Revisiting unsolved clues – 6/8/16

Tension brand Forums THEORIES, PUZZLES, DECODING THEIR MESSAGE Revisiting unsolved clues – 6/8/16

This topic contains 22 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of 111_error 111_error 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #9796

    During our conversation about what we wanted to ask III, I was reminded as to just how many clues we’ve picked up over the past few months that we still don’t fully understand.

    Since so much has happened since we originally got them, I thought we may want to compile them and review them. Best case scenario, we find new insight that we had missed or didn’t have access to before. Worst case scenario, at least we have our unsolved clues in one place.

    Below is a list that I’m still curious off, just pulled off the top of my head:

    1. Repeated use of the number 5 in early images
    2. Leftover numbers from the 227 video
    3. Numbers given over phone calls to people
    4. Light2Dark’s offerings, specifically “quests.guests&gatherers %”
    5. The Training Log book found on /about and /227
    6. Markings/colors on nametags given out at the Mixer
    7. 242/8, in III’s video

    I’m surely missing other curious data points that we haven’t solved, does anyone else have any other ones that have been bugging them or, even better, have any insight on any of these since we originally found them?

  • #9797
    Profile photo of Daela

    Re: point 1, it’s not just early images. The most recent Facebook post also has a number “5” hidden, which seems to indicate that it has nothing to do with Gatekeeper 5 as originally suspected.

    The fact that there is a “4” on the “comma” disclaimer might be related.

    Also unsolved, to my knowledge:

    – The letters QSD on the “sense” page
    – The meaning behind “Los Angeles” casting a shadow that says “La AnGelez”
    – The meaning of the numbers being reversed in the radial lines at the top of the eye chart (so that instead of starting at 0 and ending at 180, the arc starts and ends with 90)
    – “what5youseek” on an early video
    – scope and mirror – clearly did not originally refer to Periscope, although Tension has since begun using it
    – any potential meaning behind the 39th underscore in the “scope and mirror” page
    – any meaning behind the word “Conform” on the disclaimer pop-up
    – “she is still amongst you” in the latest image – unknown what we’re supposed to do with this information

    • #9802
      Profile photo of Daela

      Realized I should be more specific, the JUNE 6 Facebook post of the upside-down face is the one with “5” and “she is still amongst you” in the image

    • #9817
      Profile photo of 111_error

      I am so color blind with red and green that I couldn’t see that hidden text, only a tiny part of ‘among..’

      Is the communal gut instinct that this references Addison?

    • #9818
      Profile photo of Melissa

      That or ~four?

  • #9798
    Profile photo of 111_error

    This is as good a place as any to remind everyone; If you have found clues or puzzles that the rest of us have missed, PLEASE SHARE THEM WITH US.

    Unless you have specifically been told you can’t do that (and it’s absurdly unlikely that is the case, but it may apply to some), then stop giggling at us scrabbling in the dark. <3

  • #9799
    Profile photo of

    I think “scope and mirror” DID always refer to a “periscope” in some way (not the app Periscope). So, I would say once again – FREAKING PERISCOPE. Just not the app, the drawing thing that L2D left for us.

    • #9803
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      My opinion is that L2D utilizes a more literal analog of an actual periscope or even functions as such. The language employed by L2D frequently references being below, marking and recording/noting and even the moniker is what a periscope does, bring images in the form of light to the dark where previously not visible.
      So L2D is an observer and recorder that marks time/progress and possibly has a functional capacity to open up more puzzles once enough progress is made. Scope and mirror are the components of a periscope. What does this mean when the OOA flogs such key words as Light and Ascension? Perhaps, if we look to the natural duality of philosophy/religion we can entertain the classic “As Above, So Below” wherein all structures are thought to have a dark equal, mirroring the light and it would only be through cautious exploration of both would a full scope of knowledge be attained, otherwise you are just a zealot.

      My two cents. But what do I know? I’m just eating a sammich on lunch break.

  • #9800
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    I’m looking at the training book again, specifically in /227. Those highlighted phrases seem to have a bit more meaning now that we know what we’re dealing with.

