
This topic contains 27 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Hazel Cloud Hazel Cloud 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #9322
    Profile photo of Amie

    So, sniffing around I came across this update from a former member, aka Seninel lover @electric_hippo. Her original update which I think most saw was “He is blackmailed into sitting this post…Now, he is forced to do their disgusting bidding…”

    When asked who “he” is in her update she didn’t reply until today.

    “He is Aleister, but he is also one of many in the same predicament.”

    I personally reached out to Aleister on Thursday before the Periscope and asked this…
    “Should we be worried about Addison or anyone else in the OOA for that matter? Are you happy with your place?” He never responded to me, though it’s not the first time he hasn’t responded to something.

    Is it possible clues that Aleister has given us are meant to help him or was that just him doing what he was told?

  • #9323
    Profile photo of

    I did try once to talk to Aleister about how he got involved in the OOA, but most conversations tend to get interrupted pretty quickly (or at convenient points). I also assume he has more important things to do/people to talk to.

    But he did say that he “went through Tension when it was called something else.”

  • #9326
    Profile photo of Lucus

    “went through Tension when it was called something else.”
    Oh wow thank you this is a great clue for me!
    He didnt happen to mention what it was called did he?
    Did he say anything else along the lines of his previous experience?
    What/how is the best way to try and get ahold of Aliester?

    • #10332
      Profile photo of Cody


  • #9328
    Profile photo of

    No, that was all he said to me.
    Why is it a great clue for you?

    • #10412
      Profile photo of Lucus

      @coryphella sorry for the late reply work has been busy. It’s a big clue because I’ve been trying to keep my personal previous ARG style experiences off these forums but the story seems to be more and more connected to a previous version of this in which I was secretly involved. I have been afraid of hijacking the storyline and getting banned. I fight my ego constantly with the Tension. But I have done this before and part of the reason I’m here is to see if there is replay value to these Enlightenment programs. It’s an important clue cause I believe Tension is a small part of a much bigger puzzle/game/experiment. Im not sure that the OOA even knows how big this is or how real it can be for. So if this experience has been known by other names and uses puzzles/riddles and mystery to lure people in then there must be others who have stories and clues. Maybe people who are living silent and lonely have experiences to share but don’t know that Tension exists. I have to ask, does anybody believe this is real? And if you believe this is just entertainment do you believe you can obtain real enlightenment through entertainment?

    • #10421
      Profile photo of Cody

      OH I most certainly DO. But you already knew that 😉

  • #9329
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    Aleister spoke to me earlier today and I asked him if there was truth to him being GK3? He told me, “That is untrue.”
    Take it for what it is, but I think GK3 is someone else and not Aleister.

  • #9330
    Profile photo of 111_error

    It seems safe to assume there are more people than Addison who didn’t want to be there, and can’t leave. The ‘kinder’ or more open ones, I am guessing, would be at the most risk. Aleister seems kind.

  • #9334

    I’m growing a bit concerned that, excluding the Gatekeepers, every OOA member we’ve spoken with has, at one point or another, expressed that they are not there of their own free will

  • #9335
    Profile photo of Mike

    Here’s the confusing part, did @thegilded just make Aleister’s life hell since it’s out in the public? I hope not, I like him.

    • #9338
      Profile photo of Daela

      An interesting question. If the OOA is exercising some sort of hold over their members, presumably they know it?

  • #9336

    People have hid back enough. We, as a community have the purpose of the forums confused. This is not a place for OOA discussion, this is a place for Tension discussion.

    With that in mind, I have no problem saying this publicly, to all of you.

    • #9340
      Profile photo of Daela

      Is this coming directly from the powers that be? Considering that I, and others, have been rebuked by Gatekeepers for what has been said on this forum. Is that not going to happen anymore?

    • #9341
      Profile photo of

      @daela brings up a good point which also speaks to bringing “everything” to the Tension forums.
      These forums specifically feel like they belong to and are monitored by the OOA (see: no participation from Sentinel or Kim, until recently)

    • #21835
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud


      How much of this still applies? If all, can you expound?

