New phone calls? (5-8-16 approx)

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA New phone calls? (5-8-16 approx)

This topic contains 52 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Cody Cody 8 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #6790
    Profile photo of

    So I had received a call yesterday, just seeing if we could get some kind of list of who got calls… You guys don’t need to share what your calls were about (unless you want to!) but just trying to get a full on idea of who’s been contacted :) I shall start off and say that I was contacted last night around 8:35

  • #6793
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    @rizzzoooooo Can you share what your phone call was about? I’m sure everyone would love to hear about it.

  • #6794
    Profile photo of ReidV

    I got one around 6pm!

    I was asked how I was enjoying the experience (I am) and to clarify some of my stranger questionnaire answers.

    They hung up promising “big plans…”

  • #6795
    Profile photo of

    No caller id, called and was crystal clear. Told me that I have a decision I will be asked in the next day or so and that I will need to think long and hard as that “this decision you make will be pivotal in your journey and your life” and then hung up. No glory be or anything, plus as I said crystal clear.

  • #6799
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    @rizzzoooooo Oooh so mysterious!! I wonder what that decision is gonna be?? Stay glued to your phone today haha

  • #6801
    Profile photo of

    @kingkill33 definitely holdin onto it! Haha

  • #7010
    Profile photo of Amie

    I forgot to post that I got one on Sunday. It was the voice of a young girl, very difficult to hear but they were reaching out and it was much appreciated.

  • #7116
    Profile photo of 111_error

    Asked a very specific question.

    111 | ••••• / •• ••••••••• | 910m+

    • #7122
      Profile photo of Melissa

      That’s awesome 111, congrats!!! :)

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
    • #7124
      Profile photo of

      That is awesome but…what does that mean??
      Maybe I’m just terrible with codes.

    • #7126
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Count the dots. Maybe the digits connect with something that is significant here.

    • #7127
      Profile photo of Mike

      Congrats @111error !

    • #7175
      Profile photo of

      Yep. Once again, I’m an idiot. :)

    • #7176
      Profile photo of 111_error

      Stop that, you’re not an idiot. Many of us would still be utterly lost without following Mike’s guidance and help.

    • #7128
      Profile photo of 111_error

    • #7138
      Profile photo of Amie

      Congrats! I’m glad to see you moving along your path! :)

    • #7163
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      congrats @111error your connection was not refused!

  • #7129
    Profile photo of Jessica

    Congratulations Error :)) If I’m understanding things properly you were invited to the May 29 event! What is the farthest anyone has come for an event? I’m concerned I might be excluded since I live in Northern Cal.

    • #7130

      I’m in San Diego, I think I’m the second farthest person. I think one person had me beat by half an hour more

    • #7131
      Profile photo of 111_error

      Benny // Mark in Salt Lake City, would have been a 1340 mile round trip. Mine will be closer to 1000.

      The OOA know where we are and Northern California is definitely not outside their invitation zone.

    • #7139
      Profile photo of Amie

      I think as long as the OOA knows you are willing to make the trip then it’s not an issue. I was a little farther then Sean and I was invited to the last event. Good luck to you! :)

  • #7132
    Profile photo of Jessica

    This is hopeful news for me, although I don’t think Benny is much of a candidate for an OOA event. If I’m understanding the rules and terminology correctly Benny is not a friend of ours. He’s a detractor.

    • #7134
      Profile photo of 111_error

      Yup, Gatekeepers have nothing good to say about him. However, in ~four’s recent video, a still frame is a message to Benny that the journey from SLC to LA is only ‘a few HUNDRED miles’, and I thought that was encouraging for those of us far away.

      A few hours later, my phone rang.

    • #7143
      Profile photo of ReidV

      It’s personal for Benny/Mark, its likely he’ll be there invite or no. Question is how will applicants respond to his involvement? And dont forget Kim…

    • #7150
      Profile photo of Jessica

      I think you’re right Reid. Benny seemed very emotionally invested in all this. You think Kim could be there too? Maybe even arrive with Benny? (Assuming you mean user Electric Hipo?)

    • #7153
      Profile photo of ReidV

      Yes, Kim (Electrichippo) is a detractor and is likely being dealt with already.

      Mark/Benny seems to have lost someone to the Ooa (she has likely ascended, my guess is former attendant Addison) and may attempt a rescue?

  • #7133
    Profile photo of Cody

    I have recieced word via message from an OOA profile here on the forums that Ascension transcends borders. Whether or not that means its possible to get called for an event, I dont know.
    Dont lose hope.

