Thanks from the newly hooked

Tension brand Forums OUR VOICES – SIGNS OF DEVOTION Thanks from the newly hooked

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of  Anonymous 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #22568
    Profile photo of NotHenryGale

    Hello everyone involved. So I was dumb because I had a couple friends try to get me involved with the Tension Experience waaaaay back when it was first starting. Life was a bit chaotic and my falls are always hectic with working another local scary event, so I never got into it. With the extension, my friends finally convinced me to jump in, assuring me that I’d still love it even though I missed all the lead up.

    Boy were they right.

    To the entire cast and crew, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all. I went for my first time last weekend, and loved it so much I had to come right back (last Friday night). The cast was all spectacular, but a few come to mind in particular. Mary Lynn, Simon, Addison, and of course all the wonderful guides, hell even the “plant” when I went back. You guys honestly gave me renewed passion. For work, for my relationships, for life in general. I’ve already said to a couple of you that I was fully prepared to be messed with physically and mentally. I was NOT expecting to be messed with emotionally as badly as I was. You all absolutely tore me up in all the best ways.

    To the “powers that be” who created this whole thing. Bravo. The writing, the production, the planning that had to go into creating something of that scale, must have been a monstrous undertaking. Looking back and seeing how much planning must have gone into it (for both the experience as well as all of the build up), I’m sure there were many sleepless nights. The work paid off as you all made something truly special.

    Based on my interview answers these past two weeks I wouldn’t be surprised if I have a small target on my back for Lust and Adrenaline. (Why oh why did I say my first love was adrenaline on my return visit interview! Why did no one tell me that was the title one of the next events!!!) I eagerly await your future work. I also hope ALL of the cast has a long and fulfilling career because you all deserve it. Even if most of you are dead now.

    Thank you for everything.
    -Brad Ruwe

    P.S. To the guide who said I had “a wise aura and compassionate eyes” on Friday, thank you. I honestly needed to hear some kind words by that point.

  • #22804
    Profile photo of druzicka

    Thanks for expressing all this. To piggyback slightly, I had a similar situation where I was aware of Tension early on but stupidly did not take full advantage of that knowledge (appropriately perhaps, I was too sucked into other things and was not present!).

    What’s really incredible is that the experience, while admittedly different, was able to “forgive” us (in a manner of speaking) and still offer a remarkably personal *feeling* series of interactions. In fact, the more I talk to people it seems that nearly everyone at all levels of engagement came away with something unique to them. How? Who knows. It’s just really special — and that’s enough.

  • #22805
    Profile photo of Izryn

    What a journey. Like the others who posted before me in this thread, I heard about Tension early on and loosely followed along with Indoctrination but didn’t jump down the rabbit hole until it was almost over.

    I wasn’t able to participate in any of the live events, so I experienced them vicariously through all of you – your detailed forum posts, periscopes, and reaction videos. In particular, many thanks to @mike and @reaton for their fanatic podcast. Your scribing made me mourn the dead, rejoice when characters found strength, gasp at the many surprises within the OOA walls, and so much more. Thanks to you guys, I felt all of these things, almost 5600 miles away.

    To be honest, it’s really difficult to jump into something like Tension late, when many of the active have been here much longer and have more emotional capital invested. Even the folks who joined as a result their time through Ascension could at least talk about that. Sometimes as a latecomer it felt like I couldn’t add to the conversation because anything I could possibly say paled in comparison to your experiences and the relationships you have built with the characters. But this community is so wonderfully welcoming. I want to fully participate alongside all of you in the coming chapters. You guys made jumping in as late as I did a decision I don’t want to go back on.

    Thank you. To all the creators, actors, and behind-the-scenes crew who made Tension, but above all, I want to thank the community. After watching you interact with the world Bousman and Co brought to life, you became part of that world. YOU were my tension experience. Glory be.

    • #22806
      Profile photo of Mike

      @izryn – thank you so much! You are here now and that’s what matters :)

      We have no idea what Lust will bring, but I hope we’re all able to solve puzzles, watch periscopes, nerd out about it all on a forum, and become emotionally invested all over again. You being 5600 miles away won’t matter as we’ve seen the OSDM has people everywhere 😉

    • #22807
      Profile photo of

      @izryn – just to echo what @mike said, I’m far away too (Minnesota, unfortunately) but have been somewhat heavily involved since April – not to the extent of Mike, Russell, Sean, Melissa, etc. but a good amount for someone out of state. The important thing is to show up & take part, imo. The creators know who is present, who is active on the forums, and they get to know us & our dynamics here very well. If you have a blog, Twitter, etc or if there is a publication you write for – once the next chapter begins, tell others when things happen, talk about this (but not to the point where your partner is starting support groups) because its message needs to reach new people in order to sustain it.

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