Email from OOA – Prove your worth and commitment?

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA Email from OOA – Prove your worth and commitment?

This topic contains 116 replies, has 38 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Nate Nate 8 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #4967

    I’ve come home from a week away to find the OOA registration department has reached out to me twice via email.

    The first letter acknowledged receipt of my questionnaire, while also encouraging me to participate in forum and to continue to recruit others towards The Light.

    The second correspondence makes a specific request: Provide OOA with “a real life story that can help us understand why you chose the following words to describe yourself.” Following is a list of words I checked off on the questionnaire. I’ve just completed my story and am about to submit. Hopefully it pleases the OOA.

    I suspect others (or all) have received these same emails?

  • #4970

    I only received one email, personally. The first half was very much like your first email, and the second half was asking for clarification on an answer I gave. Most people I’ve talked to got similar emails. I haven’t spoken with anyone else who got two emails, and definitely haven’t heard about anyone else being asked to “tell a story”.

    When were these two emails sent?

  • #4971
    Profile photo of

    I had only received one email that said something along the lines of, “we were going over your answers and the following popped out at us Michael, could you elaborate on your experience.” Which was for one of the questions where you had to write down any kind of “contact” you’ve had with other worldly entities. Got more in depth with my stories and that was it… I think this is really cool because it shows us that they’re actually reading our answers and not just browsing them.

  • #4974

    @thegilded Both emails arrived yesterday, April 7th. First email at about 2pm, second around 7pm.

    @rizzzoooooo Aha, that seems to shed light on these requests. Seems they pick out anything that speaks to them and deems further exploration. Of course 😀

  • #4976
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    They needed me to clarify on an answer about cannibalism and kitten play.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Susie J Susie J.
    • #4979

      Yeah I think I need you to clarify on cannibalism and kitten play.

    • #4982
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      The question about your last day on earth, I said I’d try to eat human flesh and play with kittens. They asked me if this was true. I wasn’t trying to be funny, I’m genuinely curious as to how human flesh would taste. And come on…. Who doesn’t want to play with kittens?

  • #4978
    Profile photo of

    Oh crap.

  • #4980
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    I only received one. I did a few things back at the beginning of the experience that angered them, so I am currently doing what I can to make amends to the Omega Council.

  • #4981

    @kasch – May I ask what it is that you did that angered them? So we don’t make the same mistakes?

  • #4983
    Profile photo of Diem

    The last thing any of us wants to do is anger them, we are all very invested at this point I think.
    My email quoted one of my answers and then said,
    “You understand this is NOT the world we live in? Are you prepared
    for the reality we are about to show you? Or, will you continue to see
    the world through rose-colored glasses?”
    I am prepared, ready, willing and waiting.

  • #4985
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    @electrichippo I have not received anything on my end.

    • #4986

      @dthezombie – Don’t worry, emails only just started going out. And I’m sure sifting through our questionnaires is a pretty time consuming thing.

  • #4987
    Profile photo of Erin

    I received an email with an invite. I may share more when they give me details and if I am not supposed to stay private.

    • #4989
      Profile photo of DtheZombie

      @erin How exciting! Keep us posted if the Institute allows it

    • #4995
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      @erin cool, hopefully more of us get that invite

  • #4988
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    @thegilded Oh I’m not worried, I have nothing but time haha

  • #5010
    Profile photo of Amie

    I have yet to receive any emails either but I am patient and know they will reach out when they feel it’s time. I love hearing all these experiences though!

  • #5030
    Profile photo of David

    I recieved an email from the OOA saying stuff like I was a high priority and will be rewarded as such…

  • #5031
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    @dsapir Congratulations! You’re doing something right obviously!

  • #5032
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    I just recieved my email from the OOA.

  • #5034
    Profile photo of Diem

    Congrats to those that have emails. Others, do not give up.

  • #5044
    Profile photo of Jason Davidson
    Jason Davidson

    My husband received communication from the OOA earlier this afternoon, and I was very excited for him. I will, of course, leave it to him to share more details with everyone.

