
  • Blondie posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago

    The path to enlightenment definitely does not lead to, from, or anywhere near, Llanelli…

    • My personal thoughts are that it requires a bit of patience. Keep doing stuff and sooner or later, something’ll happen. Also, it’ll probably go down when you least think it will.

    • What he said. This is 5 months into The Tension Experience, lots of pieces are moving on the board, and tickets go on sale soon..

    • Oh no! That’s not what I meant. I’m thoroughly enjoying my experience so far. I know I’m far away, but I still feel involved in the community and it is awesome. I have faith that my _path will become clear, as long as I help others as much as I can. But you guys are so sweet and supportive so thank you :-)

      I just visited a friend in a place called Llanelli last night and it was the most depressing place I think I’ve ever visited. It rains ALL THE TIME. If you ever visit the UK, and more specifically Wales, DO NOT go there… Instead, come to Cardiff and say hi to me!

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