This topic contains 87 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Sean (@TheGilded) Sean (@TheGilded) 8 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #9641
    Profile photo of OOA_GUIDE

    We completely understand your inquiries. We too desire more open communication from… All.

    As a community, please choose three and ONLY three questions that will be humbly presented before III.

    Please post them in a new thread with your final decisions for the questions made by 5 pm tomorrow, III will answer two of the three questions.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of OOA_GUIDE OOA_GUIDE.
  • #9644
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Okay everyone – let’s start coming up with questions. I think we need a leader first who is responsible for posting the questions in the new thread when it is ready. Is it okay if we use this particular forum to discuss the questions to be asked? (Not one of the questions I want to ask)

    As for a leader to do so I vote for @thegilded since Sean is incredibly active on these forums and knows his way around them and will be able to handle the influx I am sure we will see. Or @mike since he is the scribe and all.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Neil King Neil King.
    • #9649
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      I agree with it either being @thegilded or @mike.

      We should start a new thread and everyone poses questions and the questions with the most replies are the ones we pick. That sound fair? Neil you want to start a new thread?

    • #9652
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      I think we should keep the discussion in here. We have our base which is the original task presented and all discussion that follows.

    • #9653
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Let’s gather all the questions and discussion here and then our chosen voice can maybe start a clean thread for us to vote for the 3 questions?

    • #9654
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      I am all for that – as long as everyone else is too.

    • #9659
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      I can dig it

  • #9647
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    My question is: How can I have such a massive crush on III already?

    I vote for @thegilded also as long as he is amenable.

  • #9648
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    Now as for questions I have I know 242 is ringing through my head like none other. Another is the significance of 8. I think knowing how Gatekeepers get their ranking can be very helpful in finding out what happened to 4 and 5 and potentially Addison. What do you all think?

    • #9651
      Profile photo of Ezi

      I would also go for how the gatekeeper rankings work as there is so much going on around that at the moment.

  • #9655
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    I’m totally cool with @thegilded or @mike presenting the questions.

    Let’s get brainstormin’!!!

  • #9656
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J


  • #9657
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Another question: Why did 4 leave earlier than planned?

  • #9658
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Personally, I would like to get some clarification on L2D’s “wind the clock” riddle.

    Also would be great to know if there are any unsolved puzzles/links/clues that are lurking that we haven’t discovered.

    • #9661
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      We should word it as “What unsolved puzzles/Links/Clues have we not found?”

    • #9688
      Profile photo of

      THIS. I second this. I just said it again without realizing you already said it.

  • #9660
    Profile photo of Mike

    Here are some topics
    – the numbers and what they mean
    – the order of the Gatekeepers (did they start 242?)
    – what happened to Addison
    – what happened to GK4
    – what happened to Overseer
    – how many of “our” years equals one of their “new dusk”

    • #9663
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      I think “What happened to Addison?” should be a definite question.

    • #9710
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      I’m right here babe

    • #9668
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      I like the topics you are looking into. What we need to do though is figure out a way to word the question that doesn’t leave us more confused with the answer than before. All are valid points. I think the whereabouts of Overseer are not as important as some of the other questions. 242 is certainly up there. Addison is definitely up there. But we have to remember to be careful.

  • #9662
    Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
    Michael Rizzo

    As for me, I want to know where overseer went, I’m still incredibly butt hurt that 3 just straight destroyed overseer

  • #9664
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    What do the numbers mean that people got in phone calls?

    • #9669
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      What are the numbers (since nobody knows) and their meaning?

  • #9666
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Who is a plant?

    • #9671
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      Have to be careful with that one. That is assuming there actually is one. And that could easily be avoided. We get 2/3 of them answered so if that one is in it – he probably won’t answer unless the other 2 reveal something more deep or even if III knows. III may not know. He didn’t set the plants – someone else did.

  • #9670

    Aww shucks to the lot of you. Your faith in me and @mike is as touching as it is misplaced.