    Meanwhile, I am hoping that my responses to the Questionnaire were appropriate and adequate, and that I will hear something soon as well…

    • #5048

      Welcome! Don’t worry too much, responses to peoples’ questionnaire have only been going out for a day or two, you’re sure to get a response in due time

  • #5046
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    @jasondavidson Don’t worry, as Sean said, it’s prolly time consuming to go through all of these so they’ll more than likely get back to you

  • #5055
    Profile photo of Amie

    Just as I finished catching up on this thread, I got an email from the OOA. The timing in that is something! They are reviewing my questionnaire currently but touched on some of what I wrote, and I think mixed an answer up but it’s obvious they are reading them. This may be the most personal an experience has been for me thus far, and I was quite open in my questionnaire answers. I will continue on my path to the Light and you all must as well!

  • #5062
    Profile photo of Diem

    @amieexists congrats! I think many will get responses if they took the time to fill out the questionnaire. I received a second email tonight, with a deadline attached (48 hours) asking me to write something. Anyone else get this?

    • #5063
      Profile photo of Amie

      Without giving anything away can you say if you are writing something that will only go to them?

    • #5064
      Profile photo of Diem

      Yes, it is only for them.

    • #5066

      The request for my real life story didn’t come with a deadline. OOA didn’t specify if I could or should share this story with others. At least for now it will remain for their “eyes” only.

  • #5092
    Profile photo of Mary Pavlovsky
    Mary Pavlovsky

    I received acknowledgement.

  • #5097
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Glory be! I got an acknowledgement from the OOA!

  • #5115
    Profile photo of Kevin D.
    Kevin D.

    I too received the email. Only one contact so far. But I will say it was intriguing — and a little personalized. This is more fun than puzzles. Not that I’m ungrateful, of course. It is just nice to be noticed. :)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Kevin D. Kevin D.. Reason: typo and to add a line
  • #5121
    Profile photo of Trevor

    I got the email this afternoon.. and the 48 hr deadline.. I think the response to mine was similar to the one to @dthezombie. I did, admittedly, have a good number of one word answers, though they did seem appropriate to the questions at the time..

  • #5122
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    @sabaki12 48hr deadline? It seems like ours were similar, but I didn’t get a deadline.

  • #5123
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    @diem @sabaki12 Either you guys are being given a special task or the rest of us just haven’t gotten a deadline yet

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of DtheZombie DtheZombie.
  • #5127
    Profile photo of Kevin D.
    Kevin D.

    @electrichippo Not as of yet… but there were some specific references to my answers.

  • #5128
    Profile photo of Bagel

    I recieved an email. 8hours ago, telling me to continue my registration.
    Some thing’s mentioned in my questionnaire.

    Hinting that the reason im here is the wrong reason.
    Oh well. We shall continue

    • #5154

      @bakedbagel Your motivation for being here is wrong?! That’s a very interesting reply to receive. Why do you think OOA would imply that to you?

  • #5283
    Profile photo of Bagel


    Possibly something with my questionnaire.

    Who knows to be honest. I just ride this wave and codebreak where i can

  • #5308
    Profile photo of Erin

    My letter asked me if I was willing to let them put me in 24hr solitary confinement. I asked for more details on it and haven’t received anything yet. Maybe they expected the proposal to spook me?

    • #5311

      @erin By chance did you state somewhere on your questionnaire that you have a fear of isolation or tight spaces or the dark? OOA seems to like to take use of our stated strengths or weaknesses. It’s what they’ve done with me.

    • #5317
      Profile photo of Erin

      @electrichippo no, the opposite actually.

  • #5309
    Profile photo of

    @erin – whoah. Sorry. That’s all I can say right now! Are you in LA?

  • #5310
    Profile photo of

    Well, after an eventful first two days for me involved in this last week (I just joined on the 6th and had a bunch of contact right away) I haven’t heard anything from them. I’m betting that the email I received on the 6th, the same day I registered and filled out the questionnaire, was my email. It was short, it didn’t ask any questions or for clarification or anything but had the same language “rest assured, you will be our highest priority and reward as such.”

