Sentinel FB Video and Phone Call

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA Sentinel FB Video and Phone Call

This topic contains 59 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Amie Amie 8 years, 10 months ago.

  • Author
  • #5660
    Profile photo of David

    hey all. i just got a call from,i beleive Sentinel, an unknown number. The man said that they have infultrated all of us and im next if i dont back down and to check the fb page. Its kind of hidden so its on the tension fb page but tension did not post it. i will never join the enemy,i will stay on my _path with the OOA and continue to reach my light. GLORY BE THE OOA!

  • #5661
    Profile photo of Mike

    The Brotherhood seems to think that we are weak. They may think they know the OOA, but they do not know us!

    • #5663
      Profile photo of David


  • #5666
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    “Sentinel Being”‘s Facebook profile has one friend, Lunita Flores. Anyone know who this is?

    Edit: I just added her.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Addison Born Addison Born.
    • #5669
      Profile photo of Amie

      Seems like a random person, maybe first one that accepted? Hard to say though.

  • #5667

    You sure get a lot of unique contacts from OOA/Sentinel/Tension @dsapir. Lucky guy.

  • #5670
    Profile photo of Amie

    So I know we have a lot of regulars, were there any regulars that weren’t called out on there that anyone noticed?

    • #5672

      Pictures seemed to be chosen based off whether or not they were face/personal pictures rather than activity levels. There were a few in there that only posted a few times

    • #5675
      Profile photo of Amie

      True, I did notice that as well. Something to think about!

  • #5671
    Profile photo of Melissa

    Well why the hell Ken was included IDK lol

  • #5673
    Profile photo of Amie

    The quote to go along with the video. I guess they want us to take them serious.

    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

  • #5674
    Profile photo of Mike

    It’s even more interesting as to who ISN’T in there.

    @nking isn’t in the video and he’s pretty active and visible, so the BOS may not think he is weak. Couple that with the fact that @gatekeeper5 keeps calling him out about certain things and it raises more questions than answers.

    Also, @dsapir seemed to be the only one to get a call about this and he’s not in the video either. Coincidence? Or Betrayer of Truth?

    I’m not accusing, just stating things to think about. Love you guys :)

  • #5676
    Profile photo of Melissa


  • #5677

    My opinion since the moment I saw the Sentinel video… The people in those photos have nothing in common other than they provided real life images of themselves. Well except for KenT who in’t capable of providing a real life image since he doesn’t exist… quite obviously a bot/plant. Don’t believe it, just reverse image his photo and you’ll find pages of sites that have used that image and a source to a convention photographer in MA. Other tidbits on those Tension site users: Tangent is innocent and also hasn’t been active on the site since her first week, when by chance I spoke to her privately and she was a very nice real person. Lukas, similar story to Tangent. Amie, Susie, Diem, and Melissa… serious players here and all as above board as they come. Trevor, a nice real guy who partakes occasionally on the forum. AddisonB. similar. Various others who are active in the haunt community but are have demonstrated nothing suspicious. Perhaps one person in that entire mix is a mastermind, but I’m keeping that information to myself for now. (If I didn’t mention you by name it means nothing, or does it?)

    P.S. I sent a private message to Sentinel. I imagine others have too?

    • #5678

      Additional information: KenT was part of a group of people that signed up before the forums went public. I found the forums, just like a few others did, but we all did so independently. Hours apart. KenT along with a handful of others, including EscapedRoom all signed up within a period of 10 minutes apart, approx 15 minutes before the forums went public. No other users were active with such coincidental timing

      KenT and EscapedRoom have both reported being to events that no one else can verify. One of the many reasons I denounced these two as detractors to Omega. I have nothing else to add about the others.

    • #5679
      Profile photo of

      And me. You talked to me. Right?

    • #5680

      Yes, Megan, sorry! I realized after I hit enter that I should have put you in the grouping of Diem, Melissa, et al. Megan is 100% true and loyal in my book.

    • #5682
      Profile photo of

      Because otherwise I was like “but we’re bff’s now…”

    • #5681
      Profile photo of Amie

      I am real, thank you! :) I did send Sentinel a message as well. I started to get paranoid after that they would try to use it against me, but it’s short so I probably worried for nothing.

    • #5710

      @amieexists Did Sentinel reply back. He did reply to me.

