded) Sean (@TheGilded). Reason: Corrected date
  • #19017
    Profile photo of TinNose

    Are you certain that’s page 59/60? Are you counting torn pages or just the remaining pages? Curious.

    EDIT: I forget who, if anyone, at this point still has the diary in their possession, but I think it’s time to break out the blacklight and look for hidden messages on those pages!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Profile photo of TinNose TinNose.
    • #19020
      Profile photo of Nosnevets

      Don’t forget the color filters!

    • #19021
      Profile photo of Rusty

      That is page 60 based on the uploaded images of the diary. So, it does not account for missing pages, but it does seem to indicate the passage she wanted us to reflect upon after the appearance of the article from LA Times this morning.

    • #19034

      @reaton: I’ve read this journal so many times… I would agree the pages @rizzzoooooo labeled “page 59” and “page 60″* seem the most straight forward choice and fit the bill for the theme of @gatekeeper2‘s recent message. This theme of not getting distracted by “the front” (ie. these creators that have supposedly been recruited to serve as talking heads and really have no true power within the OOA) is one we’ve heard before. Gatekeeper2 has also expressed belief that her journal is a useless distraction, although I disagree with her on this point. I’ve found much context and food for thought in her journaled words. Regardless, what Gatekeeper2 seems to want us to pay attention to, as well as where I focus my primary attention, are the coming of The One and the corruption within the OOA.

      *Rizzo’s copy of the journal is found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B29RqQ-v20NCTnB5aXNZV3E1SG8

    • #19061
      Profile photo of Rusty

      For the record, I agree with you @electrichippo, I believe the journal has provided useful insight. (It seems that some are only now admitting they may have judged the actions of a young, misled woman too harshly not that long ago.)
      I believe @gatekeeper2 may feel the time has come to concentrate on what is about to happen. Perhaps the journal is just a road sign on our _path.

  • #19022

    There’s gotta be something to this whole thing… Addison is pushing her One narrative pretty hard, and if that’s enough to make Them release information about The Creators as an attempt to distract us, it is prudent for us to question why.

    The One was foretold, right? Is our attention needed for One’s Ascension? Why would whether we are focusing on the (supposedly false) Creators or One’s arrival matter? What does the OOA have to gain by these distractions?

    • #19027
      Profile photo of Rusty

      @thegilded I have wondered the same things. Keeping in mind that the OOA may have groomed Gatekeeper2, they do not control her, it seems. She has indicated The One’s arrival is of importance. Perhaps she is concerned the distractions will prevent something from occurring that is in the best interest of us all. (Or that we might not even be aware…)

  • #19025
    Profile photo of Amie

    Thank you for sharing @reaton, this isn’t the first time we’ve been warned about distractions.

  • #19026
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Remember the old mantra “This is not what you think it is.”

  • #19028
    Profile photo of

    I’m not sure I trust anyone now.

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