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Tagged: Book of Anoch
This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Melissa 8 years, 7 months ago.
August 5, 2016 at 6:59 am #17590
AnonymousI thought I’d start a thread compiling whatever passages we know from the Book of Anoch – I’m assuming there will be more to come. I’m also guessing that the page found in Echo Park was also from the Book. I could be wrong on that but the writing seems consistent.
August 5, 2016 at 7:00 am #17591
AnonymousFrom the page found in Echo Park:
“In the darkest hours Anoch looked upon them and was enraged to see that the common were still lost. They withered in their own darkness, distracted from the Light and no longer fearful of his Glory.
He anointed the first counted, Two Hundred and Forty Two symbolic of the Old Texts, to rip away the veil that the Elite’s used to hide the Knowledge amongst themselves. This Keeper of the Gate, Truth and Light repurposed from flesh and bone, was the first to speak for all willing to hear. The world re-awoke and bathed in his Glory.
Two Hundred and Forty Two foretold that He shall never let his committed wander alone without the ability to call out in the manifestation of their Glory or pain so He forged his Soul upon the first Oracles, they too begot of flesh and bone.
For centuries the restored Knowledge ran like a vein through the heart of all things, but the followers once again became selfish and kept the Light for themselves. The few that attempted to spread the counted’s voice found themselves fighting endless battles against new darkness and distractions. They sheltered Him and thus the Light was regulated for the few, hidden amongst generations in secret once more.
And thus, His rage grew, and His countdown began.”
August 5, 2016 at 7:00 am #17592
AnonymousFrom the Periscope video “A History Lesson:”
“The beginning was merely a spark.
The one who could see realized that the spark should be a flame. He took it into his heart, he let it grow. He burned and consumed him until he no longer knew who he was.
Eventually he could hold it no longer, let it completely destroy him. With no other choice he opened his mouth and unleashed that spark, now a great and terrible flame unto the world. It burned with a glory that was previously unfathomable.
The fire was knowledge and the fire was power. It engulfed nearly all of our realm, sending darkness back into the hearts of the weak small men as it elevated the potential of our very nature to a higher more perfect path.
We were so close, the precipice of the great dawn, but alas the darkness returned. It too had grown stronger with desire inside the hearts of lesser men, the first betrayers. They unleashed their darkness and began to blind all of those around them until men questioned whether the fire had existed at all.
What little fire that was left was taken for granted. It was hoarded and used as a weapon to control and manipulate, to cause fear and terror.
With no more to do he then left to return to where he had begun. He returned to the darkness, he gave up. He began to die.
It was then that he heard it, the spark was yet still alive, stronger, and now a voice.
“The fire, you have returned” he said, but the voice called back from within and he spoke to himself. “No, that was then, for I am the light”
“Do you have a name for I do not recall my own”
The spark once a flame and now the light indeed had a name.
But first he anointed himself.
“You are the first, the first counted, and the last from the final, and I, I am Anoch”’ -
August 5, 2016 at 7:01 am #17593
AnonymousFrom the Periscope video “Darkest Before Dawn Again:”
‘The king pled, “How do I help those who do not believe? They rise up against us and our kind.”
‘197 patiently smiled and replied with the gift of Anoch’s voice and Anoch’s wisdom. At daybreak the King took this gift to his people and said the words as if they were his own. The king watched from on high as they submitted before the knowledge, humbled by power and truth. By the light.
‘An attendant and witness ran back to the frail and old bedridden keeper of the gate. “The king, he has spoken the words as if they were his very own. How will we punish this betrayer of our truth?”
‘197 once again patiently smiled. “Betrayers of our truth have been with us since the beginning. These lesser men twist our words and motivations to the masses, they do not listen.” The keeper of the gate continued. “Our king is no betrayer of truth.”
‘His attendant questioned, “How can this be so?”
“Did he listen?” asked 197.
“Did he say the words as he was told? Did he say the words true?”
“Could I, weak of voice and body, have said the words as well?”