    We have until 5pm tomorrow and this is not an opportunity we often get, so we should take our time in coming up with these things. I’d argue that for right now, we should just compile all questions that anyone is interested in, so that we can trim down the list later. As of this post, the current questions are as follows:

    1. What is the significance of 242?
    2. What is the significance of 8?
    3. How do Gatekeepers get their ranking?

    My additions to the list:
    4. Is the purpose of the forum to speak of all Tension related topics or only things that the OOA would approve of?
    5. What exactly is Light2Dark’s role?
    6. What does the Dusk/Dawn refer to?
    7. What is the current, complete OOA organization structure?
    8. What are the tickets going on sale soon going to get us admittance to?

    9. What are the numbers (since nobody knows) and their meaning?
    10. Who is a plant?
    11. What do the numbers mean that people got in phone calls?
    12. What unsolved puzzles/Links/Clues have we not found?
    13. Why did 4 leave earlier than planned?
    14. What does “Wind the clock” refer to?
    15. the numbers and what they mean
    16. the order of the Gatekeepers (did they start 242?)
    17. what happened to Addison
    18. what happened to GK4
    19. what happened to Overseer
    20. how many of “our” years equals one of their “new dusk”

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Sean (@TheGilded) Sean (@TheGilded). Reason: Updated w/ questions as of 6-6 @ 1:16PM
    • #9680
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      I REALLY like question number 7, what is the complete organization structure…

    • #9705
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      Really liking 7 and 9
      And I think they are related, so if we ask both, if he chooses not to answer one, we’ll at least receive a partial answer

    • #9717
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      Alright guys so I am out until around 4:30 – 5 for the reveal of the answers. As for what I think – I believe getting an answer to the numbers is a good idea as well as the organization. I have given my two cents and I trust the community to make the right decision as to what three questions should get answered.

      Glory Be!

  • #9673
    Profile photo of Mike

    Another thing I think we have to keep in mind is that so far, III has not been talkative. He hasn’t given us more than a few sentences at a time like GK5 and 4 have. I feel like whatever ask needs to be simple to answer, but also a question that a simple answer will help us rather than confuse us or need more to. I could see something like..”What happened to so and so” – “nothing” or something like that.

  • #9674
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    – Who was Anoch (242)?
    – What is the OOA’s goal?
    – Who are the Elders?
    – How long has the OOA been around?
    – What do the crossing out of members’ pictures/names mean?
    – What did @light2dark mean when he said “wind the clock?”
    – How many Gatekeepers have there been?
    – What happened to Bob Jones?
    – What did Addison mean when she said “I’m ready?”

    I would also like to know the person who saw @thebuz and I get the letter and says he’s watching me, but that’s more self-serving.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
    • #9675
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      As much as I want to know the real answer to what happen to Bob Jones – I think the lynching satisfies my imagination.

  • #9678
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    We also should very SPECIFIC with our questions, so we can minimize vague responses.

    • #9681
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      That’s my biggest fear, all the answers will be VERY vague. I mean, just by seeing the way he responds and talks in the forums/periscope… Everything that he says is barely a few words :/

  • #9679
    Profile photo of ReidV

    I’m expecting vague, short as heck answers from III but here goes…

    When will we see the OOA again?
    When will @mike be enlightened? What does it entail? What happens after?
    What the f*** does winding the clock entail?
    What does “we are not who you think we are” mean?
    Who can be trusted?
    Will artists ever get recognized in the OOA? (lol)

    I also heartily recommend an answer “lock” make 2 important questions similar so they cant dodge it.

    • #9683
      Profile photo of Michael Rizzo
      Michael Rizzo

      Hmmmm, that idea could work with the two similar questions…

  • #9682
    Profile photo of ReidV

    I think a yes/no format might be most effective.

  • #9684
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    Finding out what sins Addison committed against the OOA and where is she now? Those have been eating at my brain since our last event.

  • #9685
    Profile photo of Neil King
    Neil King

    All good questions guys! I think with some of them we have to figure out how we would answer them. Such as “who to trust?” they would say something along the lines of trust yourself and your judgement. Ya know thats a vague short answer but tells us what we already know. They won’t tell us who to trust we have to figure that out ourselves.

