Phone Call 7/18/16

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA Phone Call 7/18/16

This topic contains 15 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of  Anonymous 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #15686
    Profile photo of Allison

    I was woken up at 10:53am out of one of those unconscious sleeps by @reaton calling my cell phone and was so exhaused, I thought, of all people, Russell would totally understand if I gave him a call back when I woke up. Yet at 10:54am I immediately received another sleep disturbing ring, this time from a No Caller ID number, which was too much of coincidence for me and I knew it was Tension. I answered the call and the robotic voice asked for my name. I confirmed. To sum but the conversation, as I was completely asleep, and they even asked if I was, they said they knew of all the secrets I had. They asked if I was truly ready to play the game. I said that I had been ready to play the game for some time now. They ended the call saying now I needed to prove I was ready. Just as I was about to ask how, they terminated the call.

    So since I was partially awake, I decided to call Russell back to see what was up. The thing is, Russell in fact never called me. I shot him a screen shot of my phone log documenting all the calls and he was just as stunned as I that Tension had used Russell’s number to call me first, before using their own. Dammit for knowing Russell would have been compassionate enough to take my call later and for me not answering it!

    I will definitely keep you guys posted if anything else happens with me over here. They did not mention me being more active in the forum, they used all action words, like they wanted me to DO something in proving myself. It was an intensely bizarre call. I will take any of the ideas you guys have. Plus I don’t know if Tension forgot, but back when we started I was told by one of their staff to lay off the forum since I have a severe concussion. So is this just about the forum?


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Allison Allison.
  • #15688
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    Have you bought a ticket yet?

    • #15690
      Profile photo of Allison

      Yes. Like the second they went up for sale!

    • #15718
      Profile photo of Allison

      @aleocotillo Did you have a theory? Or did I shut it down bc I bought tickets? :(

    • #15722
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      I guess I kind of thought that maybe they wanted to involve you more again to get you interested in the tickets, since you’ve been more active before. But who knows, they may also want to consider you for their next move somehow?

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of AH-lay AH-lay.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of AH-lay AH-lay.
    • #15726
      Profile photo of Allison

      I totally appreciate the reply. I just can’t wonder what would have happened if I had just answered what was clearly not Russell on the other end of his call!!!

    • #15727
      Profile photo of AH-lay

      Yes, that would have been interesting! Lol

  • #15706
    Profile photo of Rusty

    Dammit. @medeall I work hard at cultivating this tough, rugged image of manly disconnection and aloofness… and you’re destroying it!!! 😉

    • #15707
      Profile photo of Allison

      OMG @reaton, it must be the exhaustion! Because what I meant to say was not compassionate at all, but rather callous and conniving!

    • #15713
      Profile photo of Rusty

      WHEW. Reputation saved. :)

    • #15715
      Profile photo of Allison

      It was a close call man. Got the thesaurus part of my brain mixed up.

  • #15714
    Profile photo of

    So, how do you prove it?
    How do any of us prove it?
    Is it really just being active on the forums?

    • #15716
      Profile photo of Allison

      That is what I’m dying to know and what I’d love suggestions for. Bc unfortunately chillin on the forum is not ok with my neurologist.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Allison Allison.
    • #15719
      Profile photo of

      The only thing I can think of right now is…make a move? Pick a side, like many of us have done?

    • #15725
      Profile photo of Allison

      Alright. On it. And I greatly appreciate your advice :)

    • #15728
      Profile photo of

      And…that’s really just an example. It’s more “make a move” than “pick a side.” @sovereignskies did something really interesting that caught III’s attention yesterday that wasn’t picking a side.

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