active 7 years, 11 months ago-
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago
@thecreator: Now that Ascension has ended, is there any chance you could post the Addison hosted Processing Room video to FB? Between Simon’s yelling and being turned into a mini bench, I never did hear it in it’s entirety. Please, please, please. 😍😍😍
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
Clint, I swear to Dog if you are pulling a Mr. Ohio Part II on us I will send @thegilded to your house to leave a present on your lawn. 😘 ❤️ 😂
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
“I” am the “right hand” of “Overseer.” “She” is/was “Addison Barrow” but is truly Sabrina Kern. “The BOS” along with “Sentinel” are/were “rebels.” I could go on and on. Point being: Quotation marks. I think this sums up a fair portion of the current state of affairs but am prepared for it to change 20 more times before next Thursday. Well…[Read more]
I wonder if she feels outed or respected now.
@jkomouse: I care for @masterlock (in whatever iteration she presents herself) same as if she were family. I love her like a sister or a daughter. Disrespect is never my intention. I believe that deep down she will always know this.
I really want to “rescue her” but I am not sure if she is evilhttp://thetensionexperience.com/members/masterlock/
You suggest @masterlock might be “evil.” Interesting.
I think so – She is the inflection point of the whole experience. If @mastrlock is evil it explains everything. She is the cult of personality around the OOA
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
❤️❤️❤️❤️ Happy Birthday @rizzzoooooo!!! ILY mucho. You are the coolest and chillest little bro an only child like me could have ever dreamed up. Thank you @thecreator(s) of Tension for bringing this extra tall sweetheart into my life. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
If I had a dollar for every time someone mentioned me on these forums I’d be able to buy one pumpkin spiced latte a day for the foreseeable future.
And Uggs in every color!
@mike: Amen and… Glory Be! 😉
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
I’ve spoken to Overseer. She remains strong and vigilant, but I will admit when she says goodbye to me her voice changes into something sweeter and gentler. She is, hmmm, complex. I have also spoken to another who has warned me that a deeper darkness is on the horizon.
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
http://thetensionexperience.com/arfarf/ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
I see I’m tagged all over the place, but I seem to have a developed a nasty headache. I will take a closer look tomorrow…
My silence, can be attributed to many things. Primarily, it is due to the way I process information and experiences. I’m sure those of you who have had the ability to go through Ascension can attest, you leave there with a lot to mentally and emotionally unpack. That’s what I’ve been doing. I don’t take lightly how what happened to me in there,…[Read more]
Kim, you are one of the strongest people I know, but I appreciate whatever happened will have affected you deeply. Take your time. The reactions you see on here come from places of shock, jealousy, fear and a desire to understand. But it is your _path, no-one else’s. You do you. Your friends will always be here to support you, regardless of faction <3
Thank you for such kind words and understanding, Vicki <3 @blondiecamps
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
I’ve just returned from a very productive evening with my Overseer. Yes, MY, Overseer. As her “right hand” I will now be standing by her side as her supporter, collaborator, and protector. I understand there will be questions, but it is late and I am sleepy… Good night, and Glory Be.
There are questions, indeed! In the meantime: congratulations, @electrichippo. I look forward to learning more.
Well isn’t this a 180 degree turn…
I trust you know what you’re doing. Good luck and… congratulations.
Oh my.
I think Hell just froze over.
It did, Andrew.
It did freeze over.
@electrichippo, what are you doing? You were Sentinel’s right hand for months. You were his first supporter and his most trusted confidant.
Even if The Overseer herself allowed this, why should anyone who stands alongside the path of Anoch and the Oracles trust you after everything you’ve done since all…[Read more]
If I get the chance, I am asking Addison about this tonight.
Please do, Andrew. We need clarity on this issue. And since the Overseer doesn’t seem to be on the forums, we’re going to have to find another way to obtain this information.
@mumumusings you say after everything she’s done like she’s done something wrong. She never hurt anyone, and she just wanted to look out for Addison. If I was the Overseer I’d be happy to have @electrichippo on my side. She’s been truthful, fair and open. What more could you want from someone standing by your side?
