#thetensionexperience Instagram

Tension brand Forums OUR VOICES – SIGNS OF DEVOTION #thetensionexperience Instagram

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Kimberly @ElectricHippo Kimberly @ElectricHippo 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #20157

    Do you have Tension related photos? Do you have objects, flyers, emails, or other random things that are Tension related that you could take a photo of? Have you gone to a Tension social or event, or even snapped a neat screenshot from a Periscope? If the answer to any of these things is “yes” please consider uploading your stuff to instagram and tagging #thetensionexperience.

    I did this today, and although it felt like it took decades since I’ve refused until today to partake in the evils of instagram, I’m now glad to have a record of all I’ve done and some of the great people I’ve met.

    Let’s publicly display our love and enjoyment of this thing!

    Here’s mine: Instagram – Kimberly/Electric Hippo

    Let’s see yours.

    If you need extra encouraging, how about this: I uploaded some pics that showed Ellis Gordon/Andrew Perez participating in Tension and he wrote back with some weird sh*t. Fun right?

  • #20162
    Profile photo of Alyssa

    I have two pictures of Addison that Tom gave me at ScareLA. I just put them on instagram. My handle is @Alyssa_F_C

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Profile photo of Alyssa Alyssa.
  • #20172

    @alyfc210: Thank you for the uploads! I can’t recall ever seeing the one at the picnic table before. When I was at the in-person hotel event to meet Tom and Margaret Barrow, there was a fairly larger stack of Barrow family photos on the bedside table. The stack included the ones where we see Tom wearing the red plaid shirt. My recollection was most of them seemed to be making Addy appear younger than her current age, or maybe more carefree. The picnic table one you posted feels different than that… She looks more mature. I don’t feel this is some grand clue, merely an observation.

    @puppetgirl: So many fun shots. Thank you for sharing! Two stand out in my memory: 1) The Ascension clue, because Ascension and because it’s a pretty creepy sentiment. Also, the puzzle piece brings back my own memories. I might never look at a jigsaw quote the same again. (Oh wait. “Jigsaw.” Oh.) 2) The catch of @reaton as he hands Addy the bear at “The One” event… Ugh, my heart.

    @tinnose: Haha, your face in that instagram shot. I can just imagine how *that* happened. I hadn’t caught on that you already attended Ascension until just now. I take it you enjoyed it thoroughly?!

    @mkarrett: I think I hate that “guy” a little bit, but still nice find 😉

    Also, this instagram activity might have even motivated a certain someone who has access to The Book of Anoch to post an image.

    I hope this serves as enough of a teaser to have others seek out the insta pics I’m referencing and to add some of your own

    “Together We Are One” ❤️

  • #20174
    Profile photo of TinNose

    @electrichippo – Yes, I went with the 9 o’clock group on Thursday. I had a freaking AMAZING time. It was so much fun. You’ll have to tell me in PM here or on FB which path you had!

    • #20185

      I had a freaking AMAZING time

      @tinnose: That had to be put in quotes. I feel the exact same way about my Ascension. I’d love to compare notes with you in private so as to avoid spoilers, but I will say, if I had made a list of things I wanted to experience, Item #1 was satisfied in the most exciting way. On the flip side, The thing I wanted to experience the least also happened, but not due to poor eXecution or lack of effective storytelling. This thing is just something that made my heart drop, made me angry, made me actually say something like “HOW DARE YOU!” to the creators that kindly met us afterwards, and it still crosses my mind at least once a day since I visited the OOA Institute. I suppose this means Tension wins. Well played.

  • #20187

    Chatting with @tinnose privately, the topic of Yelp came up. Some of us have started writing up our reviews for The Tension Experience in general, Ascension specifically. There were so many very positive forum updates regarding Ascension. If you’d like to go to Yelp to say a few lines (or many paragraphs) about your experience, it could go a long way in helping to ensure Tension ARG and Tension Immersive is here to stay.

    Yelp – The Tension Experience

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