A message to my fellow Apostles of the Beginning

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA A message to my fellow Apostles of the Beginning

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of NojiriHorror NojiriHorror 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #5637
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Good morning fellow Apostles of the Beginning,

    Some of you may have seen on The Tension Experience FB page that I spread the Light at the Wisdom Tree last Sunday. As a result of my efforts I was rewarded a gift from the OOA yesterday. It was a very personal gift in the form of a mp3 with references that only I would get. My gift was intriguing, exciting and but sorta scary at the same time.

    So I want to relay a few things here:

    1.) Like some of you I too felt like the OOA wasn’t paying much attention to me when in fact, they are. So just when you think nothing is going to come of this, it will. Patience.

    2.) You may have to do a little extra work but in time your efforts will be rewarded in some way. Go above and beyond sharing FB posts/tweets/instagram. Go out where ever you live and spread the Light to others.

    3.) The OOA does in fact, see everything. Glory be the OOA.

    Glory be!

  • #5638
    Profile photo of

    This is encouraging! I had also started a small piece of art meant for the OOA and to hopefully spread the message but because I’ve been feeling discouraged I haven’t done anything with it. Now I feel compelled to follow through.

    • #5639
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Absolutely do it! Make art and the spread the Light!

  • #5646
    Profile photo of Mary Pavlovsky
    Mary Pavlovsky

    I am so glad to hear this. I was beginning to give up.

  • #5652
    Profile photo of NojiriHorror

    What about what they gave you was scary?!

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