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This topic contains 59 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Crystal Crystal 8 years, 4 months ago.

  • Author
  • #21167
    Profile photo of Dan


    Oft have I heard that grief softens the mind,
    And makes it fearful and degenerate;
    Think therefore on revenge and cease to weep.

    Glory Be? No.
    No Mercy.


  • #21174

    I do understand the grief you are experiencing, Dan. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of the young ladies in that warehouse. The things they say when they think no one is listening are haunting. I might not speak in lengthy dialogues to many people, but trust I hear, I listen and I care deeply. I have pledged my allegiance to @masterlock, but I have also made a silent vow to be there for the ones whose voices aren’t as loud.

  • #21176
    Profile photo of Dan

    You have been a friend and your intentions are noble. You will be spared. Just don’t stand in our way when we come for her and the others.


  • #21177

    I “will be spared.”

    Mhmmmm. Thanks a bunch.

  • #21178
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said

    Who even are you? :p

  • #21180
    Profile photo of Dan

    Who am I? My name should say it all. Am I one or am I many? The brainwashing and senseless murder of the innocent must end. The dead must be avenged. Sa


  • #21181
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said

    You’re gonna have to get in line for that…the BOS kinda have you beat…by like, months. :p

  • #21184
    Profile photo of Dan

    When you’ve spent over a decade fighting a murderous cult only to find another that’s even worse, I would like to hear about your, like, months. :p

    This is not about time spent. This is about Vengeance. Addison knows I won’t stop.

    The innocent must be avenged. Those who advocate senseless murder must suffer the same fate. Blood for blood.


    • #21239
      Profile photo of Crystal

      @shinobi Are you Chanology or OG? We might know each other.

    • #21245
      Profile photo of Dan

      I never participated with Anonymous. I preferred to remain somewhat “underground” though if we have met through other venues, I once went by the name SOB.

    • #21247
      Profile photo of Crystal

      Fair enough. I found myself in the critic movement around early 2008, but my partner @aporetic has been causing trouble and getting in car chases with Scilon goons for a decade before that.

      Pleased to make your acquaintance.

    • #21511
      Profile photo of Winston Smith
      Winston Smith

      I don’t think @samson and the OSDM have any idea what kind of delightful mayhem a handful of experienced cultbusters can wreak on their agenda. These guys can’t even properly mask the phone numbers they threaten people from. Did they really think we came in for some personality tests? Three times? Hey @samson, I bet I know more about you than you know about me. It’s a little tougher to infomine someone who makes you work for it, isn’t it?

    • #21516
      Profile photo of Dan

      SPs United.

    • #21554
      Profile photo of Crystal

      @aporetic When the cleaner comes, can you show them where the laundry is? I’ve been wearing the same jeans for a week…

  • #21187
    Profile photo of Mustafa Said
    Mustafa Said

    @shinobi, though I can understand where you’re coming from, I’m at slight odds with your…methods. Won’t bloodshed just create more bloodshed?

    And to add onto that….who are you targeting your vengeance upon? How far will it spread? Will it not just end with the OOA but also go to encompass all who stand alongside it?

    I’ve advocated that not the entire OOA has to fall. Only selective parts of it. I’ve also never demanded blood to be shed in that process-although I’m not a leader of any sort, I’d strive in the best manner possible to topple those portions of the OOA that have caused so much chaos without needing to fatally harm anyone.

    I see a difference. I don’t see the entire OOA as corrupt-defying even the words of the @masterlock at one point. I don’t want the entire OOA gone.

    If your…vengeance is aimed at the whole, the entirety of the OOA, you’ve got no friend in me-and in my eyes, you’re no better than the BOS.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Mustafa Said Mustafa Said.
  • #21190
    Profile photo of Dan

    Your oracle was already confirmed as a plant. Vengeance comes to those who continue to kill in the search for a false god. You’ve seen nothing but a fake ceremony.

    I do not need your alliance. You’re in more danger than my enemies anyway. Good luck in there, Mister Sheep. Enjoy the kool-aid.


  • #21194
    Profile photo of TheBuz

    Let’s have a sit on this couch over here and have ourselves a chat…

  • #21196
    Profile photo of Dan

    I am not GKIII and you are not Chris Hansen.


    • #21203
      Profile photo of TheBuz

      Damn, you can see right through me!

      Big gulps huh?

    • #21208
      Profile photo of Dan

      Big gulps, huh?

  • #21205
    Profile photo of ReidV

    I thought V was for Vendetta?

    You want vengeance? Take a number and get in line…

  • #21207
    Profile photo of Dan

    This is not a movie and we do not wear masks. The line is long. But who in line is willing to act?

    No Mercy.