    Training events to be recorded in great detail
    Top instructors
    Valuable information for those interested in
    Important data
    Pictures from each event recorded
    Will become a cherished record of you training and _ development

    They’ve had cameras at every event, recording us. They’ve taken our pictures at every event. In thinking about “Valuable information for those interested in / important data,” I think we should have some collection of every photo taken at an event? Taken by us, the OOA, anyone, just everything in one place.. I can start the topic, but I don’t have any photos to share, unfortunately.

  • #9801
    Profile photo of

    Also, too, remember I got this message from him shortly after he posted that image:

    Light•2•Dark Sent 3 weeks ago Star
    /// But what does that have to do with anything ///
    What is the composition of such a device?
    Does it have alternate meaning or an alternate view if tampered with?
    Much more cannot be said. ^%light2dark

    • #9806
      Profile photo of 111_error

      That message has intrigued me. “Does it have alternate meaning or an alternate view if tampered with?”

      So, what is the ‘meaning’ of a periscope? It’s to make small things larger? Or bring clarity to things in the distance?
      An alternate view, or tampering, would make large things smaller?

      I feel this is one of the more significant clues we didn’t follow up on enough.

    • #9808
      Profile photo of Cody

      A periscope enables one to see through a perspective that would not otherwise be easily seen. It brings outward sight to someone who has not the ability or is in a place where this ability is limited.
      The fact that It is scope AND mirror, makes me see it as an expression of being a scope to see into ourselves.
      A mirror is a reflection.. so if you were to combine a metaphorical periscope with a metaphorical mirror.. it could be the ability to see ones self in a different light or perspective.

      That’s just one perspective though.
      Hopefully there’s something more tangible than that, but this is how my mind interpreted it.

    • #9811

      Focusing on the idea that it is to show something to someone who would otherwise be unable to see is an interesting idea… maybe it refers not to us looking inwards on ourselves, but to The Powers That Be, that may not be able to interact with us directly but rather have to use proxies like L2D and the Gatekeepers.

      Thus, “Noted in scope and mirror” would be a unique way of basically saying that “You’ve done well, and I’ve informed Them of this”

    • #9815
      Profile photo of

      @sovereignskies: a periscope IS a scope and mirror – the “tube” (I guess) is the scope, and it has two mirrors inside.

    • #9820
      Profile photo of Cody

      Thanks Megan.
      Yeah for sure it is. I was thinking about the first event though, and how when the hoods were removed the participants were left looking into a mirror. Reflection, all of the introspection reported by others as well as myself as a result of this experience. These are necessary elements described by the many texts pertaining to enlightenment and spiritual ascension. These were aspects that stuck out and I applied to my interpretation.
      I agree with you that scope refers to a periscope. This is perhaps evidenced by the diagram. While Scope and mirror in conjunction with the diagram can be taken as an explanation of a periscope, I always remember the past application of the words and objects previously utilized by the OOA. Also while looking through a wide lense of information accumulated as a result of research into KEY words used to spark the nature of this experience.
      A periscope example; On a submarine a periscope allows individuals see beyond the shell of the sub. They gain the ability to see that which they were blind to. I applied this to a mirror, reflection, enlightenment, seeing what was not visible before. I guess I look pretty deeply into things sometimes. But hey, why the hell not? lol.

    • #9821
      Profile photo of

      @sovereignskies: I guess I just had a sense – *especially* after L2D posted the picture of the periscope – that there was something specific about a LITERAL periscope that we needed to know or figure out. To me, posting the picture was like L2D saying “oh for fuck’s sake people, if I don’t post an image you’re NEVER going to get it.” That is probably just me projecting myself onto L2D, but after that image posting and the message I got from him (which came right after the image was posted) I thought it meant something more concrete, less metaphorical.

    • #9825
      Profile photo of Cody

      @coryphella, I hope so!

      This is some interactions I have had from L2D. I posted most of them before and will do so again, to make sure I didn’t miss any. My replies were a little off the wall as the day all of these interactions occurred, was the same day I received my call from the OOA after a post I had made. That was an intense day for me. The page had some crazy changes that day as well. The forums rearranged and light to dark became active again. I won’t be sharing all of my replies at this time as they will be revealed in a project I am working on.

