
  • MColyard posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago

    @jeffheimbuch thanks for the open dialogue. I found out about this on reddit. It was dense as FUCK. Seriously. It’s overwhelming but I spent time, and read everything. Or at least everything I could find. So far it all clicks. They might set something up in May, and then pay it off in July. That is why I like this. Shit is out of control and it forces you to pay attention. Sure, a lot of people want to be spoon fed. This girl doesn’t. I want to figure shit out. Tension has been like a living novel, you are harping on the fact that you are lost because you are skimming the chapters. So I got to disagree with you.

    • I appreciate the comment! You also have to remember that, at the end of the day, they are a business. I got an email saying that they want to run their event for 6 months. However, people coming in cold to events do not want to spend 2 days reading the backstory in order to enjoy an event they are paying $125 for, you know what I mean?
      I do appreciate the time and effort they put into creating this thing, but at the same token, it is not being catered toward a small sect of people. While it is thrilling for them, and that is awesome, people on the outside looking on don’t usually want to have to go back and read it all in order to enjoy it.
      On the other hand, I am all for this kind of thing. ALONE has been doing it for years. They have a massively involved back story, however, just because you are not up to date on it doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy the things they currently do. So, it’s a double edged sword and I do see where you are coming from.

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