    I’m working hard to be patient and to figure out my path…hopefully I’ll hear from them soon, and in the meantime am happy to hear so many other people making contact!

  • #5312
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    I have received absolutely nothing from OOA, Tension, anyone since signing up a while ago. I did the questionnaire on the 1st, I’ve called every number, given them my info.. and still no acknowledgement whatsoever.

    • #5313

      I’ve been around since the first consultations were going on and I’m in the same boat. Don’t worry, though. Directly being acknowledged by the OOA is a rare thing for all of us. We’re only on week 2 of the registration phase and are in between consultation phases, there will be plenty of time for direct contact.

      The clock must still be wound, and we have many more discoveries to uncover to wind it. Plenty to focus on while we await direct contact.

  • #5314
    Profile photo of Erin

    @coryphella, did you get a different note that mine would elicit sympathy? I think being asked if I want to be alone with my mind seems in line with the OOA.

    • #5329
      Profile photo of

      @erin – here is the full text of the email that I received:


      You must continue to let go of your past self as you are re-awoken in the Light. We are watching and pleased with you thus far. If you continue to recruit others, bring them out of the darkness and into our arms… rest assured, you will be our highest priority and reward as such.


      This was received about 2 hours (I think) after I’d completed the questionnaire. I’ve heard nothing from them since (some communication with L2D but that’s it).

      @patternlessmilk – Yes, see above – that was in the email I got on day 1.

      @electrichippo – Did you get more than one email? Sounds like yours is just like mine, perhaps.

    • #5350

      @coryphella Yes, I received 2 emails in close time proximity. The first sounds identical to what you received. The second email was a request for further clarification on some of my answers. More specifically, they asked me to write a real life story that espoused on some of the details I provided in my questionnaire.

  • #5318
    Profile photo of tangent

    Glory be! I have also received news that my application is being considered, and a request to further expound on one of my answers to one of the more personal questions. There were some interesting capitalisations in the email – I wonder if this is true for anyone else’s experience?

    The adrenaline borne of this acknowledgement has aided me to solve a couple of the older puzzles I was stuck on, so I feel a bit more in the loop! I’ve also chanced upon a couple of other things I’ll have to share with you all. Might be nothing, but everything is worth examining.

  • #5319
    Profile photo of Mike

    @tangent – awesome! Now, stop teasing and share! haha

  • #5321
    Profile photo of tangent

    @mike haha yeah, sorry. I’ll just share here for now because I’m lost in a labyrinth of tabs and paranoid theory. Did anyone ever investigate this from the source code of the homepage: It doesn’t open on my laptop (Mac), and maybe it’s nothing, but it caught my attention.

    I’ve emailed the OOA about a couple of other things that I felt needed to be run by them first. Aaaand a couple of other things I’ve just realised everyone has been talking about for days. Damn.

  • #5322
    Profile photo of CLR

    I’m curious– did anyone else’s email (pertaining to the O.O.A.’s receipt of the questionnaire) mention anything about continuing to let go of their past self? I’ve been unsure as to whether this was in reference to something I confided in them, or if everyone who received the email was told the same.

    • #5325

      @patternlessmilk My first email entitled “Received” did state this:

      “You must continue to let go of your past self as you are re-awoken in the Light. We are watching and pleased with you thus far…”

  • #5323
    Profile photo of tangent

    Though i-cal would obviously insinuate Mac compatibility…weird.

  • #5324
    Profile photo of Mike

    @tangent – people have found the “events” page, but nothing has been posted. The link you posted allows you to download the appointments to your calendar. So since there’s nothing there yet, there’s nothing to download :/

  • #5326
    Profile photo of tangent

    @patternlessmilk Yes, mine said something similar

  • #5327
    Profile photo of tangent

    @mike Ah I see, thank you for clarifying. I will let you know if I hear anything back from the OOA regarding other information.

