On The Biblical Basis Behind Enoch

Tension brand Forums THEORIES, PUZZLES, DECODING THEIR MESSAGE On The Biblical Basis Behind Enoch

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Mike Mike 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #16249
    Profile photo of Michel

    I see many theory about Enoch origin but somehow none of them explored the biblical origin of the name.

    Be warned, i don’t say its the truth about Enoch, just possibles clues.

    Hanoch (Enoch), son of Reuben
    Hanoch (Enoch), one of the five sons of Midian

  • #16264
    Profile photo of Lucus

    I’ve ventured down this path a little ways a couple months ago but became distracted. I’ll read up a little more I honestly just find most things that have to do with the Bible… repellent and I don’t know why.
    Every so often I search Anoch and see if I get a hit. I did find something called Antioch but not much else so far
    I will check these links out and see what happens.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Lucus Lucus.
    • #16268
      Profile photo of Melissa

      ..the holy hand grenade of Antioch?

  • #16266
    Profile photo of Blondie

    So yeah, my Mom is a theologian so I hit her up on her knowledge of Enoch. I’m still unsure as to whether Anoch is a reference to Enoch at all, but there are some echoes of what we’ve learnt in what my Mom told me so here is what I found interesting:

    – I’m discounting the Enoch that is the son of Cain and focussing on Enoch the prophet (I think they’re different people, but I may have got confused).
    – Prophets often have direct communication with God – just like the Gatekeepers claim to have direct communication with Anoch. They then disseminate this information to the human race.
    – Enoch was taken up to heaven (ascended) while still alive at the age of 365. This is actually young for Old Testament dudes, most of them lived for 700 years or so, which links to what has been hinted at that we’re dealing with beings who are very old.
    – So when Enoch was taken by God, he became the Metatron- the highest Angel in heaven. Other names attributed to him include “the divider”, “the measurer” and “the Scribe” (@mike !!!).
    – Enoch is thought to be one of the two witnesses referenced in Revelation that will be present at the end of days, along with the prophet Elijah who also did not die. They will be killed by the “Beast”, and people will celebrate for 3 and a half days and then boom, they’ll return which will scare the crap out of everyone.
    – There is some debate in Jewish literature over whether Metatron should be worshipped as a deity, or whether he should not as he is merely an Angel, without the powers of a true god. But bear in mind, that Lucifer is a Fallen Angel and he is worshipped by some so…

    That’s all I’ve got. I hope you guys can see some of the similarities that I did…

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Blondie Blondie.
  • #16269
    Profile photo of Mike

    – So when Enoch was taken by God, he became the Metatron- the highest Angel in heaven. Other names attributed to him include “the divider”, “the measurer” and “the Scribe” (@mike !!!).

    I read this too quickly and got way too stoked thinking that Enoch became Megatron. Interesting that he was also called “the Scribe”. If Enoch/Anoch are similar, then I must have really messed up my _path.

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