Visiting CA

Tension brand Forums OFF TOPIC Visiting CA

This topic contains 10 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Ezi Ezi 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #13905
    Profile photo of Ezi

    So, I am most probably going to be going to California/LA in August. Am planning to come down for the Scare LA weekend and maybe a few days more. If I get a Tension panel ticket I’m definitely coming, if not, I’ll probably still come.

    I would love to meet up with some of you guys, maybe have a mixer or do something together while I’m there (any suggestions on fun things to do?)

    This will be my last trip before leaving the US and I want to make the most of it!

    I also wanted to ask if there was anyone living in that area that would be willing to let a stranger (a.k.a me!) into their home for a few days to stay. I am a conscientious house guest and would only require a blanket and mattress/couch/soft carpet (pillow and teddy bear will be provided by me). If not I’ll be booking into an airbnb, but with the money I could save I could do a few more things while in the area.

    Really want to meet everyone I’m getting to know from behind the screen and want to take my Mickey on a last visit to his home at Disney before he has to leave with me.

  • #13907
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    I will be at scare LA, hopefully we can meet up. There are a bunch of awesome looking shows and haunts at scare LA besides the tension panel. So it looks to be a pretty busy weekend!

    Last year a bunch of us went out to eat on Saturday after the convention. I don’t have any firm plans yet, but maybe everyone who is going could do something like that again

  • #13908
    Profile photo of Ezi

    That would be awesome! There is also a murder mystery dinner thing that I spotted on the net that I was thinking of doing the Saturday or Sunday after ScareLA. Has anyone been to that, is it any good?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of Ezi Ezi.
    • #13911
      Profile photo of Melissa

      Actually I did dinner detective in LB a few years ago. It’s fun with a group of people but the food was mediocre. I’m also going to ScareLA regardless of getting picked in the lotto so hopefully I’ll spot you.

    • #13912
      Profile photo of Ezi

      Thanks! Good to know!

  • #14114
    Profile photo of Ezi

    My flight is booked! I will officially be in the LA area from the 3rd to the 9th of August. Hopefully I’ll get to meet some of you guys!

  • #14142
    Profile photo of Ezi

    Hey again tension people. I am going to be doing a few things while in LA, but I have some times that I don’t have any specific things planned if anyone wants to hang out or have ideas for cool things to do in the area.

    I’ll be open Wednesday evening the 3rd, and Saturday & Sunday evenings (6th & 7th).

    I am also open the whole Monday (8th) during the day, maybe exploring the city, doing an escape room that evening. If Tension wanted to add some fun to the Monday (or some other time) it would be a much treasured addition to my vacation.

    @endlesspictures suggested maybe everyone going out for dinner after ScareLA on Saturday?

    I also don’t want to spam the forums with my off topic requests, so I’ll put it out there a last time, if anyone has a place for me to stay while I’m there it would be a great help! :-) If I don’t hear anything I’ll book a place on Friday.

    Even if nothing formal happens, looking forward to seeing some of you at ScareLA!

  • #14145
    Profile photo of Melissa

    I agree with @endlesspictures, let’s do some dinner with you after ScareLA! We should go somewhere fun but not loud AF so we can actually talk! Jake–maybe DogHaus off Green St in Pasadena?

    • #14148
      Profile photo of Ezi

      @mkarrett that sounds like a great idea, I sometimes struggle to hear in too noisy environments and I’m sure there’ll be lots to talk about!

  • #14186
    Profile photo of Rusty

    I would definitely be interested! @lenize we have met, of course, but, wow… we were both a bit stressed out that night weren’t we? Haha! Extreme haunts can do that. Very glad you are heading to ScarLA!

  • #14191
    Profile photo of Ezi

    I’m excited to be coming to LA in general! So much I want to do while there including everything at ScareLA!

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