      “My role is one of lurking in the d a r k and measuring results.
      Often taking me on a _path that keeps me excited about what this is becoming. -%light2dark
      Cody Sent 3 weeks, 1 day ago

      So you Monitor the entire scope of collective information collected by the page and other devives uttalized in data gathering.
      I see the pattern… I see where it all leads…. One of the greatest tales of all time.
      Light•2•Dark Light•2•Dark Sent 3 weeks, 1 day ago

      There are unique plans that the Teachers have been cultivating for quite some time.
      Time is a factor and also the reach. With more people and more activity we can open up many more _paths.
      The time is here to ’spread like wildfire’ as you put it.
      Be a bull in the china shop if it break down walls that still block others as well. ^%light2dark

      Light•2•Dark Sent 3 weeks, 1 day ago

      The measure shows that many speak of uncovering details about others questions.
      That is not the way, the details to seek are for the light of the group, not to divide the group with darkness. -%light2dark
      Light•2•Dark Sent 3 weeks, 1 day ago

      Advice from where I lurk in the d a r k
      Pieces and parts have been brought to the light, but much is left untouched.
      While some items have triggered due to seekers pulling them from the forward,
      Others are wound by time and *efforts* of those on the _path will set them in motion. -%light2dark

      That is everything that was ever said to me by L2d

    • #9810
      Profile photo of Melissa

      @111error, if you were to mess around with the mirror(s) enough of a periscope the light would simply not make it to the end user. I’m so bad with analogies but we, the Participants, are not showing the clues, that screws up the mirror of the scope? And the path of the light going through the scope won’t be seen by the end user (us)? So, tampering the periscope = we don’t move forward with the story?

      Gah my brain hurts.

    • #9828
      Profile photo of 111_error

      That is actually pretty apt, considering we know some people have clues and puzzle progress they’re not sharing. They in that case would be the light, and though it is supposed to reach all our eyes, they are not bouncing the information towards the next reflective mirror (this forum).

      I also agree that the message sent to @coryphella is too on the nose and blunt to be overly metaphorical.

  • #9804
    Profile photo of Mike

    Also, with #4 on Sean’s list, that phrase (as well as entry 227) also comes up under the “scope” tag, but entry 227 doesn’t seem to have that tag or that word on the page. Screenshot below

  • #9807

    I suppose a problem that I’ve had since this started is that so much of this I’m willing to discount so many of these points as just stylistic or mood-setting choices.

    However, the repeated use of Scope and Mirror is definitely something that I’m still curious about. The connections to Periscope seem fair, but L2D’s repeated use of phrases like “Your path will be noted in scope and mirror” seem to point to something that is beyond just the app. Further, L2D’s usage of it predated Tension’s use of the app by a considerable amount of time.

    I suppose another question that I’ll add to the pile is: “What was L2D’s purpose, and why did we see a significant drop off of his activity?”

  • #9809
    Profile photo of Mike

    Ok let’s get super nerdy about Score and Mirror


    Definition of scope

    1: intention, object

    2: space or opportunity for unhampered motion, activity, or thought

    3: extent of treatment, activity, or influence

    4: range of operation: asa : the range of a logical operator : a string in predicate calculus that is governed by a quantifierb : a grammatical constituent that determines the interpretation of a predicate or quantifier

    Simple Definition of mirror

    : a piece of glass that reflects images

    : something that shows what another thing is like in a very clear and accurate way

    Full Definition of mirror

    1: a polished or smooth surface (as of glass) that forms images by reflection

    2a : something that gives a true representation
    b : an exemplary model

    There’s a lot of speculation you can take from these definitions. Tons of theories. Like, is he logging it in an “object” and “something that gives a true representation”? Or is it a metaphor? Or is it more? Or is it other definitions?

  • #9819
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    It doesn’t explain the drop off in the activity, but I did have a small exchange a while ago that explains he was always present, just not communicative:

    Light•2•DarkLight•2•Dark Sent 3 weeks, 1 day ago Star
    It wasn’t that I left (or was away).
    My evaluation will progress.
    I may unlock more that can be brought to the light. ^%light2dark

    I get the sense of him being near but isolated this whole time.

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