
  • Susie J posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago

    Take one night to go eat fancy food and look at mummies and my Brothers and Sisters implode. I am saddened to see any of us feeling slighted or bad. If my thoughtless blundering added to it, I am sincerely sorry. There is a statistical probability that we are all human and being human comes with missteps and mistakes. Our emotional investments here have yielded much that is good and occasional chafing. But we’ve managed to stay amicable and civil and moved on together. Until today. I love you all and there’s not much you can do about it.

    • People love this experience and vigorously pursued a clue that seemed like a crack in the wall. The responses from both sides escalated. Both sides were acting out of love for it, and both should have backed down sooner. Crappy day, but hopefully no genuinely sore feelings remain.

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