Michael Fontaine email May 4

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA Michael Fontaine email May 4

This topic contains 17 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of creepsociety creepsociety 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #6479
    Profile photo of Sean Decker
    Sean Decker

    Thoughts on this latest email from Addison (and linked video?)


    Lost? Confused? Unsure of how to find your path within The Experience? Worry not, allow this email to guide you and lead you to the road in which you seek.

    Like many of You, Michael Fontaine was observed long before the current iteration of OOA that You know and understand Us to be. His choices within the Experience were noted amongst the Council and subsequent consultations with the Oracles determined that he would be Tasked.

    The First Scribe in the Archive of Knowledge has answered with a predestined conviction that has ruptured amongst the Oracles. They now writhe in Glory. (Writer’s note: an embedded link to the below linked video was placed here in the email).

    Thus his words are anointed and True.

    Use this correspondence to decipher how to get the most out of your time here.

    Glory Be.

    Attendant One


    Here’ the video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbggRNYj7AI

  • #6482
    Profile photo of

    Congrats to Mike, he was one of the first to talk to me here and I think I happy for his new path. LOL.

    I got the email but the youtube icon thing just takes me to “the tension experience” video webpage where there is just the 1 video. Where is the autopsy thing you put in from?

  • #6484
    Profile photo of Sean Decker
    Sean Decker

    There is an underlined period which is hyperlinked to the medical video at the end of the sentence which reads, “They now writhe in Glory.”

  • #6486
    Profile photo of

    oh WOW! I feel like a dummy now. Thank you. That is creepy as all get out.

  • #6487
    Profile photo of Sean Decker
    Sean Decker

    It’s weird, right?

  • #6488
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    More to this video and a theory I hope may be true. In this video we have the same initials being used as our own Apostle, @dsapir
    I hope that this video is a message to him that he will be utilized by the OOA in our “hearing” the Light, and be able to help continue to spread the word. He might not be able to attend the events, so maybe he will be asked to assist with other Apostles _paths by audio messages. Just my thoughts….

  • #6490
    Profile photo of Mike

    @sdeckerjerryleigh-com – On Saturday, we were both on the corner at the same time. I started freaking out because they said to show up alone and I didn’t want them to see us together thinking something was up. So I was trying to be sneaky and hang out and look away from you. Nothing personal. I wanted to say what’s up but didn’t want either of our experiences to be ruined, just in case.

  • #6496
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    Ok, I jumped the gun, but wasn’t I so gloriously happy for one of Brothers in Light. Hahaha sorry, initials don’t match.

    P.S. @dsapir should be given consideration to what the OOA has to offer, he is a true believer and speaks the word honestly.

    • #6497
      Profile photo of Sean Decker
      Sean Decker

      No worries! I actually didn’t see you. I suppose I was preoccupied standing there with my arm raised looking like a crazy person, though given that it was Seventh and Hill, I probably blended in with a good portion of the masses.

    • #6498
      Profile photo of Sean Decker
      Sean Decker

      Given the last email, what is it that you have been “Tasked” with?

    • #6499
      Profile photo of Mike

      They told me that I was the first Scribe in the Archive of Knowledge and to continue to document the experience. :)

    • #6500
      Profile photo of David

      thank you and glory be

    • #6501
      Profile photo of Sean Decker
      Sean Decker

      Glory be!

  • #6507
    Profile photo of Anna

    I’m loving all the “Glory be!” and other Tension comments appearing on the YouTube video’s page. :p I keep picturing the poor, confused med student who’s going to have to try to make sense of those…

    • #6508

      Hey, in our defense, I tried to explain it to the layperson. But since the last non-Tension comment hasn’t been for about a year, I’m not sure it really matters

    • #6509
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      we could leave a link to the website, but it will just look like spam. also, I think med students already have enough tension!

  • #6519
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl

    So was that email from the OOA? Or was it from the tension experience? Because my meeting emails came from ooainstitute.com. I’m confused because it was signed by an attendant which I thought was a position of the OOA. Can anybody clarify this for me? Thank you

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