For me personally, it’s the matter of her having stood with Sentinel and the BOS, who have wanted only one thing: to tear the OOA apart. After spending so much time standing alongside the BOS, I can’t just take this at face-value. I can’t help and be suspicious of this.
She was the first to denounce the OOA. She was the most steadfast against…[Read more]
She’s never given me a reason to doubt her reasons. She didn’t pick a side and plan to tear down the OOA, she knew she had friends there. I wholeheartedly accept her new position because I trust her. She’s never given me a reason not to, even when she stood with Sentinel. Her choices need no explanation for me. ❤️
I was a witness to this and quite surprised. I was also asked to join, but declined. Upon my second visit, I’ve decided that their methods are unsound. I’m not sure why they let me leave. Maybe the quiet dissent in the ranks protected me.
Kim. What the fuck. I don’t know what you were told or what you think you saw, but remember. OOA are manipulative, predatory, bad people.
I consider myself to be none of those things and I stand with the OOA.
@addisonborn: Haven’t we always known there was good left within the walls of The OOA? I don’t think either of us could ever deny that people like @mumumusings have always had pure and honest intentions. Oftentimes things are not black and white. I would appeal to you to please try looking at all those vast gray areas before you jump to a…[Read more]
When I looked into the eyes of the Overseer that night, I didn’t see someone who had been manipulated. I saw someone who has reached a level of certainty and enlightenment people have killed for. I believe in her and what she can teach us all. Glory be @electrichippo!
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago
New perspective.
Oh my…
Glory Be, @shinobi.
Ooh damn… are you — are you alright, @electrichippo?
Glory effing Be Kim? WTF…
wtf did you just say @electrichippo?!
….Did they force the helmet on you? Do you need help? O.O!
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago
In less than 2 weeks I will return to Ascension. This time I’ll be bringing a guest. He’s watched me do the most peculiar things since earlier this year, but really he has no idea…
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago
Four “cowards” in one Ascension time slot tonight. Woah. What happened?!
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago
Just today I’ve added many, many photos related to my time thus far with #thetensionexperience (instagram: kimberlyehz) Take a peek. I promise it is not BOScentric. (For those I’ve photo spammed, please forgive me!)
The irony is, The Tension Experience has forced me to step out of the shadows and become one with social media. Thanks?!
I feel like that’s a point we all have noticed since the first hood mirror event where they were like you depend on your phone too much but you should always have your phone on you for this. 😉 I don’t mind. I’m already obsessive with social media. Although to be honest I stopped using Periscope shortly after Tension started because some young…[Read more]
puppetgirl: ❤️
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Feeling a bit beat up today, but to be fair, i asked for it and then I asked for more. Friendly tip: If you can’t handle being roughed up, don’t piss off that Cockney accented Englishman (or really anyone else for that matter) 😉 Thank you for the rope burn, Ascension. <3
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
I’m still processing all the insane, bizarre, and exciting things that happened tonight, but one thing I do know is I fully intend on buying another ticket. It was lovely to meet you Clint, DLB and all the crew that took a moment to come to us with warm smiles and hugs. Thank you for the Tension. <3
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Thank you Actress Addy. Good luck <3
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
I received a voice mail from a woman with The OOA. She warned me that missed calls are highly frowned upon by Anoch and that perhaps I should be more attentive to my phone if I ‘d like to ascend. I better follow instructions. Wouldn’t want to anger the OOA.
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Invited back onto the “Aleister Gordon” FB friends list. I feel so special and welcomed back into the warm nurturing arms of the OOA. As warm and nurtured as I’m sure Aleister himself felt before he went missing… Oh wait… #BOSloyal
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
ScareLA BOS video… Not forgotten.
Kimberly @ElectricHippo posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
“What little fire that was left… It was hoarded and used as a weapon to control and manipulate, to cause fear and terror.”
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