  • #5328
    Profile photo of CLR

    @tangent @electrichippo ah okay. thank you both for clearing that up for me!

  • #5337
    Profile photo of Diem

    It seems that a lot of these emails were part form and part specific. Most say to let go and to recruit and we will achieve priority and rank. It is promising that they each had a personal question or statement as well, which means they are paying attention as they have stated. Again each of our journeys are linked yet on our own. Interesting, it makes us a community, but also serves to keep us separate.

  • #5344
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    Just to clarify, did everyone elses email begin with this?:

    Congratulations on completing the first part of the registration process. Your questionnaire is currently under review. At a glance however, we are appreciative of your honesty in the face of some very personal questions.

    While our encounters are just beginning, we are delighted to see the interest you have in our Organization. However, you must continue to let go of your past self as you are re-awaken in the Light. We are watching and pleased with you thus far. If you continue to recruit others, bring them out of the darkness and into our arms… rest assured, you will be our highest priority and rewarded as such

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of DtheZombie DtheZombie.
    • #5354
      Profile photo of Melissa

      So, I got that e-mail but with a little bit of extra flavor text. Basically OOA was asking me why I signed up.

    • #5355
      Profile photo of Trevor

      @mkarrett was it to the effect of why have you signed up without knowing who and what the OOA are?

    • #5391
      Profile photo of Amie

      Mine said that as well but between the first two paragraphs was a bit about some of what was in my questionnaire. They haven’t asked for any clarification or anything beyond that, but as I mentioned before I was pretty open so they may not need any yet? I wouldn’t mind sharing what they said in that other paragraph if I knew they were ok with it. I thought it was pretty awesome and I haven’t heard anyone else mention it yet, though that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been said. I’m unsure sometimes what we should be keeping to ourselves and what we can bring into the light while we are on our paths. @light2dark @gatekeeper5

  • #5348
    Profile photo of tangent

    Hi @dthezombie – yes, that’s what mine said too

  • #5349
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    Howdy @tangent! That’s what I figured, thank you. How are you doing on the puzzles btw?

  • #5351
    Profile photo of tangent

    @dthezombie Thanks, I’m doing okay I think (I hope). I began my _path on Saturday night (it’s now midnight on Monday, UK time) and after a couple of sleepless nights, there’s not *too* much I can’t follow anymore, though I’m not too quick at making certain connections yet and have definitely overlooked some things. I’m hoping these things will become easier with the winding of the clock…

  • #5352
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    @tangent If you need any pointers I’d be happy to help where possible, just pm me, but good to hear and glad to have you!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of DtheZombie DtheZombie.
  • #5356
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    @mkarrett same here, I think that part was preformatted and then they added personalizations to everyone’s under that

  • #5369
    Profile photo of Peter Morton
    Peter Morton

    I have received one e mail where I was told that “they are pleased with me” and that my questionnaire is under review. I am excited to see how this develops, enjoying the tension!!

  • #5416
    Profile photo of Rusty

    Very recently I received an email where they wanted to let me know they are present in my life and affecting certain things.
    (I would prefer not to go into specifics out of respect to the OOA.)

    I have not received any specific reference to my questionnaire or my answers, just a confirmation it was received and appreciated.

    • #5417

      Really? Were they specific in the things in your life they were affecting, or did they leave it more general? Are the things they are affecting something that an unknown entity could find out about you easily? When did you get this email?

      You’re the second person I’ve heard this from. This is a very interesting turn.

    • #5428
      Profile photo of Amie

      @reaton So I have to ask…how does this make you feel?

    • #5432
      Profile photo of Rusty

      @amieexists Oh, I am very, very… intrigued. It will be interesting to see how their presence becomes known.

    • #5435
      Profile photo of Amie

      If there is anything you are able to share, you know we’d love to hear it! I’m excited for you!

    • #5437
      Profile photo of Rusty

      @amieexists I appreciate the curiosity, but out of respect to the OOA, I feel it best to be discreet. As I said, they simply made it clear to me that they are… present in my life.

