Tension brand › Forums › INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA › New Phone Call 9/29 – Warning
This topic contains 30 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by Amie 8 years, 5 months ago.
September 29, 2016 at 2:15 pm #20292
Things have been really weird lately with work which was sometimes (often times) the time I used to post here on the forums. Between fires and being gone a lot I haven’t been posting as much though I’ve been trying to read and keep up as much as I can. Yesterday I was thinking about how I would miss the No Caller ID/Unknown phone calls that came our way every so often. I swear the timing sometimes.
I received one of those very calls today but I was sitting in a room surrounded by co workers and I saw my bars drop to 1 so I decided not to answer it which killed me. It turns out this was for the best because I got a voicemail almost a minute long that I was able to transcribe afterwards. (My coworkers loved this call by the way!) Anyway this seems to be along the lines of @reaton‘s call so here goes….
Amie, you don’t know me but I was one of your handlers at Tension and I have to be quick. I worked with them for three months and I quit last night and I’m calling everyone I can. This is all a front, ok? All of it. They are using those questionnaires and hacking into peoples identity. The O S D M or whatever is not a fictional company. They’re hiding fact in the middle of a bunch of fiction and they are creating this entire theater troupe to get access into your life. I’m telling you this and you can do, you can do with it as you please, but trust me. You allowed them into your life and I highly recommend reevaluating everything you signed. I’m so sorry I played some part in this. I truly didn’t know what we were doing. I hope everything’s ok. Good luck.
It was a woman in the message and overall she spoke very quickly but when she mentioned the OSDM she took a pause between each letter and really enunciated it. I, like many of you was planning to go back at the end of October but I just don’t think I can swing it. I’d like to warn anyone who hasn’t gone yet or is going back to be careful. I’m not sure what I can do at this point since I’ve given them so much information but I think we need to be aware and keep our eyes open in all aspects of our personal lives. If the OSDM was going to pay off my debt I might not mind but this certainly isn’t the case and everyone needs to be cautious. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are looking for info on us that they can use against us.
This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
September 29, 2016 at 2:18 pm #20293
Wow…between @reaton ‘s call (I was there when it happened and could see his reaction) and this…I don’t know what to do or believe anymore
September 29, 2016 at 2:50 pm #20299
@mike You and I may want to take that OSDM call after our interview a few weeks ago more seriously. It’s mentioned in the podcast, but in light of so much activity, there may be more behind it. I took it lightly, almost as an apology for someone accidentally calling me. Kinda wish we had not mentioned it publicly.
September 29, 2016 at 2:55 pm #20300
Kinda wish we had not mentioned it publicly.
No…it NEEDS to be publicly said. They can burn and shred a paper trail, but they can’t delete a podcast from everyone who has heard it. If something goes down, we need it documented and we need people to know what lead up to things.
September 29, 2016 at 3:05 pm #20305
September 29, 2016 at 3:08 pm #20307
September 29, 2016 at 2:22 pm #20295
September 29, 2016 at 2:29 pm #20296
The OSDM is, and has been for a while, clearly a strong force in all of this. Without going into details, during Ascension I saw first hand that there was evidence that OSDM was acting as a supervisory role towards active OOA members.
I suspect that it would be fair to say that the OSDM is definitely something to be wary of
September 29, 2016 at 2:57 pm #20302
@amieexists Your call combined with mine… it feels like once again things may be chaotic behind the scenes at the OOA. It make me nervous when they seem nervous!
September 29, 2016 at 3:02 pm #20303
I feel like I’m the only one who thinks this way…let me share something.
@gatekeeper2, before she was recaptured, claimed that the OOA is corrupt.
I think she’s wrong. I believe that the ODSM are the corrupt ones, the ones responsible for all of this chaos and discord.
I believe that in order to fix the OOA, in order to make it heal, the corruption must be removed. But that doesn’t mean the OOA has to fall.
It only means the ODSM has to. They’re the ones that need to be purged.
I can’t do it because I’m not there. But I know this. I will continue to stand with the OOA. I will stand, as I always have, with the Oracles and with Anoch.