    • #21210
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J


    • #21211
      Profile photo of Dan


    • #21212
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J


  • #21214
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    I understand your pain. The face of the handler I saw at the end still haunts me.
    But I won’t allow my pain to become an obsession. And I won’t turn against the Overseer unless given good reason.

  • #21215
    Profile photo of Blondie

    Tonight I was shown my path in startling, blinding Technicolor.
    @shinobi: you are blinded by your pain, as was I for a short time. We will talk more.
    To the entire community: understand, my alliance to BOS does not waiver. In fact, I am more committed to the cause than ever now that I have truly received enlightenment. There are wonderful, wonderful people inside those walls who showed me nothing but unconditional love. Much like the love you all have shown me. There are people who are happy there, that have the best intentions and I wish them well. But there are others…
    @masterlock: I am so so sorry. That is all I can say here.
    @samson: you were so wonderfully kind to me and I will forever treasure that special time we spent together. But that does not alter what you are and what you do. Knowledge is power. If you gave me this knowledge and expected me not to use it then you are a fool.

    • #21219
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      Hope you had a great time, @blondiecamps.

      As for @samson, I’ve never heard of him being warm towards anyone. He’s always struck me as cold and calculated. Interesting…

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
    • #21246
      Profile photo of Chelsea

      Whoa wait. Samson was kind to you?! That is something I have never heard said ever. That’s fascinating.

  • #21221
    Profile photo of Crystal

    @samson was quite kind to me last night as well, and he has a lovely singing voice.

    Should I mention that he showed me where the OOA building is?

  • #21241
    Profile photo of Lawrence

    You know, after two visits, I have not met Samson. Or a “doctor”. Or “The Sentinel”….

    There is a reason for this. I’M SURE OF IT.

    • #21244
      Profile photo of Crystal

      My partner had met Sentinel during our first visit and Samson during his second, though neither of us have encountered a doctor. I’m glad that I was at least able to meet Samson on our third visit, though.

    • #21251
      Profile photo of Winston Smith
      Winston Smith

      I encountered Dr. Applebee on both my first and second visits, is he the doctor in question?

    • #21253
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      No, that would be “Professor” Applebee. Didn’t strike me as having a doctorate.

  • #21252
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Honest question, @shinobi

    Why have you vowed vengeance against Overseer? What will that accomplish?
    If what happened to you was so horrible as for you to go Charles Bronson on the OOA, why is your hate not directed at the OSDM? They are the ones who are clearly pulling the strings.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
    • #21255
      Profile photo of Crystal

      @shinobi – After seeing what @masterlock was put through last night for @samson‘s (and assuming @aporetic‘s and my own) amusement, let me assure you. Overseer is not your target. Addison is still in there, and she needs your help.

      Target the OSDM.

    • #21256
      Profile photo of Dan

      The puppetmasters certainly are to blame. They are certainly painted with a bullseye. Perhaps my rage blinds me, but Overseer seemed to take great joy in forcing me to watch her die.

    • #21258
      Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
      Andrew Kasch

      If my time with the OOA has taught me anything, it’s that nothing is what it seems on the surface.
      My advice for you is to let go of your rage and open your mind. Don’t let your hate blind you because the OOA and the people within its walls go deeper than you realize. I’ve seen where the path of vengeance leads and it’s nowhere good.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Andrew Kasch Andrew Kasch.
    • #21260
      Profile photo of Dan

      Thank you for the advice, @kasch.

    • #21262
      Profile photo of Winston Smith
      Winston Smith

      On our first trip through the experience, it felt like Overseer was the one pulling the strings in the OOA. Now, it seems clear to me that Samson, and the OSDM are really pulling the strings behind the scenes. Overseer is, herself, a puppet of the OSDM, and I think the helmet is the means by which they gain control over her, through manipulation of her thoughts, memories, and beliefs. OOA is just one of OSDM’s many(?) “projects”. I think we should ask ourselves, what else is OSDM entangled in, and what are they trying to achieve with the OOA?

      If you accept that Samson is not actually a true believer, then that seems to imply that the newly ascended Oracle is a fraud. Is the Oracle just another string to control the OOA through? After all, what is the purpose of the Oracle, but to receive instruction from Anoch on high. It’s easy to control a cult when the word of God comes from a mouth of your choosing. I want to meet this “Oracle”. I’m reasonably certain now that this “Oracle” isn’t actually an Oracle. What I’d like to know, is does the Oracle themselves know that they’re a fraud, or are they being manipulated, and controlled by OSDM/Samson the same way Addison is?

