Jason Davidson

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Rusty Rusty 8 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #5425

    The OOA has deemed you worthy to use your voice, but I’m afraid we’ve never had the pleasure. I’d ask you to come forward. Introduce yourself to your fellow initiates, so that we all might understand why you had such an honor

  • #5426
    Profile photo of Mike

    First Jason and then @kasch !

  • #5427
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    I agree, if you’re here Jason, we’d love to hear from you.

    @mike What do you mean?

  • #5429
    Profile photo of Mike

    @dthezombie – his video/audio got posted after Jason’s.

  • #5430
    Profile photo of Melissa

    The lady in the photo with audio, is that in fact Jenna?

  • #5434
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    yes, step towards the light Jason!

  • #5436
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    @mike My bad, I hadn’t seen the vids at that point

  • #5438
    Profile photo of Jason Davidson
    Jason Davidson

    Good evening. I must admit, I was a bit bewildered when I saw the thread title. In short, here’s what happened: I had not received confirmation of my questionnaire being received. My husband had and so I wondered what was going on. I was able to reach Addison yesterday afternoon and she suggested that I fill out a new one, which I did. A few hours later I received an email from the OOA saying that my application had gone to the Council due to my response to “name the first thing that comes to mind.” Not sure if I should share what that was, but, nonetheless, they asked that I explain my answer, which I did. (What I will say is that my response was raw and uncensored, it was 2:30 in the morning and I was doing my very best to be candid.) I then left a voicemail for the Council as follow-up, in an effort to be as thorough as possible.

    I am extraordinarily honored that my message has been posted. My speaking voice is of significant personal and professional importance to me, and, thus, this feels like a bit of a sign. If only I could figure out a sign for what. My response was not meant to be flippant or disrespectful, and my hope is to clearly communicate that to the Council…

  • #5712
    Profile photo of Rusty

    @jasondavidson Out of curiosity, did you receive any more follow up or any specific further instructions – or did they seem satisfied with your explanation?

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