But I will go to whatever lengths are needed…to remove the ODSM.
September 29, 2016 at 3:04 pm #20304
You ain’t alone Mumu 😉
September 29, 2016 at 3:07 pm #20306
My only question to those that stand with the BOS…and there are many….is this:
If the ODSM is gone, what will you do? Will your fires spread to engulf the whole of the OOA?
To me, that is where I believe we differ. Once the ODSM is gone….if the war continues….then I will do whatever I can to extinguish the fire of the BOS. The OOA is to me, a home.
So why would I let anyone try to destroy my home?
September 29, 2016 at 3:11 pm #20308
Never forget this piece of advice –
“Lesson to the class- support that which you built. You constructed this, not us. Always defend that which is yours. ”
You stand by and defend what you believe in @mumumusings
Granted, BoS will also defend what they believe in…hence…waarrrrrrr
September 29, 2016 at 4:35 pm #20312
@mike…..let me ask you..
Is the OOA the disease? Or the ODSM?
If it’s the latter, shouldn’t we take a scalpel and remove it as cleanly as we can to ensure the infection doesn’t spread?
Or will you believe the entire body to be infected and that to save it, it must be destroyed?
September 29, 2016 at 5:10 pm #20315
Short but sweet, this is my understanding: Addison made the conclusion that the OOA was trying to hide the true words in the Book of Anoch, therefore she was trying to protect them. ODSM moved under the OOA’s orders to try and stop her from revealing too much to the apostles, why? Because like she said: The OOA is corrupt.
Still standing with BoS over here.
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This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
September 29, 2016 at 5:18 pm #20317
It seems to be the other way around, with ODSM controlling and intercepting the OoA behind the scenes (mostly). It could be argued the ODSM is attempting to “hoard the light” spoken of in the book.
September 29, 2016 at 5:27 pm #20318
@mumumusings – Let me ask you in return. What is the OOA? What is the OSDM? After all of this time, do we know anything concrete beyond what they’ve told us? How do we know that the OOA isn’t just a glorified human trafficking ring with a cult front?
You advocate a surgical approach, but can you even clearly define where one entity begins and the other ends? Can you even identify what any of it is? For all we know, and have been told REPEATEDLY, this is all a lie. What if none of it, OOA, OSDM, Gatekeepers, Light, all of it is true? What proof do we have that any of this is anything more than a giant honey pot to lure us in?
How can you be surgical in the dark?
September 30, 2016 at 9:49 am #20337
Is the OOA the disease? Or the ODSM?
If it’s the latter, shouldn’t we take a scalpel and remove it as cleanly as we can to ensure the infection doesn’t spread?
Or will you believe the entire body to be infected and that to save it, it must be destroyed?
@mumumusings – I think there is still good within the OOA. I think there are people inside who remember the way it was and want to keep the traditions. The thing is though, the “OOA” name is soiled now because of the OSDM and BoS. So while the entire organization may not be bad, the name is bad. I feel like it needs to be destroyed and built up again and post a fancy new “under new management” sign on the front door.
I think of it like this…if you have a favorite band and after a few records, they change members and change style but keep the name….is it the same band that you knew and loved? No, it’s just a name…a brand at that point. If the old members of that band created a new band, under a new name, and played music that made you like the original band in the first place, wouldn’t it be better to “destroy” the first band name and follow the new one?
September 29, 2016 at 4:12 pm #20311
Wow, this is all really interesting. It’s going to be an anxious month-long wait for me. Although plenty of time to continue digging since I was too late to the party for indoctrination. Wish I joined much sooner!
September 29, 2016 at 4:51 pm #20313
I was under the impression that OOA and OSDM have always been one and the same. That Addison going rogue to restore the “true OOA” was the unexpected side effect of her brainwashing.
Kind of like when people break off from a church and form a new denomination. -
September 29, 2016 at 6:04 pm #20320
See I don’t trust the OSDM, The OOA (which I think is just a front used to conceal and facilitate and take the fall for the OSDM dirty deeds) I don’t trust BOS. I don’t trust Hypno-Addison or New Age Addison. Yet I am still team Addison.
