Youtube Video 7/14/16

This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #15392
    Profile photo of Jake O
    Jake O

    Here are some images i found particularly interesting. Didn’t grab every frame.
    Of interest, a message to BOS or from BOS. Lots of helmets. Masked, hooded figures including one that appears to sprout devil horns.

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    • This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.
  • #15411
    Profile photo of Mike

    The message to/from BoS is an interesting and exciting one.

    “This war is just beginning”

    I feel like we’ll be seeing more of Four/Addy and the III faction. Get the popcorn!

  • #15414
    Profile photo of Blondie

    Yeah, I picked that up too!

    All the messages I found:

    There is no conspiracy
    You are still the lie
    Business plan: Baptise Prophesize Monetise
    Paranoia has a uniform
    We are your worst reflection
    We do not cater to the weak
    Nothing above Anoch, he is all, and everything
    It isn’t propaganda if you believe it
    We are not who you think we are
    Who are you? Why are you here?
    BOS – this war is just beginning

    There may be more. I’m too tired to do a frame-by-frame…

  • #15423
    Profile photo of Rusty

    Personally, the two most intriguing things are the…
    BOS – this war is just beginning
    Paranoia has a uniform

    We’ve certainly had the hints of war recently… but, Paranoia has a Uniform? Military uniform, I wonder? The image does not seem to “feel” military to me, but obviously it is not a clear image of it. But war and uniform may be linked.

  • #15427
    Profile photo of Blondie

    The picture next to “paranoia has a uniform” is of a person in a jumpsuit/overalls/boilersuit/whatever you want to call it. I think those taking part in the events may be given one to wear and then maybe robes if you reach Ascension?

    The business plan made me snigger…

    • #15441
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      that’s what I was thinking. Maybe once we are processed at the event, we will be given this outfit to wear

  • #15431
    Profile photo of

    Jake posted probably the most interesting screenshots from this but I’m a terrible completist and had done this for other videos, so did it for this one – in case it’s helpful for anyone.

    Tension 07.15.2016

  • #15473
    Profile photo of Freedom's Flame
    Freedom’s Flame

    Personally, I feel that the most important message here is “Nothing is above Anoch, he is all, he is everything.” This appears to be a direct response to III’s betrayal. Perhaps the OOA still feels that III isn’t beyond redemption- after all, we still don’t know what it is the “fake pill” as III put it, does. Perhaps it isn’t lethal, but rather a means of bringing III back into the flock, if you will.

    • #15474
      Profile photo of

      You know, they fake pill could of been a slow acting poison, so III could still die.

    • #15475
      Profile photo of Freedom's Flame
      Freedom’s Flame

      Four’s fake pill was the one that he didn’t take, at least that’s how I interpreted it when he asked @electrichippo to show the camera 4’s fake pill.

    • #15476

      I believe III misspoke in calling it 4’s fake pill. Per the timeline, the fake pill was the one that Kim put in the drink which prompted his fake choking. The real pill was the one shown at the end, now in III’s possession

    • #15477
      Profile photo of Freedom's Flame
      Freedom’s Flame

      Fair enough, looks like they fixed his phrasing on the official record. I’m probably just over-analyzing.

    • #15482
      Profile photo of Jake O
      Jake O

      You are correct though, that we don’t know what the pill does. We know it would end III, or whichever gatekeeper ingests it, and we presume that to mean kill him in some way. But we’ve also theorized it could just mean remove him from his human body.

      There is a good discussion of the pill in the thread discussing the periscope video where it got created by Addison

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Profile photo of Jake O Jake O.

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