    • #5469
      Profile photo of Amie

      Oh, I completely understand that! I didn’t mean for you to feel that you needed to tell us anything, only that if something arises you feel comfortable sharing that we’d be excited to hear it. :)

  • #5418
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @thegilded They were not specific, but did make reference that it involves relationships in my life. As far as an unknown entity knowing something…. hard to apply because it is so vague. I got this yesterday. Can you say who the other person is who might have gotten something similar?

    • #5419

      Disregard the ending to my previous message. You’re the first

  • #5561
    Profile photo of Nicola

    Did everybody receive a confirmation upon completing the questionnaire? I did not, so i fear mine didn’t go through.

  • #5562
    Profile photo of Mike

    @theadicts77 – Most of us got a confirmation on the screen when we submitted. It basically said something along the lines of “This has been received”. The emails people are talking about came after and some people have not gotten that email yet.

  • #5594
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    I have received my registration confirmation. It took a while.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Neil King Neil King.
    • #5596
      Profile photo of GATEKEEPER5

      Neil, maybe now is the time of reveals.

      We are ready, are you?

      Come clean with the forum, and quicker to your ascension.

      Continue to live in denial, then prepare yourself for the darkness.

  • #5599
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    What would you like to me to reveal? I am ready to come clean with whatever truth you would like to know. I do not deny.

  • #5600
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    @gatekeeper5 If you are talking about the video that P.I. Robert Jones pressured me into – I have apologized countless times. I truly did not mean the words that he made me say. He told me to read off the paper and I did not see the paper until the camera was on. He was not a kind man and at that time I was still in the dark. Since then I have seen a brief glimpse of the light and am ready to prove my allegiance to The O.O.A. GLORY BE!

  • #5601
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    I would LOVE to receive confirmation that my questionnaire was received. Still in the dark…

  • #5603
    Profile photo of

    I also filled out the questionnaire twice…I received an email that suggested the first hadn’t been received, so I did it a second time just in case. I got an email after that one. I have to write a story tonight.

  • #5634
    Profile photo of

    Story written and sent last night. Proving that I should write more often while drinking. Probably far more interesting than anything academic I’ve ever written.

  • #6261
    Profile photo of Cody

    I have recieved 3 e-mails to date connected to my orrigioal regestration.
    one from tension with dead links. Only one directly from the OOA, was tge same as the ones displayed above. I also was directed to respond within 48hrs with a response to their question.
    No confirmation, No response, no call.

  • #6267
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl

    Sorry I’m catching up on the forum. I received an email on the 8th saying that most of my answers were 1 word answers and they wanted me to respond within 48 hours to the following question: WHY have you signed up for the OOA Institute when you have no idea who, and what we are?

    They asked me a very similar question last night at my experience before launching the other questions at me.

  • #6378
    Profile photo of creepsociety

    I did mine awhile back but so far nothing. i’m also a bit bland on the responses so maybe that’s why haha.

  • #6521
    Profile photo of trevler

    I missed my deadline when I got my email. It was a busy weekend for me, and I didn’t miss it by too much. But now it’s been almost a month, and I haven’t heard anything. I hope I haven’t missed my chance.

  • #13950
    Profile photo of Blondie

    Just received my first e-mail from the OOA, confirming they received my questionnaire and telling me that it’s up to me to become active for this to begin. I’ve read pretty much every post on here, gone through everything on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and solved a few puzzles. So now I’m ready… I think.

    The OOA signed off “We wish you the best of luck”… It has left me with an ominous feeling. Although being in the UK, I’m always going to be a bit removed from everything. But I pledge to do whatever I can to uncover my _path to enlightenment and help others on theirs.

    • #13951
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      I can guarantee you location won’t be an issue. The OOA seemingly have eyes and ears everywhere and they tend to move when you least expect it. Jump in and have fun. :)

    • #13952
      Profile photo of Blondie

      Thank you @mumumusings :-) I’m already finding it hard to tear myself away… Looking forward to any opportunity to prove my worth

    • #13953
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      Keep poking around the forums, learning what’s going on and participating in discussions and that opportunity will show up for you.