I am team Addison as we first saw her. Quiet, meek, and intimidated Addison. The one we were told not to talk to. The one who needed a place to stay when she came out to LA. The same Addison we saw at the revealing of “the one” not during the ceremony, but post @reaton giving her the stuffed cat and pre reprograming.
I am pro all the people scared and shaking in the OOA. I am pro anti agenda. And I still have faith in glitchy souls.
September 29, 2016 at 7:05 pm #20322
Like you @lukasrl, I also support all the scared and shaking within the walls of the OOA. And, this Addison Barrow you support is the same one I support and will assist in any way I can. The difference is, I also believe this Addison we support still exists today inside the Addison who was forcibly taken from us, screaming, and then allegedly reprogrammed to be deposited back into the OOA collective. I know she’s still in there. I’ve seen it with my own eyes and heard it directly from her mouth. I do have an agenda. My agenda is to offer support to those victimized and in need and to do what I can in good conscience do to stop the victimization of new targets. I am a member of BOS and this is what I believe, and I know I’m not the only one. Are we, The BOS, really so bad after all?
September 29, 2016 at 7:45 pm #20325
“Are we, The BOS, really so bad after all?”
Depends. Your motivations may be noble, but can you say the same about the shadow group that coaxed you to their side? How much do you really know about them?
September 29, 2016 at 9:47 pm #20329
@kasch: You’re right. Thus far I do believe my motives have been primarily noble, and one day I could realize I’ve been duped by those I’ve trusted and given my unfaltering loyalty. If that day ever comes, shame on me, and more importantly shame on them. I would not take this level of betrayal lightly or passively.
September 30, 2016 at 9:29 am #20336
You know what they say about the road to Hell…
You’re in a unique position, @electrichippo. If I were in your shoes, I’d not only focus on the OOA, but pull on the strings of my own organization… especially in light of, um, recent events. 😉 -
September 30, 2016 at 12:34 pm #20338
Yes @kasch, I have gotten myself into a very unique position. My relationship with my organization has always been cooperative and I’ve been treated with respect. I don’t always agree with the actions of BOS and I’ve stated as such without sanction. I question, express opinion and offer suggestions and will continue to do so. I’m not sure which recent events you are thinking of, but the ones that most readily come to my mind do nothing but make my bond with BOS stronger. Vengeance has become a word that fascinates me. Everyone has a breaking point.
September 29, 2016 at 7:55 pm #20326
@electrichippo There must be a way to get to her. How can we help?
September 29, 2016 at 9:39 pm #20328
It’s very kind of you to want to help, @shinobi. I would suggest paying close attention during your visit to The OOA Institute next month. Don’t be afraid to investigate, ask questions or make verbal observations. You could go in cold, or you could do some research… whichever you feel will serve you best. Minimally, it’d probably be helpful to know the names and faces of the most noteworthy Indoctrination personalities (including The Barrow Family, and perhaps “Sentinel” or even The Gatekeepers). You never know when an opportunity to make a difference might arise. Any one of us could be the one to provide her with the assistance she seeks.
September 29, 2016 at 9:59 pm #20330
@electrichippo I am very familiar now. I’ve been reading and watching feverishly, obsessively. I felt heartbreak watching Addison come back to you all only to be taken away.
Though I do feel a certain draw to the OOA. There’s a real honest passion I see when 2 speaks. Sometimes it seems as though OSDM is really the problem. I don’t know right now.
I’ll certainly report back, but if there is anything I can do to help in the meantime, please feel free to give a shout. Cheers and thanks!
September 29, 2016 at 6:17 pm #20321
October 4, 2016 at 10:53 am #20377
There is so much I’d like to say in response to a lot of comments on here but I can’t because of Ascension spoilers. I know some of you have yet to attend or will not be able to attend Ascension so that leaves you in a place where you can only go off of what you know from Indoctrination and possibly relayed stories. I don’t know who has control of the OOA or ODSM or if they are the same or one is running the other. I don’t know anything for certain except for what I saw at Ascension. I know what I saw in that room that no one else in my group saw and it won’t leave my memory anytime soon. After everything that happened there…I just don’t know.
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