The Hack – Brothers of Seraph & The Sentinel

Tension brand Forums INTERACTIONS WITH THE OOA The Hack – Brothers of Seraph & The Sentinel

This topic contains 23 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Mary Pavlovsky Mary Pavlovsky 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #5546

    I feel it’s important to keep a record of the grave injustice brought upon The OOA Institute yesterday afternoon. Please add your own first person accounts and related theories to this thread. I will begin…

    Around 2:30 PST this website was hacked by intruders. The first sign of the hack was a red screen that overlaid all pages, with the initial message of:

    “We will destroy OOA, and all it’s lies”

    The hackers then modified their message a few time, in quick succession. In order, the messages as they appeared (including grammatical/spelling errors):

    “You OOA frauds and liars, Your so called Ascension is no more than a cheap parlor trick. We know all, and we will expose all”

    “You OOA frauds and liars, Your so called Ascension is no more than a cheap parlor trick. You pray on the weak, in hopes of gaining their strength. We know all, and we will expose all. Brothers of Seraph”

    “You OOA frauds and liars, Your so called Ascension is no more than a cheap parlor trick. You pray on the weak, in hopes of gaining their strength. We know all, and we will expose all. Sentinel”

    A review of page source uncovered the following message: <!– 3jl00k@h3r3 bahhaha p0wn3d –>

    Over the next couple hours both The Tension Experience Facebook page and Instagram were overtaken.

    The Facebook page was particularly interesting in the various messages and images that appeared. In general, the messages served to warn OOA and it’s Disciples that the entire organization is a fraud and that it will be burned to the ground. The images were of the red screen hack and a trolling meme pic of a cartoon man holding up his middle finger. At this point the hackers attempted to taunt by revealing the “true identities” of OOA personnel/leaders including Aleister Gordon who was referred to as “Ellis.” Also, the names of alleged OOA personnel Sarah Farber and a James Eddison were revealed. Disciples lashed back at the hackers with messages of vowed support of The OOA. (Perhaps someone else can give a more specific break down of the Facebook posts, as I did not have opportunity to screencap.)

    The Instagram take over was merely the same cartoon man holding up his middle finger that appeared on Facebook, along with a message debasing OOA.

    As these atrocities continued various small groups of Disciples gathered to compare notes, and vow loyalty to The Institute.

    Please add information, theories, and declarations of OOA loyalty as you see fit.

    We must stand together in solidarity against these lying scoundrels.

  • #5548
    Profile photo of

    By the time I realized what was happening, the posts on social media were erased and it was just the red screen (along with those source codes). I had also heard something about warnings being posted on the forums of the cyber attack? If that’s true, did anyone here see those before (I’m assuming) they were taken off?

  • #5549
    Profile photo of Amie

    @rizzzoooooo I missed everything that had happened on the Forums, there was talk in another group about someone posting some weird stuff, a member by the name of Alex who signed up very early on. I heard his posts were removed before all the attacks but the timing in all of that was pretty close together.

    I remember my posts on the Facebook page. The first was “Whoever is trying to stop us on our path doesn’t know the people they are dealing with! We are NOT weak!” That was as a visitor post so it’s still there. The second post was a comment on their post with the unveiling of two more names reminding them they had said they would release only one name a day. Someone else commented that we were probably caught up for 2 more days. I don’t think any of that brings anything to the table though. :)

  • #5551

    Does anyone know exactly when it came back up?

  • #5552
    Profile photo of Diem

    Kim was the first to post on it being back up and I saw it about 25 minutes afterwards. Was 10 =ish my time so 7 =ish there?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Diem Diem.
  • #5554
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    Who called the Omega Council line? 😉

  • #5555
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    I got this screencap of the page, right above the highlighted text you can see the message that @electrichippo was referencing. By the time I got to it the site was the only thing affected, I did not see them overtake the FB and Instagram pages. That was around 12am-1am my time, so like 6pm-7pm your time.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of DtheZombie DtheZombie.
  • #5557
    Profile photo of DtheZombie

    So apparently we were dealing with “Sentinel crew” and not “The Sentinel”, here’s a better crop of the screencap

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of DtheZombie DtheZombie.
    • #5560
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      Definitely sounds like a hacker group. Aka the Brotherhood of Seraph?

  • #5590
    Profile photo of

    I had just been contacted from the OOA in the form of a Phone call. I was told I have a decison coming, “Us or them” and that I must be ready. I felt like I should post this here as everyone should be making this decision if not already done so. I no longer think the sentinel crew are just computer hackers but much worse. At this point in my journey, I know exactly which side I’ll be standing with when this battle comes to blows. Praise be the light, and glory be to the OOA institute.

  • #5591

    I have a sneaking feeling @rizzzoooooo isn’t the only one who got a call this afternoon. It’s fun stuff. Anyone want to share?

  • #5592

    I was contacted as well. Warned that there are those who would cause us to stray from the Path.

    A war is brewing, it seems

  • #5602
    Profile photo of David

    i was contacted,they said someone is trying to knock me off my path and that one of my family members arent who they seem to be…

  • #5605
    Profile photo of Amie

    No contact for me, but I know my side! @dsapir You and your brother are both members right?

    • #5606
      Profile photo of David

      yep yep

  • #5615
    Profile photo of Mary Pavlovsky
    Mary Pavlovsky

    Maggots die in the sunlight…

  • #5617
    Profile photo of Melissa

    People that got calls…..

    was it from an unknown caller/no ID? Maybe called about 5:00pm ish?

    • #5619

      Unknown caller, 4:45pm PST

    • #5620
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Well that’s n=1 so far….

      I’m regretting having an app that blocks all unknown callers.

    • #5621

      I know of 2 other people who got calls +/- 10 minutes from mine. Deeeefinitely a bad call with the blocking app

    • #5628
      Profile photo of

      Same, unknown caller around 4:45-5:00

  • #5622
    Profile photo of Melissa

    it has come handy in the past. trust me. so I sorta regret. With that said maybe it’s time to lift that restriction.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Profile photo of Melissa Melissa.
  • #5732
    Profile photo of Mary Pavlovsky
    Mary Pavlovsky

    Unknown roughly 5:30.

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