New here

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Lukas L Lukas L 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #21886
    Profile photo of flamey3504

    Hey everyone I just joined this site today and heard about the tension experience from a friend who attended a live event,unfortunately I don’t live in LA and can’t afford to fly out. Is there anything for people outside of LA?

  • #21889
    Profile photo of Max R.
    Max R.

    Hey! There is plenty to do if you search through these forums and keep your eye on them as new things come to light. There is a lot of information to comb through and plenty of investigation that is still taking place.
    Best of Luck!
    Glory Be!

  • #21923
    Profile photo of Lukas L
    Lukas L

    @flamey35023 yes as Max said there is plenty to do. I am also from out of state and while I fortunately got a chance to experience Ascension, I only did so because of the interactions on this site. Everything unfolds here on the forums. The more you put in, the more you get out of it. Welcome and Glory Be!

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