
This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Ezi Ezi 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #10652
    Profile photo of Ezi

    I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has shared their experiences with tension and given us insight into everything that is transpiring! It is sometimes hard to be a participant when you are so far from the action, but your write ups help me live the experiences vicariously through you! I get to be as close to experiencing it myself as is possible at the moment.

    Please continue to share everything that you are not forbidden to! To me (and maybe the other further away participants and lurkers) your stories are what is helping to keep me here. Without them this experience would be so much less.

    I don’t always feel like I can contribute much myself (I say something when I feel it hasn’t already been said by someone else and usually better put than I would have been able to). So most of my personal experience with tension and discovering my _path is based on reading the forums and your experiences.

    THANK YOU for all the write ups, periscopes scans and analysis that make me feel a part of this in some small way!

  • #11054
    Profile photo of Dlimer

    I feel what you say. So far from the epicenter and I feel like the prodigal child. I want so much to get what I can from this but I feel lost and detached. I’ve been working on the puzzles and am stuck on the eye chart. I feel so silly that I shouldn’t be but there it is. I’ve read some of the posts and I can see intelligence and enlightenment. I guess I should share this, I just got a call and I was told to get more into the forums and participate. I am sorry I have been busy lately. I am a partner in a film production company, author, stand up comedian and all round entertainer. I have been working on my enlightenment since very young. I’ve always know there was more for and to me. At the age of six, I experienced a very near death experience and have been able to interact with other energies that most people call ghosts. I guess that’s the best term for them. I have been trying to reach a state of lucid dreaming and astral projection since the age of 12. It was at this age I finally allowed myself to remember how it felt to do so when I almost died. I remember the faces singing to me and watching the doctors trying to tube me so they could pump my stomach. I have been able to progress some. I can see auras and read them. I can see my own and feel it’s affects on myself when focused and I feel I am very near making it visible for others to see. I can manipulate my energy when I do massages or even readings by cycling it into others to help find things(physical) that they need help with or to draw pains into myself to help releave theirs. Unfortunately it doesn’t work for everyone and it doesn’t seem to matter if they believe or not. Here is where I am. I have a friend that we are working on connecting in dreams for the purpose of growing. If anyone can help with this growth, that will be great. Best part is, I feel so free telling all of you when only 2 or 3 have ever heard all of this.

    • #11321
      Profile photo of Ezi

      @dlimer the puzzles and forums are a good place to start, I think there is a thread about the eye chart puzzle with hints that finally made me able to solve it (I’m not sure how to link to it), and/or most active members here would help with hints if you are stuck.

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