      Samson is clearly running a very large show. He implies that he has the power to influence national elections, and he has the power to issue instructions to “Clint” in the Midwest, or wherever he was. That suggests that Samson is not just a regional player, he’s not just running the LA branch, as it were. Is he running the whole show? Is Samson really the man at the top, or is there someone above him? If Samson is the man at the top, then the Oracle is definitely a fraud. If Samson is not in charge of the OSDM, then someone else is, and the question becomes…Who are they, and do Samson, and this hypothetical figure have the same goal, or is Samson working to undermine the OSDM from inside it? Cui bono?

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of Winston Smith Winston Smith.
    • #21266

      @shinobi: We have known for months that The OOA is said to have a helmet that changes the brain of those made to wear it. Memories are wiped clean, beliefs are altered, actions are suggested. Do you think there is a reasonable chance @masterlock has been brainwashed via helmet or other method? If so, does she still remain responsible for the actions you deem to be evil? If she is not responsible, who is? Maybe the one who ordered the brainwashing? Perhaps @samson?

      Oh and by the way @samson, if you are toying with human lives for your own twisted pleasure or personal gain… I have a message for you. Pardon my lack of eloquence, but here it is: FUCK. YOU.

    • #21267
      Profile photo of Dan

      @electrichippo As Bruce Lee and Blondie pointed out, anger blinds. The look in Addison’s eyes during the moment in question fed a rage I hadn’t felt in a very long time. I’ve had some time to clear my head. I’m well aware of the helmet. I remember moments of kindness and vulnerability prior to what happened. Moments of memory loss as well. The perpetrator is clear. Thank you for bearing with me as I processed everything.

      And I echo your final statement.

  • #21268

    You’re welcome @shinobi. I don’t believe violence and rage are your true nature. I’m glad to see you’ve come back to yourself. My opinion is blind rage does nothing to honor those we’ve lost. We might have a chance to take down whatever evil is lurking in and around The OOA if we calculate our moves and stand together. @masterlock once told us that together we are One. She was joyous that day. She believed in all of us, not just apostles or rebels. All of us.

    And then there is this other matter always lurking in the back of my mind. The constant breaking, un-breaking, re-breaking of the fourth wall. It sure complicated matters. We’ve been told since early days: “This is not what you think it is… We are not who you think we are.” I believe this wholeheartedly.

    • #21269
      Profile photo of Lawrence

      I’m not trying to be coy, but somewhat veiled, as I know we are being watched.

      Why is it that, amidst all the theories and observations, nobody seems to have asked or researched the two most obvious questions
      staring everyone right in the face?

      The answer to these two questions is, I believe, the key to everything.

      If you know what I’m talking about, PM me.

    • #21271
      Profile photo of _Michael Gray
      _Michael Gray

      Oh man, another one of those I have it all figured out and know everything kinda people. Larry, I very much doubt you have this whole thing figured out with your two questions. If you know anything about Tension, you would know that for as many answers we get, 100 questions come and take it’s place. Plus, you don’t have to be coy and secretive. If you have something you want to share, just post about it. Don’t hide things from the community, openly share your thoughts and discuss with the community rather than being in the dark and mysterious. Or don’t… lol.

    • #21273
      Profile photo of Lawrence

      You’ve now convinced me that I know….nothing.

      Or maybe…everything.

      I’m going to crawl in a corner now. I feel like Charlie Brown on Halloween.

    • #21282
      Profile photo of Bryan

      @electrichippo: With all of the early warnings, Round 2 revelations, and other recent developments , I’ve come around to the idea that there’s never been a fourth wall at all. There’s simply been a series of different curtains hung up to obscure the real truth, and it seems the final curtain may be getting ready to fall.

      With the phone call @blacklotustriad received the other night, I think that the people we’ve come to know as “The Creators” may be in serious danger as a result.

    • #21286
      Profile photo of Blondie

      @shinobi I am glad that the red mist has cleared… I too felt a rage unlike anything I have ever known, but I left it behind within the walls of the OOA. As soon as I left, I began to face my grief so that I can move forward… It is what he would have wanted, just as I am sure it is what Sadie would want for you.
      @electrichippo I feel like I understand you and your choices so much better now that I have met the Overseer for myself. We may all be coming at this from slightly different positions, putting different labels on ourselves, but I feel we want the same thing. And we are definitely stronger together.

  • #21272
    Profile photo of prufrock5150

    Have you ever been forced to eat the eyeball of a fish?

    Surely, this would constitute some form of cruel and quite unusual punishment, culinary merits aside. Allow for a moment this allegory, and bear (or cat) with it:

    There once was a woman whose cruise ship capsized, and she barely escaped with her life by fleeing upon a raft. Alone and adrift, she slowly endured the experience of facing a most lackadaisical demise through the unceremonious method of starvation. Having used up all her rations, she was left to survive by the few fish she could capture. She began by eating the flesh, and tossing aside the offal, bone, and head into the crevices of her floating home.

