Tension brand › Forums › INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA › Sentinel – video chat
This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Rusty 8 years, 6 months ago.
August 27, 2016 at 3:38 pm #19035
A short while ago, Sentinel and I shared a video chat. It was good to sit face to face, albeit from behind our own devices, if even just for a brief moment. He clearly stated that he is “The Sentinel” I regularly speak with via text. His stare was intense. His look was dark, but not unfriendly.
He had one specific message that he did want me to share with all of you. It is a similar message to that which @reaton received yesterday from @gatekeeper2. Interesting that these seemingly disparate sources share an ever growing list of similar sentiment.
My task today is to spread the word: The press release. The entirety of this publicity dump… Utter bullshit. Not to be believed. Nothing but smoke, mirrors, distraction. Don’t be fooled.
August 27, 2016 at 3:54 pm #19036
Seems like it could be an opportune moment for some theory talk or fan fiction of why DLB would be forced into a situation to sell Ascension to the masses. Even more so, to have to take the hit as being the mastermind behind Tension? If its all untrue, what do they have on DLB to make him succumb to “their” wishes??
Slow day on the forums… Just hoping for some of that fan fiction to come out and give us a good laugh! 😄
August 27, 2016 at 3:58 pm #19037
Everything we are learning is backing up what we learned from the diary, these people like Darren Lynn Bousman are both walking ads and human shields. Corrupted by the OOA to push the church’s agenda and to take the fall if and when things go sour for the institute.
August 27, 2016 at 4:02 pm #19038
So what you are implying by that then @rizzzoooooo is that DLB is actually OOA then? That he has been corrupted by them, and willing to take the hit when called upon by the Institute?
Am I wrong about what I think you’re trying to say? That DLB is OOA and the propaganda for Ascension is just a front for the agenda of the Institute?
August 27, 2016 at 4:07 pm #19039
That, I’m not sure off @kingkill33
The diary made it seem like they may not be aware that is their main purpose. I believe he was corrupted to the point of pushing the “tension experience”, but I’m not fully convince he knows they plan on cutting him loose when things go sideways. I believe he has a family, I can’t imagine him giving all that up just for the institute… And if he would, I haven’t the slightest idea what they could have on him
August 27, 2016 at 4:08 pm #19040
The OOA has a history of using “Hollywood types” for the purposes of furthering their goals, right? All of this is a sudden change in Tension behavior just before both Ascension and One’s arrival. Why would they hide The Creator for so long only to reveal him suddenly now?
The timings are too convenient for this to be anything other than an OOA ploy.
August 27, 2016 at 4:19 pm #19041
Due to addison’s recent periscopes, we know a few things:
*Addison doesn’t believe in the OOA anymore and believes they use anoch for their own gain
*The one is already awake, but is not who the OOA had prepared for it to be.
*The OOA have been using the word of anoch to push their own agenda, to control and manipulate anything from the media to the government
*The one is on it’s own, being the first gatekeeper to be awoken while not under the OOA’s influence.
*The OOA is hunting Addison to prevent her from making contact with the One.I can imagine how this makes the Institue feel, very uneasy. Revealing their Hollywood players is a smart thing to do as a last line of defense against The one, just in case they can’t get to him before anyone else does.
August 27, 2016 at 5:00 pm #19049
We know the OOA has eyes on everyone and info to blackmail anyone into doing anything they want.. Maybe they have dirt on DLB & co? They’ve pulled it out in the past with Warren, the actor in the bar. It wouldn’t be surprising to hear that they had something on Darren in order to force him into promoting Tension as a secret recruiting method.
August 27, 2016 at 5:06 pm #19051
This is definetly a possibility, they pulled this card many many times before, why not pull it on someone who has enough power in the biz to sell out nights for their “show”?
August 27, 2016 at 4:24 pm #19042
Another reason to exploit DLB at this particular point in time might be to gain access to his fanbase. The more star-blinded eyes on the OOA, the more attendees at Ascension, the more potential victims to pull into the ranks of the OOA. One roadblock… BOS is ever present and will provide exile to all that seek it.
A message from BOS:
Look at everything you’ve seen. How much more proof could you possibly need? They must be stopped. You must stop them. Stop them from the inside if you must. Stop them loudly or under a cloak of secrecy.
You are ALL an opportunity to put this to an end. Go to them, partake, let them BELIEVE you are being indoctrinated. And wait.
Believers, if you have an ounce of doubt by any of the things you see now or in the immediate future know that you can join us at any time. We ask for nothing. We promise only freedom.
Today, tomorrow, next week, or even in the midst of Ascension… We welcome you.
August 27, 2016 at 10:28 pm #19059
@electrichippo you have provided what I figured would come to pass… Your chat parallels the message from @gatekeeper2 and I feel it is significant for the entire community. If her words to me and to the community are sincere, then I felt leadership from Sentinel would echo the sentiment. It is only logical – if you believe that Gatekeeper2 acts with the best interest of all at heart.
As @rizzzoooooo stated, as @thegilded did just yesterday, the focus perhaps should shift to The One, and it is my personal belief that Gatekeeper2 is doing her best to lead “through the darkness.” (Something she specifically promised to @111error.) We now have multiple sources telling us that the OOA is attempting to distract us from cracks that are appearing in the facade they have maintained for so very, very long. The journal points toward this period of time but from the past of a young woman only then, perhaps, beginning to grasp some of the agendas she was to be witness to…
Repeatedly she has expressed concern for individuals in our mist. Recall the warnings she gave to several people at the Mixer? Recall her specifically stating she wanted to give room for @mike to heal after the traumatic turn of events along the way to this moment?
Kim, the reason I raise these points is in support of you and the message you were given. I believe Gatekeeper2 has proven herself an advocate for all of us caught up in this unfolding approach to that which will be revealed as The One.
It lifts my spirits that Sentinel gave you this message.
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