Neil King…?

This topic contains 12 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Diem Diem 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #4018


    I just saw what was posted. I thought you were one of us. I beg of you, confess your sins and the Oracles may take mercy. We may be able to help.

    If you tell us what you’ve done we may be able to help you back onto the path of the Light. We’re in this together.

  • #4026
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Hey Sean,

    I honestly have no idea. If this has to do with that garbage P.I. who made me read something on camera that I did not believe, then that is messed up. I did not know what I was reading when I said it and honestly did not feel comfortable when it was all done. I immediately contacted the OOA after Robert Jones made me read some mean things about them. Considering at the moment I was confused as to the path of enlightenment and what was happening, he made me read something off the paper that I have never seen. I swear I am not a detractor and I swear that I believe in the OOA and I truly do seek enlightenment. I am prepared for my any repercussions that may occur but I hope that the OOA and all of you can forgive my sins and allow me to continue a journey to enlightenment. My sincerest apologies.

    Neil King

  • #4029

    Did what he had you read differ from what the others read? Did you have any questions you answered untruthfully during your consultation?

    There has to be some reason you were called out instead of others

  • #4030
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    I do not know what others said. According to the videos posted it was very very similar minus a few words here and there. As for answering untruthfully during the consultation – the questions I was asked wouldn’t require a non-truth answer to stay safe. The questions were trivial so it was a I knew the answer or I didn’t. Well – I am ready for whatever consequences come my way and I am willing to defend my need for enlightenment to the end.

  • #4082

    @nking – We haven’t heard from you in a few days… how’ve you been doing?

  • #4084
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    My apologies. First I have no idea how to tag a person on these forums, if you can help that would be awesome. As for me I am doing okay. I have hopes that the oracles can forgive my sins and allow me to repent to continue my seeking of the enlightenment. Busy week for me over here so not much chatting on this board but I appreciate your concern. Thank you!

  • #4085
    Profile photo of Diem

    Glad to see you are back Neil. It was a little disconcerting that you were so quiet. Glad you are safe.

  • #4087
    Profile photo of Mike

    @nking – tag people like you would on Twitter or Instagram :) Hover over their name and you can see what you use

  • #4153

    @nking??? It’s been a week and a day since you were last here. Considering the warning, I felt a need to ask… Are you still okay out there?

  • #4156
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    @electrichippo yes I am fine. Just waiting for the next step. Have not heard anything yet. I will still attempt my registration on April 1st. So heres to that! Thanks for your concern.

  • #4157

    @nking Glad to hear it and good luck to you in your registration/application process.

  • #4706
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Hey guys checking in! Thanks to those who have been concerned @electrichippo @mike @diem @thegilded – I am still alive. I have registered and I have worked through the new puzzles but I can’t help and think I am missing something. I really hope The OOA can forgive me and allow me to see the light.

  • #4738
    Profile photo of Diem

    @nking So relieved to see you back safe and sound, now if Ken would show up. Neil I have to believe the O.O.A can see truth and sincerity.

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