Finally did that one thing

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA Finally did that one thing

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Ezi Ezi 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #9541
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said

    So, after managing to get a new phone, I called up the number on the front page. I don’t really recall all the questions I got but here’s what I remember:
    My first answer was ‘sense of Agency’, I believe. The response didn’t sound all that nice when I chose it.
    The next question had something to do with morality so I went with the third option ‘morality is subjective’. At that point, I was given the web address “” which took me to the April Newsletter(a fun read and I did learn something out of it).
    The last question I recall vividly because it was strange: “what do you believe is Earth’s most precious animal?”
    I kinda was stunned so when I left the voicemail answer, I randomly chose a panda because they’re endangered and cute.

    So i’m kinda just curious-and incredibly excited- what happens next. Am I getting some sort of confirmation call?

  • #9545
    Profile photo of Ezi

    This is still on my to do list! Making phone calls is a bit of a phobia for me, so still working up the courage, but curious enough to hopefully try it someday soon!

    • #9546
      Profile photo of Mustafa Said
      Mustafa Said

      I recommend doing it as soon as you can. Personally, if anything it’ll let the OOA have your number which I believe they’ll use to potentially contact you for certain things.

  • #9548
    Profile photo of Ezi

    I’ll make it my challenge for tomorrow then! Have the day off and also need to make some other difficult calls, so hopefully making one will make the others easier.

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