  • #9686

    I’d argue that we should focus more on who the OOA is rather than recent events. Knowing what happened to Addison or 4, for example, seems less important than getting a glimpse into the machinations of the Institute

    • #9693
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      I’d agree with the Addison question but 4 leaving early seems rather important.

    • #9695
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      I agree too. I think understanding who or what Anoch is and how the OOA is structured is incredibly important.

      (I’m starting to get some serious Lovecraft vibes here)

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
    • #9699
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      yeah,I don’t know if I just imagined it, but as the camera panned away from the computer in the periscope I swear I saw a chthulu like shape in red underneath the candle. I kept trying to pause, but I couldn’t. It was just a couple frames. maybe it just was candle wax and me trying to impose meaning on it

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.
  • #9687
    Profile photo of

    What about questions that ask for where we should be looking, or what are we missing? I frequently feel at a loss as to what the fuck our next steps are supposed to be, while they talk about missing pieces and clues. Maybe getting help in filling some of those in?

    • #9692
      Profile photo of ReidV

      Agreed, thats a big one.

    • #9701
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O


  • #9694
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said

    Dang, you guys have nailed down some serious thoughts I’ve been having for a while. At this time I can’t really think of any questions that haven’t been covered here.

    I think the question that I’d like to see answered was the #7 on @TheGuilded’s thread:

    “What is the current, complete OOA organization structure?”

    • #9702
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      I second this, or third or fourth it. But I think this has been one of my main questions since the beginning

  • #9703
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    Would it make sense to ask about the older Facebook video where we never used the second set of numbers? Not sure what the specific question would be. Do the numbers lead anywhere new? Can they be used to unlock something?

  • #9704
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    Also knowing what puzzles are unsolved would be cool to know.

  • #9709
    Profile photo of Rusty

    I agree on so many of these! Ha! Personally, I don’t think a question about the ranking/structure of the organization may even be addressed. They have left it all vague so far, even as we interact with the folks, I feel it may not be useful to ask for a clarification they so obviously are not interested in giving. (On the other hand, now may be the only moment to ask for clarity, I see both sides.)

    What about a specific question about the origins (and purpose?) of Sentinel or Brothers of Seraph?

    I truly care about the fate of Addison… but I believe we will learn that eventually, may even meet her again. I hope that is the situation. I don’t feel that is one of the more important issues right now. Although, I am extremely curious.

    I like the idea of asking about the purpose of the Forums, I believe that confusion… plus the infamous Banhammaring of some has led people to be less open due to simple fear.
    So… Is the purpose of the forum to speak of all Tension related topics or only things that the OOA would approve of?

    Other potentials I agree most with from above posts…
    What does “Wind the clock” refer to?
    What do the numbers mean that people got in phone calls?

  • #9711
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    One question that’s bugged me for a little while – we all have our own paths, and I’m assuming those within the OOA have had paths, and are likely on their paths as well.

    In regards to our paths – what is our destination as desired by the OOA?

  • #9713
    Profile photo of Amie

    I’m a fan of learning about the organizational structure, any missing pieces and what is expected of the forums (OOA, Tension?). I think it would be cool if they answered 2 and threw in that last one for good measure since III thinks we’re nice. 😉

  • #9714
    Profile photo of


  • #9719
    Profile photo of Mike

    Hey guys, I went through and tried to combine the questions that were similar and then made a tally based on if someone had the same question or said they agreed with it. The top 3 right now are

    What have we not found (clues, links, puzzles) – 7
    What is the OOA org structure – 6
    Significance of numbers (242 and 8)/numbers in phone calls – 6

    Here’s everything else, with how many times it was brought up. If you have any other questions or want to vote for anything else, speak up soon please!