    • #21836

      This very much still applies. In these days, there was a heavy implication that if someone sided with the BoS, OOA, etc, if they attended an event or received information that they needed to hide it so that the other side couldn’t get it. People believed that, since the forums were ostensibly set up by the OOA, that people needed to hold back and censor themselves so that the OOA couldn’t get further information.

      This is categorically untrue. The purpose of the forums is to foster a community for all Tension members, regardless of faction status or allegiance. This is a tactically safe space, and things that happen to you, observations and interactions you have, and theories you hold should not be held back from the forums solely because of which side you are on.

      I’m not sure I did a great job at explaining this, did that make sense?

    • #21844
      Profile photo of Hazel Cloud
      Hazel Cloud

      Completely! As always. :)

      Thanks comrade!

  • #9346
    Profile photo of Amie

    Maybe they’ve gotten to a point where they want us to discuss whatever we are feeling about situations that are brought to our attention. I hope that is the case.

    Aleister has been quite kind and I like him too, I hope things don’t turn worse for him.

  • #9361
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Hello everyone,

    So I have had a lot of contact with Aleister fairly early on in the Experience and continue to do so. We have not always met eye-to-eye on things but overall I like Aleister and as of late I’ve heard (I don’t actually speak to Aleister, all of this is through online messaging) a hint that Aleister may be a little overworked and not necessarily at his own will. I’m only posting this out of two things:

    1.) At this point I’m a little concerned for Aleister.
    2.) There’s such a push for all information to go here on forum, I’m doing it.

    PLEASE keep this in mind that I don’t feel we have the full and complete picture.

    When we were chatting back and forth on 5/24 and he said have a good shift (I told him I was at work) and I said, you too he said:
    honestly, part of my post requires me being here 24 hours.

    When I asked 5/29 after the event “did I see you today”
    Aleister: you did not, I am kept away from everyone

    Again I want to stress that these are sound bites. But now you have them. I stress not to jump to conclusions but I’ll admit that these things alarm me since 24 hour shift is, well, terrible. And being kept away from everyone sounds terrible. HOWEVER, being kept away from everyone can be misinterpreted. Maybe Aleister kindly request to be kept alone, I in fact have a co-worker that prefers to be alone. So I caution all with the information here.

  • #9375
    Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
    Michael Rizzo

    I agree in that, I’m getting feelings that some who are part of the OOA may not quite be happy to be doing what they are doing…. But couldn’t they just leave? There must be something that kept them from leaving? Is there any chance the same could happen to us??

    • #9382
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      I, for one, would gladly volunteer to take the place of someone being held against their will. I am not being flippant. There is a pool of people here willing to fulfill roles in the organization if necessary that would negate the need to coerce people into service. The only stipulation being some degree of honesty must be maintained. I know that’s a tall order and obviously there are circumstances of which we are not privy to binding these individuals to the organization. Or perhaps it’s blood in, blood out. *shrug*

    • #10333
      Profile photo of Cody

      Do you believe that leaving is an option for yourself at this point @rizzzoooooo? Have not you tried this at one point already? How did that work out for you? Here you are… here we all are. It seems even if any of us leave we will be hoplessly lurking and unable to turn away regardless of our open consent or not. I know that no matter what happens, I will be hoplessly following this to see where it goes. I feel as much as I am here by will, I am trapped by curiosity whether I like it or not. hah

  • #9706
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Hey guys, did Aleister get in trouble for something? This is his latest Facebook post:
    “…i can say no more”

    Interesting enough how the sense that we seem to be talking about the most is the mouth – the speech – but everyone of the OOA members we know are getting silenced. Maybe it is our turn to speak hence III’s short and vague answers.

    • #9707
      Profile photo of Mike

      I don’t know :/ I liked him, so I hope he’s ok. I hope III isn’t just cleaning house at this point.

    • #9708
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      Bruuuuhhhh 3 is getting me really heated with all the homies getting just demolished… Maybe it was all the talk of aleister that we were doing and raised some red flags in the OOA?

    • #9712
      Profile photo of Amie

      I’m hoping it isn’t permanent. I liked Aleister!

  • #10346
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    I now find myself as concerned for Aleister as I am for Addison.

    Now here’s what REALLY terrifies me: Considering the OOA deals in the most personal of personal information with all its members, what in God’s name could someone be holding over their heads to coerce them?

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