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This topic contains 12 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Neil King 8 years, 7 months ago.
August 7, 2016 at 11:02 pm #17751
Hello Tension world,
It was a crazy weekend for ScareLA and especially on The Tension side of things. I have been thinking long and hard as to how BoS could have hijacked the panel and the video. I am not a fan of this theory as somehow I have been kept in the dark for so long but it only seems to make sense. To explain where I am going I have to start at the beginning.
First Brian Sapir and myself were brought on as Associate Program Producers back in April/Mayish time for the ScareLA convention. At that time things were truly heating up with Tension and I thought it would be a great idea to bring them into the convention in any way possible. I told Program director Jon Schnitzer about them and he instantly became intrigued. After a few emails back and forth it seemed that he was growing frustrated. They stayed “in character” and he wasn’t playing around. He wanted them there and he didn’t want to play – just not in the mood.
As time went on they got confirmed for ScareLA to have a panel. I sat in on a meeting a few weeks back and when the Tension panel was brought up I was kicked out of the room. I believed it because I hate spoilers and Brian knows it. I left the room and when I came back, the rest of the table looked confused but Brian assured me it was all fine.
As much as I wanted to know what was going to happen, I never looked for those answers. I truly do hate Spoilers.
Fast forward a few weeks later, I am sitting on a phone conference with the ScareLA production team and at one point when I wasn’t paying too much attention Brian takes it off of speaker phone. I paid no attention, again thinking it was spoilerific. Afterwards Brian tells me that he knows nothing but has volunteered himself to sit in on the panel. That’s cool and all especially since Brian and I started this together and I knew he was interested. Then a day later Jonathan Luther (@JonathanScareLA) was announced as the moderator.
Now Brian says he was unaware that Jonathan was moderating until the night prior when he saw the list of talent coming in for the panel. He also told me that he was told by the superiors of the convention a few days prior to the panel that his one job was to tell the volunteers “to NOT call security”.
Yesterday was the panel and we had the rude interruption by Addy’s Daddy and then the strange BoS. The question in my mind was HOW can BoS infiltrate an OOA event. I have one idea… it was an inside job.
My theory is that Brian has some sort of connection with the BoS. I know that since he has been locked out of the forums he has been pretty negative towards the OOA and has voiced his frustration a few times. Something has been up over here at the Sapir/King household. Something has been on his mind. As we got closer to the convention he seemed to be off, I am not sure if it was the stress or my constant work flow or something else entirely. Around the time of the first BoS and Sentinel hack he seemed to fall out of the “game”. As ScareLA approached he seemed to get more interested. He had communication with the sound and video guy and maybe even ran them through a dry run before the panel started. He was sitting in the back the whole time. When the lights went out I was too busy watching everything else to see how he was responding.
I have brought it up to him and he says “they haven’t contacted me”. I am not sure if he is telling the truth or not. As I said before something isn’t right.
Either Brian has the connect to BoS or some other member of the ScareLA team does. As for me I ended up too busy after we filed Mark Upon The Flesh (formerly known as Inked) that I had no part in the planning from that point forward. My job was to run the WAIH booth which y’all saw me at.
Anyways this seems crazy but too legit. What do you all think? And if I am living with a BoS, what do I do?
Glory Be!
August 8, 2016 at 12:06 am #17759
But @nking, WE walked right through the door like the rest of you. Sat amongst you. We were invited. If we truly are the enemy of ALL of the OOA, how could this be? You suggest, inside job. Maybe you are onto something, or maybe the paranoia is…
August 8, 2016 at 12:10 am #17760
You were invited by the OOA yes, but you who walked amongst us and sat with us @electrichippo had no power at ScareLA. Therefore you or any of the invited having any control over what was seen was not you guys at all. It had to be someone else. A video just doesn’t get hijacked, a panel just doesn’t get taken over. That is not how things work. Brian was there because he volunteered to be there. The truth is that BoS hijacked the video, and I am merely suggesting how. This has nothing to do with you or the invited.
August 8, 2016 at 12:11 am #17761
@nking: You sound very sure of yourself there. That’s nice
August 8, 2016 at 9:01 am #17778
Look I am creating a theory. No theory is 100%. What I do know is technology and that I am 100% sure that I will not join the Brotherhood of Smugness!
August 8, 2016 at 12:28 am #17762
man, @nking maybe you are looking in the right places? But sounds like maybe you made a wrong turn somewhere there. Idk or could be nothing 😘
August 8, 2016 at 8:13 am #17772
@jonathanscarela surname is LUTHER? There’s been other significant Luther’s in Tension history. Let’s see there was Rosemary Luther and James Luther (see March newsletter)
Coincidence? Nothing is random.
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
August 8, 2016 at 8:19 am #17774
@jonathanscarela – do you recognize this woman? A relative perhaps? Are there any stories about your family that you may have heard of a relative you never met?
August 8, 2016 at 9:04 am #17779
I thought it about it being Luther, especially after @kingkill33 brought it to my attention last night. The issue being is Jonathan’s lack of confidence and play confusion did not fool me. Therefore I doubt he fooled any of the OOA or any of the ScareLA team. I do believe there is a strong connection to something, but as for him hacking the video I don’t know if that is within his capabilities. Only an inside member of ScareLA could have tampered with the video.
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
August 8, 2016 at 9:10 am #17781
Here’s another theory – what if Jonathan is BoS and not Brian? BoS always say that they want to expose the OOA and bring the truth out. Ok, now check this out…what if Jonathan IS related to Rosemary and “Accepted Initiate” Robert and because of all the non-answers he and his family have gotten about them, he did searching and then found the BoS. BoS accepted him and he was a double agent of sorts…got involved with the OOA panel based on his name/family legacy and from the inside, had the BoS video play because he wants them exposed as well. Maybe he has a similar story to Tom about wanting answers about his family, but went about trying to find those answers in a completely different way.
August 8, 2016 at 9:13 am #17782
I thought that but as I said before, he has no access to the video. He didn’t drop the video off with Brian. Jonathan also was nowhere near the mixer when the video was interrupted. Brian was back there the whole time. He was in control of all the media going in and out of that machine and he was overseer of those particular volunteers. I do not doubt that Jonathan could be BoS as well but the interruption of the video can’t be done by an outsider to the convention.
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
August 8, 2016 at 9:20 am #17783
he was overseer
Brian is @masterlock ?!?!?! It’s all coming together!! 😉
August 8, 2016 at 9:24 am #17785
Now that is crazy! Ahaha
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