Slack Suspension

Tension brand Forums OFF TOPIC Slack Suspension

This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of PuppetGirl PuppetGirl 8 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #8653

    Sensitive information was leaked on a private chatroom called Slack that some of the disciples have been using for communication about Tension. While the Powers That Be deal with the fallout of this leak, use of the Slack channel has been suspended.

    This is NOT a place to talk about the contents or details of the leak, but this can absolutely be used as a topic to talk, as plainly as you’d like, about the suspension.

    To anyone hurt by this suspension, you have every right to be. Something will rise up to fill the void that it will leave

  • #8656
    Profile photo of creepsociety



  • #8659
    Profile photo of 111_error

    It’s a good job Facebook doesn’t exist.

    Seriously though, I understand why this happened, it’s sad, but we can coalesce back together here. The off topic forum is just going to have a whole lot more bullshit in it.

    • #8662
      Profile photo of creepsociety

      One thing I do want to add is that we have devoted so much time to tension especially via slack because we are so dedicated to this experience. Sad it is gone but I also understand. Off topic is gonna be rly weird now 😈 ❤️

    • #8663
      Profile photo of Addison Born
      Addison Born

      Who wants to start the Taco Bell thread?

    • #8664
      Profile photo of creepsociety

      I was just going to say that hahaha

    • #8665
      Profile photo of creepsociety

      I don’t know if tension can handle another caps post tho lol

  • #8660
    Profile photo of Amie

    I really hope this suspension is reversed ASAP. When you ask for community to be built it will be. This could have happened in person just as easily, would we be forbidden to talk to each other if that were the case? Remember everyone, the choices you make are your own, don’t let anyone make them for you. This is just one Apostles opinion but I stand by it.

  • #8661
    Profile photo of Amie

    Also I should say, I can understand the reason for upset but I don’t think this is the way to handle it.

  • #8669
    Profile photo of PuppetGirl

    I agree with Amie that it could have as easily happened in a live hang out or even in this forum. I am actually quite glad that the place it happened was in the private slack group conversation among trustworthy people that will not spread the information since they are so dedicated to The Tension Experience. I mean honestly I spend a lot of time and energy keeping up with the forum, checking social media, spreading the word, real life discussions and hangouts, as well as the hours spent chatting in slack. There’s no way I would ever do anything to intentionally damage the experience for myself or others and I don’t think any of the active participants would either. I don’t think the Slack group is a bad thing, but I understand why it’s gone.

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