Slacker here

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Sean (@TheGilded) Sean (@TheGilded) 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #8893
    Profile photo of

    So I’ve been here for a little over a month, after I finished my questionnaire I’ve just been watching from afar, trying to find something to do.

  • #9542
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said

    I’m more or less in the same boat with you. Your best course of action is to poke around the forums, read up on threads and add your voice to the conversation. If you haven’t done so as well, go back to the home page and click around-you’ll probably find some interesting(and slightly challenging) puzzles. Solve them and your knowledge of what’s going on should expand..a bit. Also, you might wanna call the number on the front page.

    But yea, do your best and get your voice out there. We WANT to hear you and know you’re around. it’s ok if you’re lost-one way or another, we kinda all are. We’re all more than glad to help you out if you need it. :)

  • #9544
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Check out the reddit subreddit r/thetensionexperience. Helpful threads to catch up.

    Also be as active as possible. The more you play, the more the experience plays with you.

  • #10408
    Profile photo of

    Thanks for the advice

  • #10442
    Profile photo of explodingtulips

    Hey, @Astro. Kind of in the same boat I was active for about a month and then let life get in the way. I’d like to start back up again but not even sure where to begin. I’ve figured out the puzzles on this site so far, but I know there’s so much more going on

  • #10445

    The puzzles are only a component, don’t focus too hard on them. The goal is to uncover the teachings of the OOA, to gain their recognition, and either take decisive steps towards or against Enlightenment.

    For now, the best thing that you can do is try to go through what has happened from a storyline perspective. Some of that is available at top level comments in threads. Others on Facebook, Periscope, or the articles many have written on it.

    Then, just speak with people. Help us theorize, even if you don’t have the full picture. Joining your voice to ours is the surest way to get recognized, and recognition is the true gateway to the Tension Experience

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