    • #5714
      Profile photo of Daela

      What did they say??

    • #5762

      @daela: I have the feeling I shouldn’t repeat his words. Sorry about that.

      As far as I’m aware no one else received message back from Sentinel. If someone out there has I’d be very interested in speaking with you privately.

  • #5683
    Profile photo of EscapedRoom

    I don’t know what else I can say to you other than your paranoia in me is both amusing, and unfounded. I stumbled onto the boards like so many by looking through directories. I took a series of actions which is what I believe to be what led me to be “noticed”. I am allowed to say one thing I guess. I’ve had to sign an agreement with OOA that prevents me from saying a great deal of what I know to be going on. Also Ken(t) who I don’t know is probably in the same boat. Soon some of you will see, soon you too will called out as liars and betrayers. FYI my picture is not of me as well. But point the finer. Call me out, all that is doing is distracting you from what is right in front of you.

    In light,

    • #5684

      Be specific. How EXACTLY did you find the forums? Step by step?

      How exactly does someone who doesn’t know someone else sign up for a hidden forum at exactly the same time as them?

      What actions did you do that caused you to be noticed like this? Because it sure as hell isn’t anything on the forum, you’ve been as inactive as KenT, both only telling stories about events few believe happened

    • #5689
      Profile photo of Amie

      I would expect the OOA to call you out if you haven’t actually signed an agreement with them so I’m interested to see if anything comes of this. If they don’t then I’ll have to consider that maybe you are working with them.

  • #5686
    Profile photo of CLR

    I have a bit of catching up to do. What video is being discussed that includes photos?

    • #5687
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      On the Tension FB page in the visitor posts. Comments have been deleted, but there was a nice photoshop in there. I’m also messaging Sentinel nonsense pictures. I might escalate to memes soon though.

  • #5688
    Profile photo of EscapedRoom

    Sean that is for you and others to figure it. All I can assure you this is all very real and a map exists on how to obtain it. Some of you are on the wrong path. Continue to insult me. But I promise you once you uncover things the tables will be turned.

    • #5690

      Cute that you can’t even explain how to got here.

      At best you are not who you say you are. At worst you are a Betrayer of Truth, a term that you used before anyone else did, that shortly found its way into official Tension documents.

      You are a BoT at worst, and a liar at best. Either way, no matter which directions the tables are turned…

      Come at me, bro

    • #5703
      Profile photo of Daela

      I’m with Russell – we shouldn’t tear each other apart internally with nothing but speculation to go on. Wild finger-pointing will only distract from the true detractors.

      Here’s my question. What are we accusing EscapedRoom of being? An actor? A puppet? If EscapedRoom were lying, surely s/he would be called out by the Gatekeepers. So it seems safe to assume that EscapedRoom’s cryptic non-answers are in accordance with the will of the OOA.

      The more pertinent question is why the OOA would allow EscapedRoom to dangle in this fashion, without exonerating him or her in our eyes. Does it amuse them to see ER attacked, and not allow ER to defend him/herself? Or is this a test of our faith? Are we being given a glorious opportunity to believe without proof? You know what that other religion says…”blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed”. EscapedRoom might be playing the role of prophet, and we might be making a mistake in hounding him/her for evidence.

    • #5691
      Profile photo of Mike

      @escapedroom – You said a map exists on how to obtain “it”, but what is “it”? Your response made it seem a reply to Sean on how you got on the forums.

      If you can speak about it, is this a physical map that we have to find? Can you give any advice on who or how some of us are on the wrong path. You are obviously wiser than most of us as the OOA has taken an interest in you…but they also want us to work together to spread the word and form a community. Can you help us?

  • #5692

    I will give EscapedRoom one thing. He sure can spin a dramatic and amusing tale. Thanks for the entertainment.

  • #5693
    Profile photo of EscapedRoom

    For a community of people seeking light. This sure is a dark fucking place.

    • #5694

      Enlighten us, then. Sharing this map, any details on how you joined, anything other than “Just wait, you’ll see” will prove that I’m just being an unfounded ass.

      But we’ve been shown there are people among us who are lying, you are highly suspect and you have no defense against any of what’s being said.

  • #5695
    Profile photo of EscapedRoom

    I can’t talk. Or I lose my place. Soon that will fall on you all.