    Gatekeepers ranking – 4
    Why did Four leave earlier than planned/what happened? – 3
    What does wind the clock mean? – 4
    What happened to Addison/I’m ready/Sins committed? – 5
    What happened to Gk4?
    What happened to overseer? – 2
    How many of our years equals one of their new dusk?
    Forum – All tension or only OOA approved – 3
    Who is a plant?
    What is L2D role?
    What does Dusk/Dawn refer to?
    What are the tickets for?
    Who was Anoch?
    Who are the Elders?
    How long has the OOA been around?
    What do the crossing out of member’s pictures/names mean?
    How many Gatekeepers?
    What happened to Bob Jones?
    Who was watching Andrew?
    When will we see the OOA again?
    When will Mike be enlightened? What does it entail? What happens after?
    What does “we are not who you think we are” mean?
    Who can be trusted?
    Will artists ever get recognized in the OOA?
    What are the origins of BOS/Sentinel?
    What are our destination as desired by the OOA?
    Freaking Periscope?

  • #9720

    Thanks to @mike for consolidating these. My vote goes to the top 3, but I’m concerned that the question “What have we not found” is going to be too open ended and too unlikely to be answered.

    While we can try for it, it may be a better idea to ask “Can you explain to us something we’ve missed?” The potential payout is a much lower amount of information, but the chances of receiving a direct answer is higher

    • #9721
      Profile photo of Mike

      @thegilded – Agreed on the top 3 and the re wording of the question.

    • #9722
      Profile photo of Neil King
      Neil King

      Yup I third this. I am happy with all of these! Let’s get these answers guys…

    • #9725
      Profile photo of

      I agree as well.
      I might also *suggest* (just suggest) that the rewording be something like “could you explain to us something we’ve missed, like the periscope diagram L2D posted, or the constant reference to scope and mirror?”

      I emphasize this because the sudden dropping of the diagram seemed odd to me, and going back over my communication with him he really seemed to point to my asking about “scope and mirror” as being a “path not yet explored.”

      It *might* have been referring to Periscope the app but I think we already determined that wasn’t true.

      Anyway, if you decide to not include that, I’m totally fine with that.

    • #9726

      I do like the idea of leading the question, but I’m personally in favor of leaving it open ended. While focusing the question can likely lead to a specific answer, like the Periscope thing, by leaving it open we give them a chance to point us towards whatever they think the biggest thing we’ve missed is

    • #9728
      Profile photo of

      Fair enough.

    • #9723
      Profile photo of Amie

      I agree with the top 3 questions and rewording as well.

  • #9724
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    I agree also

  • #9729
    Profile photo of Mike

    How are these rewords? I know these aren’t questions, but I don’t want to be tricked by asking and getting a yes or no answer. On second thought, it’s all tone right? So I put a question mark on it but it has to be read with the end of the sentence being in a higher pitched voice :)

    Please explain to us clues/links/puzzles we have missed?
    Please explain to us what the OOA organization structure is?
    Please explain the significance of the numbers that you are giving us, specifically 242 and 8 from the found letter and the numbers mentioned in some phone calls?

    • #9730
      Profile photo of

      One thing to keep in mind – they are only going to answer TWO of these questions. Is there a question that, if it’s answered over another, you’ll wish you hadn’t asked? Can we replace that one with a better question?

      Example: I don’t personally care what the OOA organization structure is – I would MUCH rather know the answers to the other two. I know others don’t feel the same way and I respect that, but just make certain that ANY TWO of these being answered will give you what you want.

    • #9731
      Profile photo of Michelle

      I think that’s perfect, Mike. Well done.

    • #9736
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      these sound great. I worry the first is still too unspecific to receive an answer, but what can you do? If we ask about a more specific puzzle it may just lead to a yes or no as Mike said

    • #9737
      Profile photo of Amie

      @mike Just add “Can you” to the front of those and bam, you’ve got yourself a question! 😉

    • #9742
      Profile photo of Mike

      @amieexists – I can, but that goes back to a possible yes or no answer :/

    • #9748
      Profile photo of Amie

      @mike Yeah, you’re right. I guess that could be possible but if they actually answered in yes or no then they were never going to give us anything anyway. There’s always a loophole right?? :)

  • #9739
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    Thank you @mike for compiling this list together, it really helps us out in having one voice in this together. I agree with the top 3 questions to be asked of from the OOA.

