Venice Beach Feed the Homeless Event

Tension brand Forums IN PERSON EVENT DISCUSSIONS Venice Beach Feed the Homeless Event

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of prufrock5150 prufrock5150 8 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #15963
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    Yo Sisters and Brothers!

    I know it’s super short notice but there will be a handful of Apostles attending the PLUR’s (Peace Love Unity Respect) Feed the Homeless Event at Venice Beach this Saturday. @sovereignskies, @prufrock5150, @nosnevets and little ol’ me will be there. If you have any food bank donations, clothes or even feminine hygiene products you wanna donate shoot me a PM and we’ll see if we can’t arrange a pick up if you can’t make it. I’m currently sweating my proverbial balls off in my car so I’ll post the event deets a little later.

    Sweaty hugs to all!

  • #15967
    Profile photo of Rusty

    Hey, @monkeymuffin333 Hope you guys have a great day, but I am unable to join in this weekend. Best of luck to all of you with the event!

  • #15969
    Profile photo of AH-lay

    Is there any way I can help if out of state?

    • #15974
      Profile photo of Susie J
      Susie J


      I checked out the PLUR Foundation FB page and it’s a public group that seems to be local to Southern California. But there are people in need everywhere. I’m sure it would be easy to find a group of like minded folks in your area that are doing something or would be equally interested in organizing a similar event. Even gathering old purses or bags you don’t want anymore and stocking them with first aid supplies, snacks and a couple of bottles of water then keeping them handy to hand out is something, ya know? ^__^

  • #15972
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    Hey guys. Our 1st Feed The Homeless + Beach Hangout Event is fast approaching. Next Saturday, July 23rd, at Venice Beach!
    Here are the items we will need.

    Lunch meat
    Fruit (apples, oranges, bananas,etc)
    Various snacks
    Latex gloves
    Brown paper bags
    Sandwich baggies and ziplocs
    Tables to prepare the lunches on
    Water bottles

    Hygiene items to give out to the homeless:
    Wet wipes
    Feminine hygiene products
    Hand sanitizer
    Any clothes you would like to donate

    Beach items for hanging out. Remember to bring a jacket if you’re going to stay into the evening and if you have any pieces of kandi to donate, please bring them. We’ll be collecting kandi to give to the kids at Children Hospital at a later date.

    (Event details:

  • #15977
    Profile photo of Cody

    Cool. Thats quite the list there @monkeymuffin33.
    You can count us in for a few loaves of bread and sandwich meat.
    we have a surplus of watter we purchaced as well for our trip and this is a good way to ensure that they do not go to waste. We will grab some fruit as well.
    We will be sure to bring some candy also.
    I dont think I will be able to stay at the booth all day however as I am certain my little ones will get impatient after a time and will want to go play and swim.
    Sounds fun though and definitely the type of thing this world needs more of.
    looking forward to it for sure!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Cody Cody.
  • #15982
    Profile photo of Cody

    I just checked out what kandi is. lmao.

    it appears I missed a 3 on your tag @monkeymuffin333.
    Don’t forget copious amounts of sunscreen for @prufrock5150. haha.

  • #15983
    Profile photo of Susie J
    Susie J

    @sovereignskies Sunscreen: check. I had to look up kandi too. I think it’ll be pretty casual and plenty of opportunity to check out the boardwalk and the water. I like the Freakshow myself. 😁

    Looking forward to seeing you and your family! *hugs*

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