    Believe me or continue to not.

    My path is clear.

    • #5696

      You admit, then, that my accusations are not unfounded. You are not a Disciple in the way that we are

  • #5697
    Profile photo of EscapedRoom

    I would call me out too

    • #5698

      If you would call yourself out, then why go so aggro when we call you out? Doesn’t seem you’ve found the light yet. If you had you might be a bit more chill.


  • #5699
    Profile photo of David

    @escapedroom i agree with @thegilded . what did you sign with the OOA?with @gatekeeper5 telling us there are liars amongst us i do believe you could be a detractor keeping us in the dark and guiding us the wrong way.So i ask you, @EscapeRoom,or should i say Sentinel, how did you find the forums?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of David David.
  • #5701
    Profile photo of David

    @escapedroom i agree with @Sean. what did you sign with the OOA?with @gatekeeper5 telling us there are liars amongst us i do believe you could be a detractor keeping us in the dark and guiding us the wrong way.So i ask you, @EscapeRoom,or should i say Sentinel, how did you find the forums?

  • #5702
    Profile photo of Rusty

    I certainly appreciate the information on numerous members who may or may not be “with us.” I am a bit unaware of some of the timelines discussed here. But, it seems the mixed messages are getting the best of us if we are going on the attack based on hunches. I am getting the impression that some of us have received specific warnings or instructions from the OOA. If @escapedroom can offer guidance, I am interested in listening the same way I am listening to people present here that I trust whole-heartedly. Sure some of these people have been inactive… but simple inactivity does not warrant suspicion, does it? I have deliberately kept a couple of odd comments made to me private simply because I am trying to find my own path here. I get the sense many of us might be doing the same. Just my theory…….. perhaps none of us are 100% who we claim. Food for thought.

  • #5704
    Profile photo of Daela

    I’m with Rusty – we shouldn’t tear each other apart internally with nothing but speculation to go on. Wild finger-pointing will only distract from the true detractors.

    Here’s my question. What are we accusing EscapedRoom of being? An actor? A puppet? If EscapedRoom were lying, surely s/he would be called out by the Gatekeepers. So it seems safe to assume that EscapedRoom’s cryptic non-answers are in accordance with the will of the OOA.

    The more pertinent question is why the OOA would allow EscapedRoom to dangle in this fashion, without exonerating him or her in our eyes. Does it amuse them to see ER attacked, and not allow ER to defend him/herself? Or is this a test of our faith? Are we being given a glorious opportunity to believe without proof? You know what that other religion says…”blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed”. EscapedRoom might be playing the role of prophet, and we might be making a mistake in hounding him/her for evidence.

  • #5705

    Escaped, KenT, their associates… They all joined too close to when the Forums went live, only moments before. KenT is often online when the Facebook is updated, suggesting that he is an aspect of the OOA in some way. I am of the belief that he is not OOA proper, but he is acting on behalf of them.

    Light2Dark taught us that our discoveries wind the clock, not blind faith. I will not blindly follow any path, I will walk the path laid before me by the OOA with diligence and zeal. Escaped has answers that we, as disciples, should not and must not let go without investigation.

  • #5706
    Profile photo of Daela

    Hmmm. So it seems like here’s what we’re looking for:

    Detractors/Betrayers of Truth
    – Brothers of Seraph/Sentinel
    – Misguided/mistaken/misled acolytes who think something is OOA-related when it is not <–will be called out by the Gatekeepers
    – Lying attention seekers <–may not be called out by the Gatekeepers

    OOA Institute affiliations
    – Actual leaders (gatekeepers, L2D, etc.) within the institute
    – Chosen acolytes, “civilians” who are given messages to relay or events to describe by the OOA (forbidden by the OOA to answer certain questions)

    Does that seem pretty accurate? Sean, do you have a list of the exact statements the OOA has made regarding how we are to wind the clock? Do they all specifically refer to detractors and BoT? Do some of them simply advise us to find people who are not what they claim to be? Perhaps if we read all such statements, we can draw a conclusion as to which category is to be ferreted out. It seems strange to me that the OOA would forbid their chosen followers from sharing certain information, then pit us against those chosen ones to extract the forbidden information. If winding the clock = extracting explicitly forbidden information, then the chosen acolytes who have been told to keep the information hidden are actively preventing us from winding the clock. Would the OOA really have them do that?

