Ascension 11/11 @8:00

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA Ascension 11/11 @8:00

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Max R. Max R. 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #22749
    Profile photo of Max R.
    Max R.

    I wanted to get this out there for anyone to compare their experiences.
    Spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers

    Hey everyone, I wanted to get my experience on the forums for posterity sake, I’m sure some of you have had a similar path but I figured if anyone missed anything it may have happened during my experience.
    I arrived at the parking lot and met up with about 11 other people who were going to the event and we stood and talked to each other for about 30 minutes and a black van pulled up and some guys got out and made us all sign waivers and get in the van with hoods put over our heads. We drove in the van and they would randomly stop and make one person get out until we were all out, at one point the driver got into some altercation and screamed out the window. When I got kicked out I was in front of this busted up old warehouse and I had to slam on the door, a red headed girl answered and asked me my name and asked if I had a silver hammer on me looking at my crotch she pulled me inside to an old reception area with an older lady (Mary-Lynn) who started flirting with me and made me finish filling out my paperwork while she straddled me then she pulled me into a back room and walked me into a bathroom told me to use the toilet and kissed me on neck, I came back out and they took me into another room filled with trash and a man took a picture of me, wrote down my safeword, told me that nothing is random and there are no coincidences here. He then smiled and told me that I would do well. I was then lead into a strange common room area with a lady making a puzzle, an old man complaining and reading a paper, his wife knitting on a couch, two (the one who let me in and Sadie) girls in white wandering aimlessly. In the corner there was a large pitcher of punch, a broken piano, funeral home books, a massive boar head on the wall, etc…I walked up to the old man and introduced myself and sat down next to his wife and had a strange chat with them, the girl who let me in then grabbed me away and shoved a note in my hand that said “you remind me of someone I once loved.” And just walked away, by the time I had a chance to question her I was asked to dance by the old knitting lady. I obviously obliged but first I asked her husband if “I could dance?” With his wife and he responded with an “I don’t know, can you?” So we danced for a few seconds and he suddenly grabbed me, told me “you shouldn’t touch things that don’t belong to you!” and handed me off to one of the girls and put a hood on my head again. I was taken into the room with the jump suits and I suddenly felt a face pressed up against mine through the hood, moving all around my face, and I heard whispered in my ear my a male voice “Maxwell, can you hear me?” And he pulled my hood off revealing the redhead staring deeply into my eyes as well as the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life. As he yelled instructions at me they stripped me of my clothes and made me put on a white jumpsuit. I was then lead into an all white room with with about 6 desks with older women all in white sitting behind them, i was sent to a very stern black woman who started grilling me asking how often I masturbate, if I like anal, other random personal questions and I kept glancing away and she freaked out on me and threatened to kick me out if I didn’t stare directly at her. While all of this was happening all of the other women were staring me down from their desks while all randomly and lightly hitting their tea cups and glasses on things making weird noises. She finally let me go and I was sent to a man named Simon who gave me possibly the most motivational speech I have ever been given about how the world is not going to do anything for me and I have to go out and live my life and he started talking about his friend dying in Iraq (it was Veterans Day) so that we can just sit around and waste our potential (seriously made me reconsider my life) it was all about wasted potential and that it is the one thing that is wrong with the world today, seriously touching. He did this all while making 12 people sit on a 4 person bench, I had a half naked man on my lap who also had another man on his lap during his entire diatribe. He then lead us through a hallway into a red room filled with sand where we were locked in had to reveal personal things about ourselves to the group of strangers to get the keys to get out before a timer finished, we barely made it out. We were all pushed into a room filled with clocks and a feeble old woman laying on a slab in the middle of the room, the redhead and Sadie showed up , made us all line up facing each other and we had to gaze deeply into a strangers eyes while we were lectured on our mortality and slowly everyone in the group started to disappear until it was just me and two other guys. We were told to lay down(symbolic death I realized later), the lights went out and a strobe began and the girls started caressing all of us describing a rebirth situation. We were all then told to get up and a man with a beard came in and told us that we were different than the others, we are special and