Phone contact with OOA associates

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA Phone contact with OOA associates

This topic contains 47 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of  Anonymous 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #5221

    On a whim, I just placed a call to the main page support line (424-386-5391). To my surprise, a woman answered!

    I took notes during the call. Here is a paraphrased version of how it went:

    Her: Hello, OOA Institute.
    Me: Ohh, hello! This is OOA Institute?!
    Her: Yes this is!
    Me: How exciting! I was wondering… are you are currently holding any consultations?
    Her: No, we are not holding consultations at the moment, but we may be starting up again soon. Let me take your information to pass along to Atticus.
    Me: (I supplied my real name, cell#, informed her although I’m in Orange County CA I would make it a priority to drive out to them whenever they can fit me in.)
    Me: By chance, is this Addison?
    Her: (sounding surprised but enthusiastic) Why, Yes it is. Have me met?
    Me: No, unfortunately we’ve not met, but I am active on OOA’s website and see your name listed there quite often. (I then gave her my forum name) Maybe I’ve also seen your photo on OOA’s Facebook page. Are you the woman in those consultation photos?
    Her: No, I don’t think my photo is on that page. I haven’t been to the Facebook page. I really should take a look.
    Her: May I ask, what is your interest in the OOA?
    Me: I seek enlightenment. I’m drawn towards a path out of the darkness and into light.
    Her: Ohhh, how wonderful! Yes, I will give Atticus your information.
    Me: I’d like to add you and OOA into my contacts. Is there any particular title I should put by your name? Gatekeeper? Attendent One?
    Her: (She giggled) I’m really just a secretary. People call me many things but secretary is fine.
    Me: How about the OOA? Does it stand for anything in particular that I should note in my contacts?
    Her: Oh you can just put in OOA.

    Overall observation… Addison giggled a lot. It seemed to come from a place of nervousness or an unsureness regarding what to say to my questions. She was very upbeat and friendly in tone. She sounded like she might be fairly young, as opposed to the middle aged/elders we’ve seen in OOA photos.

    It was all very exciting 😀
    Have any of you had any luck making phone contact lately??

  • #5223
    Profile photo of Mary Pavlovsky
    Mary Pavlovsky

    Nothing yet. But I call daily.

  • #5236

    And now I received a mysterious phone call and was given a task. The plot thickens.

    • #5239
      Profile photo of Daela

      Can you tell us what your task is?

  • #5241
    Profile photo of

    Is it a task that we can help with?

  • #5242
    Profile photo of Mary Pavlovsky
    Mary Pavlovsky

    I am dying to hear all about Kim’s task.

  • #5247

    I’ve thought on it, sought advise from a couple trusted allies, and decided it’s very likely the OOA would like me to share the details of the mysterious phone call on the forum…

    My cell rang. The call was listed as “No Caller ID.” I answered. They asked “Is this Kimberly.” I said “Yes.” And then they said “Someone on the forums is not who they say they are. They will try to detract you. This could cause your questionnaire to be rejected. Find the person and expel them. Do it quickly.” Then he hung up.

    I trust that if this call was not made by an actual member of the OOA, @gatekeeper5 will speak up in warning.

    If it is a true OOA request I will follow through, quickly, as instructed.

  • #5252
    Profile photo of Mary Pavlovsky
    Mary Pavlovsky

    Lies, lies, lies…do not believe a word Kimberly says.

    • #5292
      Profile photo of Erin

      From the time stamps, @maryellison911 went from curious in what @electrichippo had to say to proclaiming a detractor in 30 minutes. What happened in those 30 minutes Mary?

  • #5257

    We seem to have a case here where Kimberly was warned someone would try to detract her and now… we have someone trying to detract her. We’ve her Kimberly’s side of the story. What’s yours, Mary?

  • #5260
    Profile photo of Melissa

    @maryellison911 hopefully a detractor isn’t spreading lies about Kim!

  • #5261
    Profile photo of Mary Pavlovsky
    Mary Pavlovsky

    How would a detractor get my personal information?

    • #5267
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Well, it just seemed really odd timing that you called out Kim so I figured you got some information that none of us have been privileged to. That’s all. Good luck!

    • #5268

      There are ways. Maybe through the Institute. Maybe not. Hell, if I tried hard enough I’d bet I could get ahold of your phone number. Not that I would. That would be creepy.

      But I’ve PM’ed you, as you requested. Please take a look when you get a chance

  • #5262
    Profile photo of David

    I also spoke with Addison today. She sounded very nice, almost flirty. I told her how I’m already on my path and would like to know if she has any info on my next steps, she said she’ll give atticus my information and I should expect a call VERY soon. Hopefully I hear back by tomorrow :)

    • #5263

      @dsapir She (almost) flirted with you! She sure didn’t flirt with me. Lucky guy 😉

    • #5269
      Profile photo of David

      Haha hopefully she likes me enough to put in a good word to Atticus

  • #5264
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    @dsapir That’s discouraging, I called after @electrichippo said they’d made contact and no one picked up :/

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of DtheZombie DtheZombie.
    • #5270
      Profile photo of David

      @dthezombie I called like way earlier in the day just to see if they’d answer and to my surprise they did. This was around noon today

  • #5266
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    @electrichippo If you recieved that call, I’d contact Omega, and the same goes for @maryellison911, I’ll stay neutral

    • #5274
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Good call.

  • #5273
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    @dsapir I called a lot earlier as well but afaik there’s a 6hr difference in times between me and them so it’s hard to gauge

  • #5299

    I was instructed by the caller to act quickly. I’ve contemplated, organized my evidence, and will make my formal report to the proper OOA associates within the hour.