    Soon, however, she found that this was not enough to sate her. She began to find the flesh unsatisfying, even distasteful at times. An odd urge came over her, as she found herself drawn toward the storehouse of her most recent catch, and she gave into the inexplicable compulsion to pluck out the eyeball of her gilled quarry and pop in into her mouth.

    It was delicious.

    When they found her, she was not who she began as when she set out upon her cruise. But after time, and perhaps some therapeutic conversation with friends, family, and one would only imagine a licensed professional, she came back into the world, forever changed, and had only one question unanswered: why, of all that she had done to sustain her threatened survival, had she turned toward the consumption of the eyeballs?

    It would be a doctor who gave her the solution to this puzzle: there are certain nutrients and unsaturated fatty acids in the eyeballs of fish that cannot be found throughout its body. Stripped of acculturation by custom and social convention, she was reduced to the feral state of instinct – some part of her just *knew* that this gelatinous orb held the key to her survival, and her sense of taste adjusted itself to meet the needs of this deeply encoded urge. She overcame herself, and because of it, she was allowed to continue her experience.

    Now, you may wonder at the applicability of this bizarre tale to our situation here, as the logical thread of comparison tends toward the burden of blame: who, indeed, forced her into that situation?

    She bought the ticket. She went on the cruise. She chose the unsavory fate which befell her.

    What we cannot presently answer is whether or not it is the same part of her which developed a penchant for eating fish eyeballs that led her to buy the ticket.

    Surely, though, we can all agree that there is no place for revenge in this story.

    • #21274
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J

      I am going to bite you.

    • #21279
      Profile photo of ReidV


  • #21280
    Profile photo of

    Wait, did I miss something?

  • #21283
    Profile photo of Sadako

    With all due respect @shinobi, you weren’t there to witness Trin’s Ascension. I don’t care who our new Oracle might have been in her previous life. That is gone. Now she is simply our Oracle with greater purpose than she ever had in her old life.

    I watched her senses be removed one by one. I saw her still breathing once the ceremony was over. The rapture in @masterlock‘s eyes is a sight I will never be able to forget. She asked me to stand beside her and I am 100% committed to her and Anoch.

    If you want to take down @samson, whatever the reason, I’m with you. He has no faith. He simply desires power. He is the rot that has been eating the OOA from within and we will eventually have to deal with him.

    But the moment you start threatening @masterlock or speaking ill of the Oracles who empower her, I can’t sit still.

    Please choose your next actions carefully. You are not our enemy.

    • #21287
      Profile photo of Dan

      My quest is for answers at this point. Surely, Samson appears to be a sort of parallel to a David Miscavige type. I agree that he simply desires power and is the one that must be brought down. But let’s look at it from that perspective. A cult can only remain profitable so long as the illusion is maintained.

      If we’re talking about the same Trin that I spent some time with during my second visit, then forgive me, but I believe that a well known plant truly ascended about as much as I believe that I’m a billion year old thetan and LRH will someday return to us.

      In a cult, the grandest illusions are reserved for the most loyal followers. This is probably why my night ended in tragedy rather than enlightenment.

    • #21288
      Profile photo of Crystal

      @shinobi Depending on who might be above Samson on the org chart, I lean towards likening Samson to more of a Marty Rathbun type, really. The enforcer, the right hand man. The guy that *really* likes wielding his power, although he’s not a believer or exactly the true HBIC. Of course, that’s not much different than being a DM-type, either. I wonder who Samson fed pinks and greys to get his position…

    • #21289
      Profile photo of Dan

      Spot on, @blacklotustriad. I was going to compare him to Marty but wasn’t sure others would get the reference. The real COB may be lurking in the shadows.

  • #21290
    Profile photo of Crystal

    @shinobi Sadly, @aporetic and I will always have your back when it comes to Scilon references. 😀

    While we’re at it, OSDM is clearly OSA amirite?

    • #21291
      Profile photo of Dan

      OSA without a doubt!

  • #21292
    Profile photo of Mouse

    I think you are on to something @shinobi. Not sure if its Samson or another character that is running the show but I am fairly sure that the whole institute is run by one “evil” person with everyone else being apparatchik’s in the criminal enterprise. I think the institute has some kind of secret or dirt on Addison @masterlock that compels her to obey and recruit initiates. She was so vulnerable, lacking in self confidence and hoping to please so much that she was easily recruited in the OOA herself. She probably realizes she’s being manipulated but cannot figure a way out. Extinguishing the evil one violently may be her only way out. She may even have to sacrifice herself for the many.

  • #21293
    Profile photo of Andrew Kasch
    Andrew Kasch

    Samson is definitely in control over everyone within the OOA’s walls – especially Overseer.
    But I have a feeling even he answers to someone.

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