I'm returning

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Joe Joe 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #11424
    Profile photo of Joe

    I was active on the forums for a week or two and stopped. I recently got a phone call from a very nice young woman reminding me to be active if I want the experience to continue. She said she’d be waiting for me on the forums, so this is an introduction of myself to everyone here and also me looking for her. I’m from Detroit and wish to seek enlightenment, since I always strive to be the best. The OOA seems like the perfect organization to help me closer to your goal.

  • #11432

    @theoxandmoon Welcome back Joe :) Did the woman who called give you her name? What did she sound like? Any additional detail you can remember is appreciated.

  • #11434
    Profile photo of Joe

    She sounded very young and pretty, haha. I can’t recall if she gave me her name. When she called, I was in the car with my friend and had the phone on speaker. We treated it as a joke before I realized who was calling! She was insistent that I become active on the forums, and hung up rather abruptly when I said I would. That’s unfortunately all I can tell you, as I don’t remember anything else.

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