  • #9740
    Profile photo of Cody

    Im in for to 3 as well.

  • #9743
    Profile photo of Chris424

    I think mike hit the nail on the head with those questions .
    The ranking system for the gatekeepers might also answer other questions to for us.
    And the puzzle question is also a great question and would point people in the right direction incase they missed something and might cause them to find something someone missed clue wise

  • #9753
    Profile photo of Rusty

    I also agree with the questions, especially since postings seem to keep indicating we have missed something, but nothing seems apparent to anyone. Perhaps the numbers in the phone calls are actually part of that mystery.

  • #9762

    Ideally, we should have our questions locked down by 4pm, to allow for a margin of error.

    There is some conversation still happening, but it seems that the questions @mike has put up are the ones that we, as a whole, are mostly leaning towards.

    Given the recent discussion, does anyone want to alter or replace any of the 3 we currently have?

    • #9768
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Those 3 questions I think are great. Only issue I can foresee is 1 and 3 may yield the same answer.

    • #9770

      That’s fair, there is overlap. Do you want to suggest a substitute question, or reword one to include “non-numerical clue” to make it exclusionary?

  • #9763
    Profile photo of Mike

    @thegilded – should a new thread be made at that time? That way it’s nice and clean for III and the OOA Guide to see and to answer?

    • #9767

      Yeah, per the submission guidelines we’ll need to create a new topic that only contains our 3 questions, their response, and likely any conversation we have based on their response

    • #9771
      Profile photo of Mike

      I get what you’re saying, but I think they are 2 different things being asked. The significance doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a clue. Like we were all theorizing yesterday, does 8 mean a Gatekeeper? Was 242 the starting point? It could give us more background info than a clue we missed, know what I mean?

    • #9776
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      The 242/8 thing falls under the organizational structure, I believe. And the numbers definitely falls into the “clues we have missed” category.

      Suggest we either ask who/what Anoch is or what happened to Addison. Those are two of the biggest question marks right now.

    • #9777

      Do we know that, though? 242/8 may be related to organizational structure, but a complete picture of organizational structure is more like “Gatekeepers report to Oracles, L2D reports to Gatekeepers, Overseer reports to the Oracles”, etc.

      I’d be okay with the Anoch question, but I think that we’re missing bigger pieces of this puzzle that matter more than what happened to Addison.

      That said, if people want to revise the list, you’ll have until 4:30pm to do so, as I’ll be posting the questions at 4:30. If there is a significant enough movement to change the questions, I’m certainly willing to do so, but if you want to you gotta join Andrew in speaking up now

    • #9779
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      As much as I want to know what Anoch is…

      I think they may not answer that truthfully or fully. But it is a great question.

      We yeild much more from asking 242 question.

      Asking what happened to Addison I don’t think will reveal much more than what we’ve all theorized and will probably warrent an elusive answer.

      Missing clues
      And structure seem to be the best bet.

      However I do really like asking about the winding clock, or perhaps using one of our questions to confirm a long standing theory… A yes or not question if you will.. I.E. Do the gatekeepers represent the 5 senses… Something like that?

      Just spitballing here since we’re down to the wire.

    • #9780
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      Agreed w/ @thebuz. 242, Missing clues, Structure gives us the opportunity to learn about OOA history, things we’ve missed and where to look next time we’re stuck, and OOA organization.

      We can use these to hopefully uncover what happened to Addison, who or what Anoch is, what winds the clock and if the gatekeepers are actual beings or metaphors for senses, etc.

      I really feel like answers to any two of these three will help us uncover answers to the third and more.

    • #9782
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      I think the questions should remain as is. I agree, there is some overlap. But I think that helps us. No matter, which of the two they choose to answer, it will hopefully help a little with whichever one remains unanswered.

  • #9784

    It’s up. Here’s hoping we get something good

    Also, don’t post there until after the OOA does. Lets keep their response high up in the thread

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