Tension brand › Forums › MISC TENSION DISCUSSION › Other terminology?
This topic contains 31 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by Daela 8 years, 9 months ago.
March 11, 2016 at 8:22 pm #3872
So far I have heard, “Church of Anoch”, “Gatekeeper”, “Ascension”. So I guess we are in a cult or something. What else have you guys noticed?
March 12, 2016 at 10:10 pm #3881
The number 5 is repeated quite often.
March 13, 2016 at 8:36 am #3883
How many gatekeepers do you think there are? It looked as if Gatekeeper 5 is the editor of the newsletter.
March 13, 2016 at 9:15 am #3884
But Ascension isn’t written as a word… it makes a word when you put them together…
on FB they wrote it as A S C E N S I O N
So there might be another explanation to every letter of this word.. -
March 13, 2016 at 10:33 am #3885
Stephanie, that may just be their writing style. A number of Facebook posts also do the space between letters, and their welcome and commencement emails both had the same style as well.
But it only happens in some posts, so it may also be multiple people managing the account and it being one person’s style
March 13, 2016 at 12:37 pm #3887
I too assumed the spaces between letters were a stylistic choice, like something from Weird Twitter (example: https://twitter.com/pisscop/status/67709754859995136).
March 13, 2016 at 12:53 pm #3888
Does anyone know what the symbols in the OOA “logo” mean? I know an anchor typically stands for hope or steadfastness, and is a common Masonic symbol.
March 13, 2016 at 3:27 pm #3892
Also “enlightenment”. When I went for my consultation, the person interviewing me asked me why I came and I said “I was seeking enlightenment” and he said that they had a great marketing department. Haha I thought that was pretty cool.
Also, there seem to be astrological signs in the logo as well.
March 13, 2016 at 4:45 pm #3903
Good point, it looks like the sign for Leo is part of the logo. So one could look at the logo as comprised of:
the Leo symbol
the anchor
and another circle and a zig-zag that looks like the number 2
The circle and zig-zag could literally be O2 (oxygen?) or could be a symbol that stands for something else.
March 13, 2016 at 3:49 pm #3895
one of the logo symbols seems to be an anchor, which can be a christian symbol. it can be symbolic of a martyr
March 13, 2016 at 6:16 pm #3907
The Leo symbol does make sense, seeing that there are a number of Gatekeepers. Statues, pictures, carvings of lions are often placed in front of shrines, temples, places of holiness or of utmost importance, especially relevant centuries ago across Europe and all over Japan. Lions (Gatekeepers) are the guardians, the ones that determine whether one is worthy enough to “enter.”
As for the symbol that looks like a 2, or even the second circle, it could signify the second lion (Gatekeeper) in front of said shrine, temple, etc. In Japan, there are always two, one on each side of the road that are unified in their shared goal of protecting and guarding the one road that passes them.
Just a theory! Just adding some more mysticism to the experience =]
March 13, 2016 at 7:38 pm #3916
interesting, that sounds right about the two lion gatekeepers. not sure about the two symbol itself though. it seems that either two circles or one circle and a two would be enough to represent the two gatekeepers. so i feel like we are still not understanding at least one element of the logo
March 14, 2016 at 8:28 am #3921
We have not been given all the information clearly. I like where all your heads are at though. I would not have ever thought of it that way until somebody said something. I will continue to rack my brain and see what it can do but you guys are doing well it seems.
March 14, 2016 at 9:15 am #3927
the seven cardinal virtues (as taught by Demolay, the Masonic youth group)
seven steps (in the 9th degree)
seven plus TWO (= nine, representing fullness or completion)- This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Mary Pavlovsky.
March 14, 2016 at 9:54 am #3932
Mary, I’m sorry I didn’t quite understand your post. Can you clarify the connection between steps, degrees, Demolay and the OOA symbol?
March 14, 2016 at 11:57 pm #3944
@mike I also got references to “enlightenment” at the consultation and in the end I was accused of not being interested in it because I was only in “survival mode.” That seemed an odd contradiction, which I pointed out to him that if I were there to begin with, it would seem I am aware of my own survival instinct and looking for enlightenment… which they had hinted at before I arrived… is something I am interested in. That was when I was asked to leave.
March 15, 2016 at 11:26 am #3949
Leo, in the Zodiac, is the Kerub of Fire, and is ruled by the Sun, and is Atu XI: Lust; this card is attributed to the Hebrew letter Teth, which means serpent. “Lust implies not only strength, but the joy of strength exercised. It is vigour, and the rapture of vigour.” ATU XI is also the bridge between Chesed and Geburah on the Tree of Life.
