Ezi posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Between work and Tension I’m feeling a bit down right now.
Keep your head up miss. Whatever’s happening, you’ll get through this.
Sorry to hear, I hope it gets better soon
I’m sure it’ll be better once my shift is done in half an hour and I stop getting beat up on!
How are you today?
I’m a lot better, thanks! A hot shower and a good nights sleep can do wonders!
Agreed. That’s awesome.
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Keep your head up miss. Whatever’s happening, you’ll get through this.
Sorry to hear, I hope it gets better soon
I’m sure it’ll be better once my shift is done in half an hour and I stop getting beat up on!
How are you today?
I’m a lot better, thanks! A hot shower and a good nights sleep can do wonders!
Agreed. That’s awesome.