    As instructed: Expel Darkness. Follow Light.

    • #5301

      Although I doubt you need it, I wish you luck. Please keep us informed with how it goes

    • #5302

      @thegilded Thank you for the vote of confidence. I will certainly keep you informed.

    • #5303
      Profile photo of Mike

      Good luck @electrichippo and I applaud you for your bravery. Are you doing this publicly or calling the Omega Council?

    • #5304

      Thank you @mike :) I made contact with Omega as well as the Gatekeepers. Unless it is OOA’s stated will, I’m not interested in publicly calling anyone out. Although eternally dedicated to the _path and the Light, needless witch hunts are not my style.

  • #5305
    Profile photo of Diem

    @electrichippo, you mean Gatekeeper, not plural right? Unless you’ve been given information on Gatekeepers 1-4

  • #5357
    Profile photo of tangent

    I called just now and got through so I would recommend calling right now if you’d like an answer. I was kind of taken aback and thus too shocked to take notes, but I was asking about consultations and Addison said that they were all given at quite short notice, so I would have to be in the area. :( At least for now. She sounded very nice, and enlightened.

  • #5360
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    @tangent I did the same damn thing, I was dumbstruck and actually said “wow I actually got through”, I was so nervous I forgot to ask her name but I’m guessing it is Addison. I just asked about the possibility of out of state/over-the-computer consultations, and they said they had to be done in person. I didn’t even leave my info aside from my name, but they have that already sooo…it’s whatever. But poor Addison, answering the same thing twice hah.

    She did tell me that if I was in the area to give them a call and that they would be in touch

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of DtheZombie DtheZombie.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of DtheZombie DtheZombie.
  • #5366
    Profile photo of tangent

    @dthezombie haha yes, that was literally my exact call too. She said they were very excited about all the new applicants. Aaah and now I must sleep…up for work in 5 hours.

  • #5367
    Profile photo of

    I, too, just made contact. Interesting conversation, especially for those who aren’t in LA.

    • #5372
      Profile photo of Trevor

      As I also am not in LA, I am V E R Y interested

  • #5373
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    I wish I had made more of a conversation. Sigh, maybe some other time. @coryphella Sooo…? What was said?

  • #5374
    Profile photo of Amie

    Wow, I’ve been reading over the past few days but didn’t have a lot of time to get on the forum. So much has happened! @electrichippo Kimberly, did the Omega Council refer you to the Gatekeeper or was that all the same phone call? Also would you be able to answer if you felt like someone publicly in the forums was trying to detract you from your path? I’m just curious because I can’t point to anyone I feel has tried to say anything negative about the OOA or said anything I would take as trying to lead us away from the OOA or our path. Maybe I’m missing something?

    • #5390

      @amieexists It was my own judgement to contact both Omega and Gatekeeper. As far as detractors go, I think some people are defining this differently than other people. My personal belief is that if someone is purposely and repeatedly providing misleading information about their experiences, The OOA, The Oracles, Omega, The Gatekeepers, any of it… that is an insult to the system and does harm to it’s message and our _path towards Light. So, yes, I believe there are detractors among us. Hope that helps clarify.

    • #5392
      Profile photo of Amie

      I see your point in that, thank you for clarifying! I’m curious, since you were called out as a detractor (not in my opinion) has anyone contacted you about that?

    • #5394

      @amieexists No, I haven’t been contacted by Omega or anyone else from OOA declaring me as a detractor. On the contrary, I was contacted earlier today to be reminded it is the Gatekeeper’s will that I expel detractors.

    • #5400
      Profile photo of Amie

      There are so many layers! I’m curious if the Gatekeeper will at some point bring to light to everyone those who are detractors.

  • #5376
    Profile photo of Jason Davidson
    Jason Davidson

    I also was able to reach Addison this afternoon, and had a pleasant and encouraging chat with her. I shared my concern that I had not gotten confirmation that my questionnaire had been received. She urged me to re-submit it, which I just did.

    For any of you who have not received any contact from the OOA regarding your submission, you may want to do the same..

  • #5445
    Profile photo of Daphne

    I managed to speak with Addison, and found her also very bubbly and charming; she had quite a wonderful voice and seemed to not hesitate to user her charisma. I told her I was local, and she said this was a benefit, as there currently aren’t any consultations available, but when there are, they often are very last minute. I assured her I would do anything I could to make my consultation and she wanted to be sure I submitted my questionaire. I haven’t heard anything else, and am wondering if perhaps I should resubmit know I know more?

  • #5474
    Profile photo of

    I’m in a meeting with one of my students this morning during office hours and my phone rings.
    It’s an unknown number.
    I turned to my student and said “I *HAVE* to take this.”
    But it was just an automated reminder of a doctor’s appointment.

  • #5476
    Profile photo of Diem

    Wow, we are such eager participants. Every time my cell rings, vibrates or beeps, I am thinking it may be them. Have to remind myself daily that the messages on my landline are not the OOA as it’s unlisted. Tense!!!!!!

  • #5477
    Profile photo of

    I’m actually expecting that they AREN’T going to be calling me at this point.

  • #5478
    Profile photo of Diem

    @coryphella why would you think that?

  • #5479
    Profile photo of

    Because I suspect that the OOA is MUCH more interested in those who live in LA than those who don’t at this time. I could be wrong. I had 2-3 days of lots of contact right after I joined these forums, but since then I’ve heard nothing and it seems my purpose is mostly in bringing new people to the Light. Which is fine, and I’m open to being wrong or to that changing at some point. That’s just my sense of this whole thing right now. I hope this doesn’t make those ahead of me on their paths think that I’m a detractor. I’m doing my best.

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