Tension Indoctrination Alumni Society

Tension brand Forums MISC TENSION DISCUSSION Tension Indoctrination Alumni Society

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of LadyJ LadyJ 8 years, 4 months ago.

  • Author
  • #19986
    Profile photo of Addison Born
    Addison Born

    Hey gang,

    I just made a group on Facebook to keep up with all of you beautiful people (and also @thegilded).

    If you’re of the Facebook sort and I forgot to invite you on the soft-launch about ten minutes ago, join up on the Tension Indoctrination Alumni Facebook group. This obviously is OOG, so we should be respectful and please please please keep all Tension-specific talk to the forums – the clock only winds where the clockmakers see it (or something like that).

  • #19987

    Thanks for making this!

    Also, fuck you!

  • #19990
    Profile photo of creepsociety


  • #20466
    Profile photo of LadyJ

    tee-shirts are up in the store! Kinda on the crazy side for shipping, but bought the hell out of it anyways.

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