Neil King posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
@coryphella, @kasch, @thebuz, @monkeymuffin333, @kingkill33, @mike, @reaton, @daela, and anyone else in the local area. Do you guys still want to have a meet up tomorrow to welcome Megan into Los Angeles?
Light•2•Dark posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
Their message must only be seen by those with resolve.
Those on the _ path to the Light whose efforts are marked.
Careful •measure• and •timing• built the bridge between.
The clock will wind to mark the time to cross. ˇ%light2dark
I would love to @nking but unfortunately I am away for work in Utah. I hope you all have fun though!!
I have a few Fringe shows tomorrow, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get out there :/
Hola @nking, so I’m meeting up with Megan at SM Beach from 8-1030p. We’re just going to hang, eat stuff, etc. Feel free to come, anybody for that matter.
8 tomorrow, right? I’ll be there!
Indeed! Santa Monica Beach is kinda large and in charge so for meet point sake, meet me at Tower 15. For out of towners, this is Tower 15:
Yeah the beach thing at night does not work for me as I have plans for the evening. As for breakfast – that is a possibility. Anyone else down for breakfast?
Hey, I am mainly offline this weekend. I am in same position as Mike – tickets for several events in a row. And if a breakfast meeting happens, please let me know. I will have to play it by ear. Wish I could be more specific, it’s an insane weekend!
I will try my damndest to be wherever you guys want. Can someone hit me up on Facebook messenger once the group consensus has been reached.
And I hope you’ll share your recent finding with us, Megan. 😉