    (Maybe they would, what do I know. Just trying to track the OOA’s logic in specifically telling ER and KenT *NOT* to tell us something.)

  • #5707

    Direct quotes from the OOA are hard to find. Much of what we’ve been told on the topic has been through L2D:

    On the significance of our efforts and winding the clock:
    Their message must only be seen by those with resolve.
    Those on the _ path to the Light whose efforts are marked.
    Careful •measure• and •timing• built the bridge between.
    The clock will wind to mark the time to cross. ˇ%light2dark

    On maps and unnamed, possibly special initiates:
    On the _ path to the Light one must have started in the d a r k.
    The deepest D a r k keeps things buried, things stored, initiates left unnamed to wind the clock back amongst the d a r k.
    Our teachers have the map.

    On what gets our paths “reviewed” by the Institute:
    By time, by activity – so shall your _ path be reviewed by the Institute. -%light2dark

    On a possible theory as to why no one is stepping in to defend Escaped:
    When looking at a map in the dark only the areas you bring the Light to will be seen.
    Nothing is out of bounds. ^%light2dark

    On bringing out those who have false intentions:
    Its scope has already decided your own.
    Flase intentions shade the _ path ^%light2dark

    With such cryptic terms, we are left to try to decipher them ourselves. The picture that is painted is not one of patience and blind faith, it is one of efforts and bringing those that are false or hidden into the light.

  • #5708
    Profile photo of _Michael Gray
    _Michael Gray

    DAMMMNNN… That’s a hard one to argue. Facts presented, case stated. @thegilded You have words of a master detective. I only wish @gatekeeper5 had words about this as well, any words of guidance would be appreciated.

  • #5709
    Profile photo of EscapedRoom

    In the end, I leave it to the keepers if they want to shed “light” on to why some of us have been silenced from revealing certain aspects.

    If I were you, I would recommend not believing me. Continue to call me out as a BOT.

    However, one would think if I were openly spreading lies my account would be deleted. Or, Gatekeeper5 would step in and shut me down. That is again unless I am part of this whole thing as is being suggested — imagine what that would say about your beloved OOA.

    In the end, I don’t need the message board high school antics to continue my path. A friendly piece of advice, just be careful, pretty soon you will all turn on each other and no one will be left.

    I truly wish you luck on finding all that is hidden.

    Escapedroom out!

  • #5711
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    It’s clear that all of us are heading towards a conflict involving the BoS, so the question of where our loyalties lie may seem like a priority we need to nail down post haste. But a witch hunt right now is only distracting us. There is no way for us to determine amongst ourselves who is who for what purpose. As in the rest of life we must continue until the ones who will hurt us show their hand. And yeah, that sucks, but we’re strong and when provided with irrevocable proof only then can we take action. When that moment comes, trust, I and others will be merciless.

  • #5717
    Profile photo of

    Alright so that was crazy but before any more of that, does anyone have any kind of screen caps of the video from Facebook everyone was talking about earlier?

  • #5721
    Profile photo of Melissa

    @rizzzoooooo, slack.

  • #5724
    Profile photo of GATEKEEPER5

    Everything is by design. Some attendants further on the path have been tasked with things that may cause others discomfort, confusion and accusation. Your suspicion, paranoia and lack of trust may become useful tools in your own personal trials should we chose you.

    • #5738
      Profile photo of David

      but why would sentinel only call me? as far as i know im the only one with a phone call from Sentinel. is there something about me that they find important? No matter what, i will be on the side of the OOA and continue my _path.

      Glory be The OOA
      in Light,

  • #5741
    Profile photo of Mary Pavlovsky
    Mary Pavlovsky

    I just want to dispense with all of the accusations and revel in the light.

  • #5747
    Profile photo of Diem

    wow. I have had a lot to catch up on. Haven’t seen or heard anything from BoS or OOA as I was stationed in what was apparently a dead zone for a few days. Is this post on FB from sentinel still some where to be seen? Seems like it has caused quite the drama? Glad to be back among you all, Glory be and I will continue my path here with the OOA

    • #5780
      Profile photo of Amie

      Welcome back @diem. So much has happened! Have you been over to slack yet? You’ll find what you seek there!

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