Saturday night phone call..

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA Saturday night phone call..


This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Peter Morton Peter Morton 8 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #6374
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    Hello brothers and sisters,

    I have a small confession – I have recently been doubting my commitment to the OOA due to having been largely ignored compared to everyone else. I’ve reached out to them though countless voicemails, Facebook messages and comments, and have never received any acknowledgement from the OOA whatsoever…

    Until Saturday, when they phoned me to call me out on my frustrations and doubts. I was out to dinner at the time and wasn’t able to write anything down in the moment, but here’s what went down.

    My phone rang from a caller id-blocked number at exactly 9:00pm on the dot. On the line was an older sounding male voice, I believe a recording. Some background noise on his end made it somewhat difficult to hear. It was a very quick call, maybe 30 seconds or so – my notes from immediately after the message are that he said: “Hello Addison. We know you doubt us and you have been questioning our methods. You’re free to walk away at any time. But we have not been focusing on only the brightest for tonight’s first step.” It might have been “we have not chosen only the brightest for tonight’s first step.

    I’m not entirely sure about what this means, but I guess I’m a little reassured that they have finally reached out. It was shocking to be addressed directly when I wasn’t expecting it, and I’m surprised they called me out on being frustrated and a little bitter about not being picked despite being a little more involved here than some that were selected. I was planning on taking a backseat on this whole thing until there was a public event, but I guess I’m hooked back in now.

    Glory Be!

  • #6376
    Profile photo of Erin

    I am curious what counts as “brightest?”

  • #6379
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl

    This post makes me smile. You’ve received a call. Glory be!

  • #6409
    Profile photo of explodingtulips

    I’m so glad you received a call. I just discovered this a few days ago and hearing all of these testimonials is encouraging.

  • #6417
    Profile photo of Erin

  • #6524
    Profile photo of Peter Morton
    Peter Morton

    I received a call inviting me to Saturday’s event on Wednesday of last week. The voice on the other end sounded at first like a recording then addressed me personally. It asked if I was able to reschedule me appointed time of 4 30 to 6pm? I asked if there was any way I could do earlier as I had an event to attend. There was a pause and then the voice responded with, “we will be in touch Saturday morning you must come alone”
    The rest of the week I was incredibly excited for Saturday to roll round. Come Saturday morning I waited patiently but no phone call. At just before noon I decided to Facebook message the OOA in the hope that they would respond. They did not. I kept my eyes online the whole day watching developments. At around 8pm Saturday night I received a response on Facebook apologizing and assuring me that although They were overbooked and I couldn’t be included I will be placed on a list for a special event and can expect to hear from them very soon. I still have yet to receive any further updates. I am of the opinion that the OOA are extremely smart and are picking their initiates carefully. Although I was disappointed not to be included on Saturday I feel that my path will unfold just how it is meant to. I continue to promote Tension and spread the word amongst all I meet in the hope that this will please the OOA and I will be considered worthy to partake in future events. I lay seeds in many places, under different names and accounts and hope this will not go unnoticed. My next step is to bring the light to Europe where I will be traveling for the next few weeks. After a long ramble my point is…. To not be despondent and do not give up on your search for the light. All will be revealed to all who show faith. Glory Be brothers and sisters may your journey to the light be glorious!!!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of Peter Morton Peter Morton.

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