    • #14054

      @blondiecamps: Yummm, fresh blood. It’s lovely to have you join us. I truly hope you enjoy your stay :)

  • #14064
    Profile photo of Nate

    I, as Blondie, am very green to this world of acronyms and abbreviations(OOA, BoS, GK3, I mean, honestly). However, I’m still glad to be a part of this family. I am unsure as to who I trust presently, because I’m not convinced that all involved desire Light, but I’ll feel it out as I go. Thank you all for your attention!


  • #14065
    Profile photo of

    I havent received one yet, very interesting.

  • #14067
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    @blondiecamps where did you find the puzzles? I like you, am also new here

    • #14077
      Profile photo of Blondie

      @aleocotillo Pretty much *everything* is a puzzle, every photo/video/piece of communication has a handful of random clues beyond the obvious. However, I have found 3 puzzles on this website. The first is on the main page once you’ve clicked on the letter to open in a new window. Left behind on the main page is a puzzle. I just fiddled about with that until I assume I solved it because it took me to a second puzzle and that took me to a third. Hope that helps!

    • #14081
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      I see, so we don’t necessarily have to submit any answers to the puzzles at this point in order for something to happen but for our own enlightenment?

    • #14082

      Correct. Puzzles and such ABSOLUTELY lend context to what it is that we’re all seeing and solving them helps solve the ultimate question of what all of this is, but it is not required in order for the OOA to notice you.

      Just talking on here, theorizing, giving your reaction, anything at all on the forums is normally enough to get noticed. Be aware that it’s not a trade, though. Sometimes attention may take a long time to come, you aren’t trading posts for attention. You’re supporting and partaking in a community in which community members sometimes get special events or interactions.

    • #14083
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Thank you, that makes complete sense

  • #14084
    Profile photo of Amie

    I just want to touch on this, I think Sean is absolutely right that you don’t need to submit answers for puzzles but I did have an interaction with @light2dark a while back about them noting our progress.

    “Re: Progress

    Good evening! I’m curious as you watch us on our Path, does the Institute know when we’ve figured something out such as a puzzle or would they need for us to post in a forum if we’ve completed something? For example the password protected page that we’ve gained access to, or other puzzles.”

    This was @light2dark‘s response to me

    “Bring it to the forum. Place it in the Light.
    Individuals who seek, those who uncover, those who spread the word. -%light2dark”

    So I don’t think it hurts to throw it out there in the forums somewhere, it’s probably just another way to let them know are you being active. :)

    • #14085
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Thanks, @amieexists! Is there a section on this forum where they can be discussed?

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of AH-lay AH-lay.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of AH-lay AH-lay.
    • #14100
      Profile photo of Amie

      @aleocotillo Sorry that took so long, we had a gas leak at work and things got crazy for a while…I know there are some threads about the puzzles and I’m sorry because I haven’t looked anything up to link it like a helpful Apostle would. I can try to do that later, but I think those would be good places to post about it. The forum has grown so much since it started and things can certainly get buried pretty easily! I will try to find that later when I have some time!

    • #14101
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      No problem! I hope everything is ok! I’ll do some digging myself also later today,


  • #14090
    Profile photo of Nate

    It seems that regardless, the forums are the key to ascension and anointing. I saw a thread about the power of our united voice, and I think that’s really what it is. Not mystical, not otherworldly, this just happens to be the place where most everything happens in the community.

  • #14657
    Profile photo of Ezi

    I got an email from the OOA!!!

    It was from an attendant asking when I filled my questionaire as my file was asked to be pulled and they couldn’t find it.

    I let him know the approximate date I could figure out. Hopefully he’ll find it?

    • #14659
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Nice! Hopefully they will!

    • #14672
      Profile photo of Nate

      The ever-organized OOA, everyone! Lol.

      It happens to the best of us.

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