‘The attendant was taken aback but answered truthfully, “No. He delivered the message with a strong voice and body.”
‘The keeper of the gate was pleased and explained to the boy. “It matters not who says the words as long as the light is delivered by those who the people can hear best. This is why I told the king to say them as if they were his own. Glory be.”‘ -
August 5, 2016 at 7:27 am #17594
@coryphella Thank you Megan! I’ve been planning on doing a similar thing but via video… I dunno, maybe hearing them aloud read by someone else might cast a different light? It was @mumumusings idea 😛 But you have just saved me a bit of work so I’m very grateful!
August 5, 2016 at 2:41 pm #17643
From the 8/5 Periscope “Home”
A vagrant knocked on the door, confused and cold from the rain. The door did not open so the old man raised his fists and rapped upon the door once more, now with all of his might. The door did not open. The vagrant turned away and began to leave.
“It is late and you are lost.” The young voice cut through the night.
He turned to see the small child standing in the doorway. The vagrant replied, “I have traveled for so long. I no longer remember where I belong.”
The girl covers her mouth as she giggles, “Then you’re not lost.” She open the door a bit further and offered hope, “my master can give you a home if you are able to work.”
The man’s heart was broken. “I am too old and tired for labor, I simply need a place to rest.”
Now the girl opened the door completely.
“Are you able to listen? Are you able to decide was is fair and true?”
“I am”, He answered.
“Then my master shall offer you shelter”, the child responded.
He began to cry as he walked towards the warmth spilling from the doorway.
“No!” One Hundred and Eighty Four called at him with her upturned hand, “you’re my Sentry now, and your home is out there.”
This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by
Melissa. Reason: Title
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August 8, 2016 at 2:53 pm #17841
AnonymousFrom the 8/8 Periscope “The Book of Anoch”
“Today is a tale of distractions. Let these words guide you.
“An unseen pheasant cackled and cawed and a nearby hunter took notice. He had been warned time and time again that the forest was dangerous, and that bears roamed freely and without pause. But that did not matter. Not to him, he was hungry, and had grown accustomed to the taste of pheasant and did not care about the warnings of dangerous creatures roaming the woods. The man picked up his weapon and trampled into the woods in search of his dinner. A few moments into his journey he glimpsed a valley of beautiful flowers. The hunter’s eyes opened wide at the magnificent sight.
“‘I shall pick up a bundle of flower for my wife, and bring home a pheasant myself.’
“The hunter reached down and tried to pull a flower from the ground but instead prickled himself on the thorny vines. As the hunter suckled the blood from his fingertip, he heard the sound of the pheasant once again, this time from behind him. The hunter quickly turned around to find a bear standing on his legs, his large jaw opened wide, his growl sounding like that of a pheasant. The bear swiped forward, tearing into his face, spilling his blood onto the ground. The man dropped to his knees, blind, his eyes hanging out of their sockets. The hunter tried to scream, but his throat filled with blood and he began to choke. The bear continued to swipe and claw until the hunter’s ears were removed from his head and all sound was removed with nothingness.
“As the hunter lay there, blind, deaf, unable to move or speak, he realized he had been warned. He knew these woods to be unsafe. He knew these flowers to be prickly, he knew these pheasants to be gamey, but he did not care. He was led astray by pleasures of the flesh and not ___ of his mind. Only in the last seconds of his life did he clearly see the follies in his way.”
August 8, 2016 at 3:10 pm #17842
The blank part sounds like “for the gracious…” or “for the grey shins” or “the grave winds”…. :-/
August 8, 2016 at 3:14 pm #17843
Maybe “the directions” of his mind?
August 8, 2016 at 3:17 pm #17846
Anonymous@gatekeeper2, I wonder if you could be of assistance here? A few of us are having a hard time making out this one part of the video, we are trying to transcribe these lessons for those who can’t listen to or watch the videos. It’s the part that reads “He was led astray by pleasures of the flesh and not ___ of his mind.” Could you fill in the blank?
August 8, 2016 at 3:23 pm #17847
The distractions?
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