March 16, 2016 at 12:28 pm #3989
Thank you Bob! That was truly inciteful
March 18, 2016 at 8:35 am #3999
Sorry Sean, I didn’t read your message until just now. Truthfully, I’m just grasping at straws. There is so much conflicting information out there. I’m having difficulty comprehending all that I find. I started here: http://www.elecbk.com/numerology.htm.
Then this phrase stuck out at me (http://www.macquirelatory.com/rituals%20of%20freemasonry.htm):
1) Superior Masons deliberately lie to their fellow Masons, as those Masons “deserve to be mislead”
2) Explanations given to 95% of all Masons are wrong
March 29, 2016 at 8:39 am #4121
^ I found that comparison very interesting Mary and I especially enjoyed the quote by Carl Claudy, “Cut through the outer shell and find a meaning; cut through that meaning and find another; under it, if you dig deep enough, you may find a third, a fourth- who shall say how many teachings.” I will dig into this Gatekeeper idea a little further myself. Im a long ways from Los Angeles but Im sure I can still contribute. Im even thinking about making the phone call to see about one of these consultations Ive been reading about. Not sure what Customs would think of me taking a one day round trip for a consultation by the O.O.A Institute. LOL. Happy hunting.
March 31, 2016 at 12:05 pm #4149
The wiki says that Gatekeepers control access to something, in this case possibly enlightenment. It mentions that gatekeepers serve various roles including news editing, review for admissions, and metaphorically refers to individuals who decide whether a message will be distributed by a mass medium. Seems like the gatekeepers help with the indoctrination in order to efficiently seperate ‘the wheat from the chaff’.
Anyone heard of Pleiades and the family of light? They are more to do with Taurus and not Leo. I know its a loose connection but who knows right now.
April 1, 2016 at 9:51 am #4248
The anchor is first seen in the Masonic third degree lecture, where we are taught that it is a symbol of a well-grounded hope. As the anchor was often a seaman’s last resort in stormy weather, it was frequently connected with hope. Being made of a solid body, the anchor was also identified with firmness, solidity, tranquility and faithfulness. The anchor remains firm and steady amidst the stormy waters, symbolizing the stable part of a human being, that quality which enables us to keep a clear mind amid the confusion of sensation, emotion and the general “storms” of life. Therefore the anchor keeps us steady in the storms of temptation, affliction, and persecution. Indeed St. Paul mentions that “Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast” (Hebrews 6:19). Christ is sometimes referred to as the anchor in the sea of life. This usage in Christianity can also be seen in the usage of the anchor in pictures of Saints, including St. Clement of Rome, St. Nicholas of Myra – patron saint of sailors, and John of Nepomucene – patron saint of confessors. -
April 1, 2016 at 12:16 pm #4272
I was watching History channel the other night and Scott Walters was showing a stone carving of two overlapping circles. He mentioned that they had something to do with Templar/Masonic initiation and admission.
April 1, 2016 at 9:09 pm #4344
I may be grasping at straws here and it is late, but could there be a connection to an astrological sign (the main body of the symbol) and the fact the the anchor with the end of the larger symbol spells out the sign aaaaannnnnndddd that when asked about the most prestigious animal your mind goes to ….? Yeah okay someone got this already, I’m tired, but gotta be a connection.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Diem.
April 3, 2016 at 8:50 pm #4507
Has anyone given any thought to the difference of what the Tension Experience is compared to the OOA? They seem to be 2 different entities to me. The Gatekeeper is obviously with Tension, while the OOA seems to separate from what is going on. Thoughts???
April 3, 2016 at 9:02 pm #4509
@kingkill33 gatekeeper is with the ooa. #5 has signed all of the info, including the newletters, from the ooa
April 3, 2016 at 9:31 pm #4513
@endlesspictures Yes, you are correct and I overlooked this. I still question though what the Tension Experience and the OOA differ. Maybe Tension is just the platform the OOA is using to find candidates?
April 3, 2016 at 10:52 pm #4518
@kingkill33 I think what you’re asking is THE mystery. What is this all going to become? that is presumably what each of these puzzles and events will bring us closer to understanding. we’ll just have to wait and see
April 5, 2016 at 3:40 pm #4700
Has anyone considered a possible connection between the circles in the OOA/Tension symbol and the “Legion of Circle” mentioned in the April 1 newsletter?
April 5, 2016 at 3:52 pm #4702
@dthezombie – I like that theory. Like maybe the OOA is a collective of sorts and their logo incorporates all of the other logos
April 5, 2016 at 3:58 pm #4705
@mike Yeah, or the OOA or perhaps the Church of Anoch is the overarching organization with several suborganizations: (OOA), Legion of Circle, Gatekeepers, Oracles, etc.?
April 6, 2016 at 10:24 am #4771
We have a new term: the unnamed
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