our paths were our choice, he told us we can go back to our group or we can embrace the unknown, we all went for the unknown. He put hoods over our heads and took us into a small class room, fed us an apple, and made us watch a video about how everyone is our enemy and Anoch is the only one to be trusted we were tested later I believe we passed because he was ultimately pleased with our answers. We then had our hoods put back on and lead somewhere else and I felt an old woman take my hand and lead me away by myself, she took off my hood and handed me a phone asking me if I was ready to die and if there was a loved one I wanted to say goodbye to so I called my brother and left a message (I forgot he was in Mexico and it totally freaked him out), she then put my hood back on and led me to a room. The room had an alter set up, symbols for the 5 senses in the back, and two robed figures standing in the center of them room. We performed a ceremony where we had to have our eye sight taken by them putting drops of saline in our eyes and blind folding us, our identity taken by them putting a mask on us, The we were lead into a room and told to put our hands palm down on a table and when we did there was something slimy, wet, and chunky on the table(still blindfolded), then we had our sense of taste taken by drinking a strange fruit flavored drink, our sense of smell was taken by inhaling some sort on menthol. following that a booming voice the sudden information that “Here at The O.O.A. Institute we eat everything we do not take anything for granted, the tongue, the eyes, the ears, the nose, and the flesh.” We were then force fed a strange gelatinous cube(flesh) and were told that we can wipe our hands off because they didn’t want vomit(that was on the table with our hands on it) getting on any of their equipment. We then were stood up and we had our hands tied together and dipped in hot wax to symbolize our loss of touch and finally had ear muffs put on to symbolize the loss of hearing. I was then dragged off into another room and sat down, I waited for about two minutes when I heard a loud commotion and my hood and ear plugs were ripped off and a guy and two people in masks drug me out of the room screaming for me to hurry, he untied my hands I heard screaming coming from behind to stop frantically and I was then thrown into the back of a moving truck and taken away from the compound. I believe I was kidnapped/saved by BOS, The guy in the truck was going on about how we didn’t know what we had gotten involved in and that this shit is the real deal and that he had saved us, he was wrong. I recognized him as BOS and I started to panic and I kind of told him to go fuck himself (In hindsight after Sunday’s events I deeply regret my actions). The truck all the sudden stopped and the lights shut off and the guy pulled out a gun as the people outside started banging on the walls and ceiling, when the door opened there were people from the cult standing outside with baseball bats and they knocked the gun out of his hand and dragged him to a sand pit as we were all taken to him and put on our knees someone came up and put another hood on us as we heard the guy who “rescued” us getting his head smashed in with baseball bats, they took off our hoods and revealed the guy on the ground with his head destroyed (gruesome). We were all told to take a good look because one wrong move and we are next. We were then taken back to the warehouse and into a large ceremonial room with a huge red OOA sign behind a stage. On the stage were two of the participant girls sitting in chairs looking freaked out and tied to them with the girl “Addison” in a red dress running the show. They went through the ceremony for Ascension and began helping the girls to ascend but something went wrong and the redhead straight up stabbed Sadie through the chest with a scalpel and blood exploded everywhere as she ran around dying I noticed there was a police officer in one corner and a completely naked girl covered in blood on the other side, they then tried to continue the ceremony and they chlorophormed the two participant girls and slit their throats in front of us but I don’t know if what happened because as soon as that happened all of the actors got super serious and they all broke character and started freaking out for real. They started screaming at us to all get the fuck out and we were forced outside of the building walking past actors who were seriously losing their shit, there was this biker looking guy who was crying outside screaming at us to get out. A security guard outside made us all stand in front of an Ascension sign and he took a picture of our group as we heard a blood curdling scream come from the warehouse and he said ” This isn’t over” and walked away. The van came and that was it. One of the participants who were chosen for Ascension never came back out either. That’s everything I got down after my experience, I know there is so much I didn’t see and I realized that the classroom was used for other activities because we never had to find the heart in the room even though it was on the board. I immediately wanted to return to experience this again but I was too late to the game, I am so happy I was able to do it at least one time. I apologize for anything I may have left out but I sincerely hope the girl who had her throat slit is ok.

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