    CXI=lll 5 29…. hmmm

  • #7137
    Profile photo of Jessica

    OOA has announced two new events in May. May 29 and……? Does anyone have any information when the other is happening or theories on what either event will entail? At least 3 of the same people who attended the last event are reinvented for this event so this must be new material. I’m so excited for those that get attend!

    • #7140
      Profile photo of Amie

      I don’t think they would repeat an event unless it was something that needed to go on for more than 1 day like the Ringing of The Bell they’ve mentioned. They aren’t very forthcoming about event details but personally I like that. I like going into something with no clue about what might happen. There hasn’t been any mention of another May date that I’ve seen. I guess we’re still waiting!

    • #7154
      Profile photo of 111_error

      Dear OOA,
      Jessica hails from this same desolate region, she’s willing to follow your light; Please consider her in your calculations.

    • #7161
      Profile photo of Jessica

      You’re so incredibly kind for doing this, Error. Thank you so much!

  • #7155
    Profile photo of creepsociety

    Per FB:

    “Pick me, PICK me, PICK ME” Quiet children. It is the ones who draw the most moths to our flames who become Teachers Pet. ~four

  • #7156
    Profile photo of Cody

    Yeah the the last thing Kim posted before her renouncing the OOA was “Tension: A Love story”.
    Perhaps this is the catalyst that got the attention of those whom have apparently convinced her that the OOA is an evil cult.

    • #7162
      Profile photo of Jessica

      Ohmygawd. Did I just witness what I think I did. Sean Decker was banned and quickly welcomed by Kim and the Sentinel???

  • #7157

    I’m equally honored and concerned they would use my picture in that post. I was unaware this picture was even taken…

    • #7165
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      @thegilded so that’s a different picture than your phone picture…interesting

  • #7158

    Accidentally posted twice. Ignore this one

  • #7167
    Profile photo of Cody

    Drama brewing on the newest fb post and the arrival of “Sentinel Being”.
    Is that Sean guy the guy who had an interview with the OOA?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of Cody Cody.
  • #7169
    Profile photo of Cody

    Well that was fast. Tension deleted the post before I could go back to screenshot.
    “Sentinel being” said, “Sean Decker, shall we begin”?
    To which Sean Decker replied, “let us begin”
    Kimberly posted saying something like ” Welcome to the right-side” or something like that.
    Sean decker posted a link twice but it keeps getting deleted as well. I never got to see the link either.
    I must say though… they sure did not waste any time to edit the post.
    It now remains a cencored version of what it once was.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of Cody Cody.
    • #7170
      Profile photo of

      Lol I saw the first link and it was a public enemy song (fight the power)… Seemed fitting, but also because they photoshopped a public enemy hat on him lmfao

  • #7172
    Profile photo of Cody


    hahaha. Yeah that’s right. I remember reading “fight the power”, but I never connected the dots.

    Sentinel Being

  • #7173
    Profile photo of Cody

    Bye Rizzzoooooo! Detractors Bannhammarr!

    • #7177
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      @rizzzoooooo seemed very dedicated to the OOA. I would hardly say he was a detractor in need of a banhammaring. Their punishment is certainly swift!

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.
    • #7179
      Profile photo of Mike

      He came out bowling with us last night too! Everything seemed ok…..unless he was a spy for Sentinel. Makes me think now. Like the X-Files say “Trust No One”

    • #7180
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      hmmm, how do I know I can trust you then…

    • #7181
      Profile photo of Mike

      Because I have been Anointed. I have proven myself to the Oracles and the Council.

    • #7182
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      but did they truly vet you? how do I know you have no doubts about your _path? Your commitment seems strong, yet can anyone truly know someone else’s mind?

    • #7183
      Profile photo of Mike

      The purpose of your _path is to find and clear your doubts. Each choice you make on it will have an impact. You shouldn’t worry about others minds, only your own as it is YOUR mind that is on YOUR _path

    • #7205
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      Rizzo contacted me on Facebook and said he was not with Sentinel or the BoS. But why did he act out in such a fashion? Surely he would know that speaking ill of the OOA (especially on Gatekeeper 4’s watch) would be dealt with swiftly.

    • #7209
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      my mind is clear, i have no doubts. I don’t concern myself with other’s minds. I’m merely stating any one of us could be duplicitous. From the scribe to the top of the oracles, history has proven that deceit can come from anywhere, especially from within.
      Try as they might, no organization can truly be cleansed of doubt.

  • #7218
    Profile photo of Cody

    Rizzo messaged me on facebook as well. He was asking me convey a message to the community for him but I didnt get the notification until three hours later. He didn’t say what it was but I’m assuming it was what you said @kasch.

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