Mike Appreciation Thread

Tension brand Forums MISC TENSION DISCUSSION Mike Appreciation Thread

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This topic contains 22 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Rusty Rusty 8 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #11733
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    In light of recent events, I wanted to start a threat to talk about how much we love @mike and value him as a scribe.

    Maybe share some stories of when Mike helped guide us towards enlightenment, when he posted that well timed picture of Kevin Hart (you know the one), or anything else you like about him.

    I personally loved when he was invited to speak to us at the OOA Mixer – his speech was thoughtful and inspiring, and I honestly don’t believe the event would have been as much of a success without him.

    What are your favorite @mike -isms?

  • #11736
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Oh when he was recapping Tension in his awesome podcast with @reaton:

    Farts. LOL

    In all seriousness though @mike is hands down one of the most knowledgeable person I go to when I have missed something because I was in court or something. He has taken his job so seriously and has asked for nothing in return. Remember when Mike didn’t even use the lectern so he could be at our same level? Mike doesn’t care about being higher than high, he just cares about the chaotic, beautiful and sometimes terrifying house we’ve created.

    I hope this give you the fucking feelz Mike. FARTS.

  • #11742
    Profile photo of ReidV

    • #11743
      Profile photo of ReidV

      I call Hawkeye.

  • #11829
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    I can’t remember specifics well but @mike has always been a great guide and friend to all of us. His speech was inspiring and meaningful at the mixer. A smart dude who knows what he is doing. Mike deserves to be our Scribe! Also great retort.

  • #11831
    Profile photo of Mike

    I remember when I first met Mike (Gray) at the very first unofficial nerd out meet up. We had spoken a bit before that and when I met him in person, he was exactly how I imagined him :) He reminded me of an old roommate. He’s such a fun dude to be around and his passion and excitement for Tension is second to none!

    I met Mike (Rizzo) in person when we were having another meetup. He’s a hell of bowler and man can he eat some tacos! He doesn’t deal with punishments very well (AHEM ;)) but he’s a lovable rascal…OUR lovable rascal.

    • #11878
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      Ily boo ❤️ You my real scribe 4 eva

    • #11962
      Profile photo of Rusty

      And this type of response is one of the reasons I am happy you are my friend, Mike (Fontaine) :-)

  • #11835
    Profile photo of 111_error

    Mike (and Russell) changed my life.
    Mike is my spirit animal. He knows why.

    I could do this all day, but Mike hates feelz so I should probably stop now. For a bit, anyway.

  • #11839
    Profile photo of 111_error

    In light of recent events, I wanted to start a threat

    Oops, maybe I misunderstood the point of this thread.


    • #11890
      Profile photo of Amie

      Haha! @mike Maybe @111error will take all of your mac and cheese, cook it up and then throw it all on the floor.

  • #11881
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    @mike has always been the most delightful combination of kind, funny, smart, enthusiastic, witty, genuine and thoughtful. Most importantly he speaks and fights for the Community. He has never failed to point out when the dogma got confusing or contradictory. He’s a charming mofo and a smart cookie.

  • #11892
    Profile photo of Amie

    I appreciate @mike for his enthusiasm and welcoming nature! Also his openness, humor and his love of the extreme are also winners in my book! Forever a badass Scribe in my book.

  • #11894
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Always and forever our Scribe!

  • #11900
    Profile photo of

    @mike is a great guy. Without him and @reaton, I would not be here. Thanks!

  • #11981
    Profile photo of Rusty

    I have been reluctant to post in this thread. If I say too much, some will accuse me of pandering. If I say too little, some will say I am not supporting my friend. One thing has becomes clear, this community has no shyness about criticizing each other. That being said, EVERY member of this community brings something to the experience… has value.

    Personally, one of the reasons I remain part of this “experience,” one of the main reasons I continue even though I have been tempted to withdraw… is Mike. For months, our conversations about all things “Tension” have been incredibly thought-provoking and challenging, I appreciate his insight and encouragement. From very early on @mike and I shared our interest in this adventure on our myhauntlife podcast and others seem to respond to many of the same questions and musings we put out there. It is an honor and a pleasure to participate in those conversations with him.

    So, in this thread… we are supposed to share our “appreciation.” I can’t even describe my appreciation for Mike, the individual. He is a friend who constantly challenges me to learn and grow and expand my horizons – not always easy things to do He has offered me support, advice, loyalty and the occasional kick in the pants. He is an inspiration.
    But… that’s all very personal. That’s me sharing my life with a good buddy.

    Let’s go bigger than that. I must acknowledge Mike, the member of this community. Overall, he has been one of those people clearly leading all of us in this adventure. It is his heart, his clarity, his humor and his attentiveness to detail that helps make this journey easier and more accessible (and more enjoyable) for many. Evidence of his commitment exists through every thread of this Forum and through other websites and platforms, as well. To anyone who looks honestly at this community as a whole and the _paths we are all traveling, his value is obvious.

    Yeah, look, everything I just offered, I do sincerely mean… but, screw the niceties and all that…

    Let me get very blunt for a moment. This is my friend. You want to know the truth?
    In all honesty, I believe our entire society is better off because HE is a member of it. Seriously.
    It is an honor to call him my friend.

    Appreciate him? Hell, that doesn’t even begin to describe what I feel.

    • #12000
      Profile photo of Amie

      @reaton You give @mike the feelz so hard, and I love it. We should never have to bite our tongues about what we feel for fear of what anyone else might think about it. Opinions will never go away but in the end that’s all they are, only we can decide when and if they matter. I personally love seeing your friendship and listening to you two on the Podcast. (Also that one time I got to hug you four awesome people was nice!) Now that I read this back, where I started and where I ventured to were not what I had planned for this post! Oh well, I’ll let it live anyway. Keep on bringing out the feelz, its good stuff!

    • #12012
      Profile photo of Rusty

      @amieexists I firmly support group hugs. 😉

  • #11983
    Profile photo of Mike

    I know I’ve said this before, but man, you guys….THANK YOU. You have no idea how much this means and what’s going through my mind right now. This is such an amazing thing. Love you guys!! Words cannot do this justice, so here are some memes. Hopefully these make you smile as much as you all made me.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Mike Mike.
    • #11987
      Profile photo of Rusty


      Deal with feelz, Buddy. Deal with the feelz.

    • #11992
      Profile photo of Daela

    • #11993
      Profile photo of

      How do you post gifs?

    • #11996
      Profile photo of Mike

      Find an image you like and copy the link. Then put that link into the box that pops up when you hit the “img” box in your reply box. For example, if you search on google for an image and click it, you should see “view image”. Click that and use that link (it should end with a jpg/jpeg, png, or gif)

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