My Return

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Anthony Anthony 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #22247
    Profile photo of Anthony

    Hello, again. I started with Tension at it’s inception, tracking well with it’s puzzles and mysteries, speaking with Addison and Atticus over the phone, finding and joining the forums when they were still hidden, and tracking down the video of Rosemary early on. Unfortunately, while I cautioned others on the merits of patience as we waiting for more to be revealed, I didn’t take my own advice, letting my attention wander to the point that I only half filled out the questionnaire before letting things fall off.

    I’ve deciphered an encoded message here or there since then, but have been unconscionably absent for the most part. However, with only the slightest of windows remaining to look further into Ascension, I’ve decided to delve back in for Friday’s experience. I’m currently reviewing the timeline, and will trek through the forums, but there is much I have missed, and late is the hour.

    Is there any guidance or insight that you would be inclined to provide that you feel is valuable to know?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Anthony Anthony.
  • #22251

    It’s good to see you here again. @seekfind here is the person who got me into Tension so… everyone play nice.

  • #22252

    To directly answer your question, though, the timeline is the easiest way to get caught up quickly. The forums, especially the New Aspirants forum have several answers due to others asking for recaps as well. The answers there will get you caught up pretty well.

    If you’d like to be thorough, the My Haunt Life podcast, run by @mike and @reaton is the most extensive resource, as it chronicles their experience as they experience it.

  • #22294
    Profile photo of Anthony

    I’m glad to be back, thanks in no small part to your frequent encouragement to return.

    I finished the timeline, started in on the forums, and feel like I have a better grip on the players and events, though there’s clearly more complex political maneuvering and history going on beneath the surface. Leaving for LA shortly, hopefully I’ll be able to get some podcast listening in on the drive up.

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